Oh, miserable man that I am! Oh, unhappy
man that I am! Were you, O Milo, able through the instrumentality of these
men to recall me to my country, and cannot I through the agency of the very
same men even retain you in yours? What answer shall I make to my children,
who consider you a second father? What answer shall I make to
you, O my brother Quintus, you who are now absent, you who were my companion
in that cruel time? Shall I reply, that I was unable to preserve the safety
of Milo by the instrumentality of those very men by whose means he had
preserved mine? And what is the cause in which I shall have failed to do so?
One which is sanctioned by all the nations of the earth. From whom must I
say that I failed to procure it? From those very men who of all others have
gained the greatest tranquillity by the death of Publius Clodius. And who
will it be who has entreated in vain? I.
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