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And now the fierce groanful fight again raged about Patroklos, for Athena came down from heaven and roused its fury by the command of far-seeing Zeus, who had changed his mind [noos] and sent her to encourage the Danaans. As when Zeus bends his bright bow in heaven in token to humankind either of war or of the chill storms that stay men from their labor and plague the flocks - even so,

wrapped in such radiant raiment, did Athena go in among the host and speak man by man to each. First she took the form and voice of Phoenix and spoke to Menelaos son of Atreus, who was standing near her. "Menelaos," said she, "it will be shame and dishonor to you, if dogs tear the noble comrade of Achilles under the walls of Troy. Therefore be staunch, and urge your men to be so also."

Menelaos answered, "Phoenix, my good old friend, may Athena grant me strength and keep the darts from off me, for so shall I stand by Patroklos and defend him; his death has gone to my heart, but Hektor is as a raging fire and deals his blows without ceasing, for Zeus is now granting him a time of triumph."

Athena was pleased at his having named herself before any of the other gods. Therefore she put strength into his knees and shoulders, and made him as bold as a fly, which, though driven off will yet come again and bite if it can, so dearly does it love man's blood- even so bold as this did she make him as he stood over Patroklos and threw his spear. Now there was among the Trojans a man named Podes, son of Eetion, who was both rich and valiant. Hektor held him in the highest honor in the district [dêmos], for he was his comrade and boon companion; the spear of Menelaos struck this man in the belt just as he had turned in flight, and went right through him. Whereon he fell heavily forward, and Menelaos son of Atreus drew off his body from the Trojans into the ranks of his own people.

Apollo then went up to Hektor and spurred him on to fight, in the likeness of Phainops son of Asios who lived in Abydos and was the most favored of all Hektor's guests. In his likeness Apollo said, "Hektor, who of the Achaeans will fear you henceforward now that you have quailed before Menelaos who has ever been rated poorly as a warrior? Yet he has now got a corpse away from the Trojans single-handed, and has slain your own true comrade, a man brave among the foremost, Podes son of Eetion.

A dark cloud of grief [akhos] fell upon Hektor as he heard, and he made his way to the front clad in full armor. Thereon the son of Kronos seized his bright tasseled aegis, and veiled Ida in cloud: he sent forth his lightnings and his thunders, and as he shook his aegis he gave victory to the Trojans and routed the Achaeans.

The panic was begun by Peneleos the Boeotian, for while keeping his face turned ever towards the foe he had been hit with a spear on the upper part of the shoulder; a spear thrown by Polydamas had grazed the top of the bone, for Polydamas had come up to him and struck him from close at hand. Then Hektor in close combat struck Leitos son of noble Alektryon in the hand by the wrist, and disabled him from fighting further. He looked about him in dismay, knowing that never again should he wield spear in battle with the Trojans. While Hektor was in pursuit of Leitos, Idomeneus struck him on the breastplate over his chest near the nipple; but the spear broke in the shaft, and the Trojans cheered aloud. Hektor then aimed at Idomeneus son of Deukalion as he was standing on his chariot, and very narrowly missed him, but the spear hit Koiranos, a follower and charioteer of Meriones who had come with him from Lyktos. Idomeneus had left the ships on foot and would have afforded a great triumph to the Trojans if Koiranos had not driven quickly up to him, he therefore brought life and rescue to Idomeneus, but himself fell by the hand of murderous Hektor. For Hektor hit him on the jaw under the ear; the end of the spear drove out his teeth and cut his tongue in two pieces, so that he fell from his chariot and let the reins fall to the ground. Meriones gathered them up from the ground and took them into his own hands, then he said to Idomeneus, "Lay on, till you get back to the ships, for you must see that the day is no longer ours."

On this Idomeneus lashed the horses to the ships, for fear had taken hold upon him.

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hide References (9 total)
  • Commentary references to this page (3):
    • Walter Leaf, Commentary on the Iliad (1900), 21.394
    • Walter Leaf, Commentary on the Iliad (1900), 2.469
    • Thomas D. Seymour, Commentary on Homer's Iliad, Books I-III, 2.480
  • Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page (4):
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