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[34] [You have heard, judges, how much it was in Clodius's interest] that Milo should be slain. Now turn your attention to Milo. What advantage could it be to Milo that Clodius should be slain? What reason was there why Milo, I will not say should do such an action, but should even wish for his death? Oh, Clodius was an obstacle to Milo's hope of obtaining the consulship. But he was obtaining it in spite of him. Yes, I might rather say be was obtaining it all the more because Clodius was opposing him, nor in fact was I a more efficient support to him than Clodius was. The recollection, O judges, of the services which Milo had done to me and to the republic had weight with you. My entreaties and my tears with which I perceived at that time that you were greatly moved had weight with you, but still more weight had your own fear of the dangers which were impending. For who of the citizens was there who could turn his eyes to the unrestrained praetorship of Publius Clodius, without feeling the greatest dread of a revolution? and unrestrained you saw that it would be unless you had a consul who had both courage and power to restrain him, and as the whole Roman people saw that Milo alone was that man, who could hesitate by his vote to release himself from fear and the republic from danger?

But now that Clodius is removed, Milo has got to labour by more ordinary practices to preserve his dignity. That preeminent glory which was then attributed to him alone, and which was daily increasing in consequence of his efforts to repress the frenzy of Clodius, has been put an end to by the death of Clodius. You have gained your object of being no longer afraid of any one of the citizens; he has lost that incessant arena for his valour, that which procured him votes for the consulship, that ceaseless and ever-springing fountain of his glory. Therefore, Milo's canvass for the consulship, which could not be hindered from prospering while Clodius was alive, now, the moment that he is dead, is attempted to be checked. So that the death of Clodius is not only no advantage, but is even a positive injury to Milo.

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