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14. Surnamed CYDONIUS, which surname was probably derived from his living at Cydone (Κυδώνη)in Crete (Cantacuz. 4.16, 39), for he was a native either of Thessalonica or of Byzantium. (Volaterran. Comment. Urb. xv.; Allatius, de Consensu, p. 856.)

He flourished during the latter half of the fourteenth century. The emperor Joannes Cantacuzenus was much attached to him, and raised him to high offices at his court. When the emperor began to meditate upon embracing the monastic life, Demetrius joined him in his design, and in A. D. 1355 both entered the same monastery. Afterwards Demetrius for a time left his country, and went to Milan, where he devoted himself to the study of Latin and theology. He died in a monastery of Crete, but was still alive in A. D. 1384, when Manuel Palaeologus succeeded to the throne, for we still possess a letter addressed by Demetrius to the emperor on his accession.


Demetrius is the author of a considerable number of theological and other works, many of which have not yet been published, and he also translated several works from the Latin into Greek. The following are the most important among the works which have appeared in print:


addressed to Nicephorus Gregoras and Philotheus.


They are prefixed to J. Boivin's edition of Nicephorus Gregoras, Paris, 1702, fol.


Monodia, that is, lamentations on those who had fallen at Thessalonica during the disturbances of 1343.


It is printed in Combefisius's edition of Theophanes, Paris, 1586, fol. p. 385, &c.

3. Συμβουλευτικός

Συμβουλευτικός, that is, an oration addressed to the Greeks, in which he gives them his advice as to how the danger which threatened them from the Turks might be averted.


It is printed in Combefisius's Auctar. Nov. ii. p. 1221, &c.


On Callipolis, which Demetrius advised the Greeks not to surrender to sultan Miirat, who made its surrender the condition of peace.


Combefisius, Auctar. Nov. ii. p. 1284, &c.

5. Περι τοῦ καταφρονεῖν τόν Θανατόν


This was first edited by R. Seller, Basel, 1553, and last and best by Kuinoel, Leipzig, 1786, 8vo.

6. An Epistle to Barlaam

On the procession of the Holy Ghost.


This is printed in Canisius, Lect. Antiq. vol. vi. p. 4, &c., ed. Ingolstadt, 1604.

7. A work against Gregorius Palama


This was first edited by P. Arcudius in his Opuscula Aurea Theol. Gr. (Rome, 1630, 4to., and reprinted in 1671), which also contains 8.

8. A work against Max. Planudes.


P. Arcudius in his Opuscula Aurea Theol. Gr. (Rome, 1630, 4to., and reprinted in 1671)

Further Information

Wharton, Append. to Cave's Histor. Lit. vol. i. p. 47, &c.; Cave, vol. i. p. 510, ed. Lond. 1688; Fabric. Bibl. Gr. xi. p. 398, &c.

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