Do you recollect that on the 21st of October I said in the
senate, that on a certain day, which was to be the 27th of October, C. Manlius, the satellite
and servant of your audacity, would be in arms? Was I mistaken, Catiline, not only in so
important, so atrocious, so incredible a fact, but, what is much more remarkable, in the very
day? I said also in the senate that you had fixed the massacre of the nobles for the 28th of
October, when many chief men of the senate had left Rome, not so much for the sake of saving themselves as of checking your
designs. Can you deny that on that very day you were so hemmed in by my guards and my
vigilance, that you were unable to stir one finger against the republic; when you said that
you would be content with the flight of the rest, and the slaughter of us who remained?
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