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But “ὅπως” with the future indicative occurs (a) in simple relative clauses and (b) in dependent interrogative clauses. E. g. (a) A 136, “ἄρσαντες κατὰ θυ_μόν, ὅπως ἀντάξιον ἔσται”, ‘suiting [the gift] to my heart, in whatever way it shall be equivalent.’ (b) I 251, “φράζευ, ὅπως Δαναοῖσιν ἀλεξήσεις κακὸν ἦμαρ”, ‘consider how you shall ward from the Danaans the day of evil.’ A 343 f., see note ad locum. (The construction of Od. 1.57, “θέλγει, ὅπως Ἰθάκης ἐπιλήσεται”, is exceptional, in indicating a real purpose.)

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    • Homer, Odyssey, 1.57
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