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The genitive, besides the constructions of the genitive proper, has the functions of an ablative also; under the ablatival genitive, familiar from Attic Greek, are included the relations of comparison and separation. E. g. A 186, “φέρτερος σέθεν”, ‘mightier than you.’ A 113, “Κλυταιμνήστρης προβέβουλα”, ‘I prefer [her] to Clytaemnestra.’ A 258, “πέρι” [“ἐστὲ”] “Δαναῶν”, ‘are superior to the Danaans.’ A 224, “λῆγε χόλοιο”, ‘ceased from anger.’ A 359, “ἀνέδυ_ πολιῆς ἁλός”, ‘rose from the hoary sea.’ A 401, “ὑπελυ?σαο δεσμῶν”, ‘loosed from under his bonds.’ A 30, “τηλόθι πάτρης”, ‘far from native land.’

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