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Then arrayed how does she tell him to come?

Arrayed how? Say it again so that I may catch your meaning better.

With his guards or perhaps unattended?

She tells him to come with his retinue of spearmen.

Well, do not give this message to our loathed master, [770] but with all haste and with a cheerful heart tell him to come himself, alone, so that he may be told without alarm. For in the mouth of a messenger a crooked message is made straight.1

What! Are you gladdened at heart by the present news?

Why not, if Zeus at last may cause our ill wind to change? [775]

But how can that be? Orestes, the hope of our house, is gone.

Not yet; he would be a poor prophet who would so interpret.

What are you saying? Do you know something beyond what has been told?

Go, deliver your message! Do what you are asked to do! The gods take care of what they take care of. [780]

Well, I will go and do your bidding. With the gods' blessing may everything turn out for the best!Exit

1 A proverbial saying, meant for the Nurse, and not for Aegisthus: “In passing through the mouth of its bearer a message may be changed as he pleases.”

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  • Cross-references to this page (1):
    • Raphael Kühner, Bernhard Gerth, Ausführliche Grammatik der griechischen Sprache, KG 3.2.3
  • Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page (1):
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