Therefore in other
disputes and trials, when the question at issue is, whether a thing has been done or not,
whether what is alleged be true or false; and when false witnesses are sometimes suborned, and
false documents foisted in; it is possible that sometimes a virtuous judge may be led into
error by a seemingly honourable and probable pretence; or that an opportunity may be given to
a dishonest judge, of appearing to be guided by the witnesses, or by the documents produced,
though in reality he has knowingly given a wrong decision. For questions of law there is
nothing of this sort, O judges: there are no forged documents, no dishonest witnesses; even
that overgrown power, which has sway in this state, is dormant with respect to cases of this
sort; it has no means of attacking the judge, or of moving a finger. For this can be said to a
judge by some man who is not so scrupulous as he is influential; “Decide, I pray
you, that this has been done or planned; give credit to this witness; establish the
genuineness of these documents;”—
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