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I, on my part, thinking it
was becoming to a good citizen who wished to avoid quarrels not to rush headlong
into court, was persuaded (for why should I multiply words?)
to consent that the conference regarding a settlement should take place on the
twenty-third of the month Boedromion, and the declaration regarding the property
on the twenty-fifth.1 Yet, although he had obtained both his requests from me,
Phaenippus did not present himself on either of these days; instead, he now
appears before you as one who has transgressed two laws instead of
one;—first, that which declares that the inventory shall be presented
within three days after that on which one takes the oath, and, secondly, that
which declares that mutual covenants, agreed upon in the presence of witnesses,
shall be binding.
1 Literally the 8th and the 6th of the last group of ten days in the month, which was counted backward.
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