Eth. SAVARI (Eth. Σαύαροι, Ptol. 3.5.22), a people in the N. of European Sarmatia, between the rivers Turuntus and Chesinus. Schafarik (Slav. Altertlh. i. p. 212) identifies them with the Sjewer, a powerful Slavonian race which dwelt on the rivers Desna, Sem, and Sula, and possessed the towns Tschernigow and Ljubetsch, both of which are mentioned by Constantine Porphyrogenitus (de Adm. Imp. 100.9). The name of the Sjewer does not occur in history after the year 1024, though their land and castles are frequently mentioned subsequently in Russian annals. (Ibid. ii. p. 129.)[T.H.D]