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A town near the northern frontier of Pisidia, surnamed Sidera ( Σιδηρᾶ, Ptol. 5.5.4; Hierocl. p. 673), probably on account of iron-works in its vicinity. There are some coins of this place with the image of the Asiatic divinity Men, who was worshipped at Antioch, and bearing the inscription Κλαυδισσελευκέων, which might lead to the idea that the place was restored by the emperor Claudius. (Sestini, Mont. Vet. p. 96.) Its site is now occupied by the town of Ejerdir.


A town in Pamphylia between Side and the mouth of the river Eurymedon, at a distance of 80 stadia from Side, and at some distance from the sea. (Stadiasm. Mar. Mag. § 216.)


An important town of Cilicia, in a fertile plain on the western bank of the Calycadnus, a few miles above its mouth, was founded by Seleucus I., surnamed Nicator. A town or towns, however, had previously existed on the spot under the names of Olbia and Hyria, and Seleucus seems to have only extended and united them in one town under the name Seleucia. The inhabitants of the neighbouring Holmi were at the same time transferred to the new town, which was well built, and in a style very different from that of other Cilician and Pamphylian cities. (Steph. B. sub voce Strab. xiv. p.670.) In situation, climate, and the richness of its productions, it rivalled the neighbouring Tarsus, and it was much frequented on account of the annual celebration of the Olympia, and on account of the oracle of Apollo. (Zosim. 1.57; Basil. Vita S. Theclae, i. p. 275, Orat. xxvii. p. 148.) Pliny (5.27) states that it was surnamed Tracheotis; and some ecclesiastical historians, speaking of a council held there, call the town simply Trachea (Sozom. 4.16; Socrat. 2.39; comp. Ptol. 5.8.5; Amm. Marc. 14.25; Oros. 7.12.) The town still exists under the name of Selefkieh, and its ancient remains are scattered over a large extent of ground on the west side of the Calycadnus. The chief remains are those of a theatre, in the front of which there are considerable ruins, with porticoes and other large buildings: farther on are the ruins of a temple, which had been converted into a Christian church, and several large Corinthian columns. Ancient Seleuceia, which appears to have remained a free city ever since the time of Augustus, remained in the same condition even after a great portion of Cilicia was given to Archelaus of Cappadocia, whence both imperial and autonomous coins of the place are found. Seleuceia was the birthplace of several men of eminence, such as the peripatetics Athenaeus and Xenarchus, who flourished in the reign of Augustus, and the sophist Alexander, who taught at Antioch, and was private secretary to the emperor M. Aurelius (Philostr. Vit. Soph. 2.5.) According to some authorities, lastly, the emperor Trajan died at Seleuceia (Eutrop. 8.2, 16; Oros. l.c.), though others state that he died at Selinus.



Seleucia in Caria [TRALLES] [L.S]

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    • Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, 5.27
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