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ἐξελθοῦσα, κ.τ.λ. ‘The Council, after retiring to a secret conference, had us seized and put in the pillory. Then they summoned the Generals before them’ [ἀνακαλ., up to the βουλευτήριον], ‘and ordered them to proclaim that those Athenians who lived in the city should proceed under arms to the market-place, — those at the Long Walls, to the Theseum, — those in the Peiraeus, to the market-place of Hippodamus; that before dawn the Knights should sound the trumpet-call to the Anakeum; that the Senate should go to the Acropolis, and sleep there; and that the Presidents should sleep in the Rotunda’. — τοὺς δ᾽ ἐν μακρῷ τείχει: cp. Thuc. II. 17, τά τε μακρὰ τείχη ᾤκησαν κατανειμάμενοι καὶ τοῦ Πειραιῶς τὰ πολλά. The sing. here denotes the two main long walls (the ‘Northern’ and the ‘Middle’), with the space enclosed by them, conceived as a district.Ἱπποδ. ἀγοράν, the market-place of the Peiraeus. — Ἀνάκειον, temple of the Dioscuri (ἄνακες), N.W. of Acropolis. — θόλῳ, a circular building, with dome, near the Βουλευτήριον in the Agora: the Prytanes and γραμματεῖς dined there, Dem. Fals. Legat. § 249.

ἐπὶ τοῖς ὁρίοις...ἐξεστ.] ‘had taken the field, and were on the frontier’.

ἐδείπνει ‘was entertained’. The privilege of daily σίτησις ἐν Πρυτανείῳ (Ar. Ran. 764) was given either for a limited period or for life (ἀείσιτος): here the imperf. shows that at least more than one day is meant.

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