I think, indeed, that if the Campus Martius were to be divided, and if every one of you had
two feet of standing ground allotted to him in it, still you would prefer to enjoy the whole
of it together, than for each individual to have a small portion for his own private
property. Wherefore, even if some portion of these lands were to come to every individual
among you.—which is now indeed held out to you as a lure, but is in reality
destined for others,—still they would be a more honourable possession to you when
possessed by the whole body, than if distributed in bits to each citizen. But now when you
are not to have any share in them, but when they are being prepared for others and taken from
you, will you not most vigorously resist this law as you would an armed enemy, fighting in
defence of your lands. He adds the Stellate plain to the Campanian district, and in the two
together he allots twelve acres to each settler. As if the difference was slight between the
Stellate and Campanian districts!
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