A.purse-tassels, Muscari comosum, Ar.Ec.1092, Pl.R. 372c, Arist. Pr.926a6, Thphr.HP7.13.8, Theoc.14.17, Dsc.2.170: freq.in Com, Pl.Com.173.9, etc.; identified with ὕδνον by Sch.Ar.Nu. 188; also of other bulbous plants, β. ἐμετικός, = Narcissus Tazetta, Dsc.4.156; β. ἄγριος, = κολχικόν, ib.4.83; β. ἐριοφόρος, = Scilla hyacinthoides, Thphr.HP7.13.8 (an Indian kind, perh. Euodendron anfractnosum, Phan.Hist.28); β., = νάρκισσος, Ps.-Dsc.4.158; = ἡμεροκαλλές, Id.3.122; βολβοί perh. = eyes on root-stock of κάλαμος, Dsc.1.85.
βολβός , ὁ,