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He goes into the house.

to himself
You see, the oracles are coming true; [800] I have heard it foretold, that one day the Athenians would dispense justice in their own houses, that each citizen would have himself a little tribunal constructed in his porch similar to the altars of Hecate, and that there would be such before every door.

returning with slaves who are carrying various objects
[805] There, what do you think of that? I have brought you everything needful and much more into the bargain. See, here is a thunder-mug in case you have to pee; I shall hang it up beside you.

Good idea! Right useful at my age. [810] You have found the true alleviation of bladder troubles.

Here is a fire, and near to it are lentils, should you want to have a bite to eat.

That's admirably arranged. In this way, even when feverish, I shall nevertheless receive my pay; and besides, I could eat my lentils without quitting my seat. [815] But why this cock?

So that, should you doze during some pleading, he may awaken you by crowing up there.

I want only for one thing more; all the rest is as good as can be.

What is that?

If only they could bring me an image of the hero Lycus.

[820] Here it is! Why, you might think it was the god himself!

Oh! hero, my master, how repulsive you are to look at!

He looks just like Cleonymus.

That is why, hero though he be, he has no weapon.

The sooner you take your seat, the sooner I shall call a case.

[825] Call it, for I have been seated ever so long.

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