Nor did Cnaeus Pompeius, who
delivered a most elaborate opinion and most honourable to me, nor did you, O
priests, who defended me by your decision and authority, fail to see that
that was no law at all, and that it was rather the heat of the times, an
interdict of wickedness, a voice of frenzy. But you were anxious to guard
against any popular odium being excited against you; if we appeared to have
been restored without any decision of the people. And with the same idea the
senate adopted the opinion of Marcus Bibulus, a most fearless man, that you
should decide the question relating to my house: not that he doubted that
nothing had been done by Clodius with due regard either to the laws, or to
the requirements of religion, or to the rights of the citizens; but that, as
wicked men were so numerous, no one should at any time arise and say that
there was anything holy about my house. For as often as the senate has
expressed any opinion at all in my case, so often has it decided that that
was no law at all, since indeed, according to that writing which that fellow
drew up, it was forbidden to express any opinion at all.
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