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When you heard all these tidings at that time in the
assembly from both the speakers themselves and those who supported them; when
furthermore the merchants and shipowners were about to sail out of the Pontus,
and the Byzantines and Calchedonians1 and Cyzicenes were forcing
their ships to put in to their ports because of the scarcity of grain in their
own countries; seeing also that the price of grain was advancing in the
Peiraeus, and that there was not very much to be bought, you voted that the
trierarchs should launch their ships and bring them up to the pier, and that the
members of the senate and the demarchs should make out lists of the demesmen and
reports of available seamen, and that the armament should be despatched at once,
and aid sent to the various regions. And this decree, proposed by Aristophon,
was passed, as follows:“
1 Calchedon, a town across the Bosporus from Byzantium.
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