1 The loss of the first two quaternions of V, the only manuscript containing these books (the second, which contained the text from i. 1 to edic. in ix. 10 was lost between 1531 and 1669, see the Preface), has deprived us of the beginning of Book XLI. Comparison with the Periocha shows that a relatively large number of topics was treated in the lost chapters. The details which I add in the translation have been derived from Florus I. xxvi. (II. x.); I have added only enough to give the sentence a possible grammatical construction.
2 B.C. 178
3 For earlier dealings with the Histrians, cf. XXXIX. Iv. 4; XL. xxvi. 3
4 A. Manlius Volso (XL. lix. 4); his appointment to Gaul has not been mentioned, but was probably reported in a lost chapter.
5 There is no record of a declaration of war against the Histrians, except as one may be implied in XL. XXVI. 3. Florus (l.c.) says that they had earlier assisted the Aetolians. Technically Manlius should have consulted the senate before proceeding against them, since their territory lay outside his province: cf. vii. 7 below.
6 His choice in this capacity has not been mentioned before.
7 The Adriatic.
8 Cf. XL. xviii. 8 and the note.
9 B.C. 178
10 Cf. XL. xlii. 8.
11 Gallic auxiliaries of the Romans: cf. v. 9 below.
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