On the
first day of January,—that first day of hope which
dawned on the republic after my setting and eclipse,—the senate,
in a very full house, amid a crowd gathered together from all Italy, on the motion of a most illustrious
man, Publius Lentulus, with one voice and one consent pronounced my recall.
The same senate recommended me to all foreign nations, and to all our own
magistrates and lieutenants, by its authority and by letters under the hand
of the consuls, not (as you, you Insubrian, have dared to say) an exile from
my country, but (as the senate itself styled me at the very time) a citizen
who had been the saviour of the republic. The senate thought it right to
implore, by the voice and letters of the consul, the assistance of all the
citizens in all Italy, who were
desirous of securing the safety of the republic to assist also in promoting
the safety of me, a single individual. For the sake of the preservation of
my life and rights, the whole of Italy assembled at Rome at one time, as if in obedience to a
signal which had been given.
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