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Albinova'nus, C. Pedo

a friend and contemporary of Ovid, to whom the latter addresses one of his Epistles from Pontus. (4.10.)


He is classed by Quintilian (10.1) among the epic poets.

Poem on Theseus

Ovid speaks of his poem on the exploits of Theseus, and calls him sidereus Pedo, on account of the sublimity of his style. (Ex. Pont. 4.16. 6.)

Epic on Germanicus

He is supposed to have written an epic poem on the exploits of Germanicus, the son of Drusus, of which twenty-three lines are preserved in the Suasoria of Seneca. (lib. i.) This fragment is usually entitled " De Navigatione Germanici per Oceanum Septentrionalem," and describes the voyage of Germanicus through the Amisia (Ems) into the northern ocean, A. D. 16. (Comp. Tac. Ann. 2.23.)


It would seem from Martial (5.5), that Albinovanus was also a writer of epigrams. L. Seneca was acquainted with him, and calls him fabulator elegantissimus. (Ep. 122.)

Elegies attributed to Albinovanus

Three Latin elegies are attributed to Albinovanus, but without any sufficient authority : namely,-- (Wernsdorf, Poetae Latini Minores, iii. pp. 121, &c., 155, &c.)


The fragment of Albinovanus on the voyage of Germanicus, has been published by H. Stephens, Fragm. Poet., p. 416, Pitboeus, Epigram. et poem. vet., p. 239, Burmann, Anth. Lat. ii. ep. 121, Wernsdorf, Poet. Lat. Min. IV. i. p. 229, &c.

All that has been ascribed to Albinovanus was published at Amsterdam, 1703, with the notes of J. Scaliger and others. The last edition is by Meinecke, which contains the text, and a German translation in verse, Quedlinburg, 1819.

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16 AD (1)
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  • Cross-references from this page (2):
    • Tacitus, Annales, 2.23
    • Martial, Epigrammata, 5.5
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