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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1864., [Electronic resource].

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For Rent, and immediate possession given, a Family Residence, desirably furnished, and in the most eligible portion of Shockoe Hill. Also, for Hire, the Family Servants, among them a No. 1 Cook. Address, with name and references, "J. T.," Richmond post-office. no 5--2t*
who say they are determined that Kentucky shall again win for herself the title of "the dark and bloody ground," rather than she shall be free to choose for herself. From Missouri. General Price did good work in Missouri wherever he went. He completely destroyed the Iron Mountain and Pacific railroads. He burned three thousand three hundred and seventy-seven feet of railroad bridges, besides cars, engines, water tanks, stationary engines, engineer-houses, depots and machine shops. From General Forrest. An official dispatch was received Saturday morning at the War Department, stating that General Forrest had captured on the 29th and 30th ultimo two gunboats and four transports on the Tennessee river, one-half of which are still serviceable. East Tennessee. The Yankees are at Greenville, in East Tennessee, and were pushing out scouting parties from there last Friday. Our forces hold the country as low down as Carter's station, twenty miles from Bristol.
taken of Butler's absence, His "success" on the 27th ultimo may have been discovered by Lincoln to be of such a questionable kind that he wants no more of them. Burnside made the fight of the mine of Petersburg last summer. The result of that famous affair was not satisfactory to Mr. Lincoln, and Burnside was quietly withdrawn fBurnside was quietly withdrawn from the Army of the Potomac. There is a possibility that Butler has met with similar treatment. Certainly he failed worse in his undertaking than Burnside in his. The latter blew up some of our men and took some prisoners. Butler lost from fifteen hundred to two thousand of his troops, white and black, and inflicted no injury uBurnside in his. The latter blew up some of our men and took some prisoners. Butler lost from fifteen hundred to two thousand of his troops, white and black, and inflicted no injury upon us worth mentioning. To return to Grant. Whatever be the cause, we have to report him all quiet on yesterday. From Petersburg. Rumors were afloat yesterday morning that fighting had commenced on the Petersburg lines, but evening failed to bring anything entirely confirmatory of the matter. Yet it is pretty well
, who say they are determined that Kentucky shall again win for herself the title of "the dark and bloody ground," rather than she shall be free to choose for herself. From Missouri. General Price did good work in Missouri wherever he went. He completely destroyed the Iron Mountain and Pacific railroads. He burned three thousand three hundred and seventy-seven feet of railroad bridges, besides cars, engines, water tanks, stationary engines, engineer-houses, depots and machine shops. From General Forrest. An official dispatch was received Saturday morning at the War Department, stating that General Forrest had captured on the 29th and 30th ultimo two gunboats and four transports on the Tennessee river, one-half of which are still serviceable. East Tennessee. The Yankees are at Greenville, in East Tennessee, and were pushing out scouting parties from there last Friday. Our forces hold the country as low down as Carter's station, twenty miles from Bristol.
authentic advices from the front, received later in the day, dissipated all rumors of battle. On the north and south sides all was quiet. The impression that Grant would make an attack before the election is wearing away, as he let yesterday go by without any demonstration. The telegraph informs us he is engaged taking a cenous voters into battle to-day, or even to- morrow. It would, doubtless, strengthen the Lincoln vote, to have it flashed through the country, on election day, that Grant had made a "combined attack upon Richmond and Petersburg, and was driving the rebels before him," or something to that effect. Our only reason for doubting thme prisoners. Butler lost from fifteen hundred to two thousand of his troops, white and black, and inflicted no injury upon us worth mentioning. To return to Grant. Whatever be the cause, we have to report him all quiet on yesterday. From Petersburg. Rumors were afloat yesterday morning that fighting had commenced on
thousand handsome things said of his generalship by the newspaper correspondents. Last Thursday week, when his troops were beaten on the Darbytown, the Williamsburg and Nine Mileroads, he was at Dr. Johnson's house, on the Darbytown road, three miles away from any of the fights, yet the newspaper men all agreed that "General Butler's operations on the north side were an entire success." But we must admit there is an other view which may be taken of Butler's absence, His "success" on the 27th ultimo may have been discovered by Lincoln to be of such a questionable kind that he wants no more of them. Burnside made the fight of the mine of Petersburg last summer. The result of that famous affair was not satisfactory to Mr. Lincoln, and Burnside was quietly withdrawn from the Army of the Potomac. There is a possibility that Butler has met with similar treatment. Certainly he failed worse in his undertaking than Burnside in his. The latter blew up some of our men and took some prisone
n and musketry continued to be heard during yesterday morning, at times very heavy. Present indications point to a heavy attack on our extreme right ere long. From Georgia. The Yankee corps in Atlanta is still harassed by our forces, but is said to have twenty days supplies, if they put up with half rations. Two hundred wagons, loaded with commissary stores, got in to them safely last week, while our cavalry was scouting in another direction. They came over a country road. On the 22d our cavalry struck the railroad between Marietta and Vining's station, tore up several miles of the track, and captured a large train loaded with ammunition and rifles, which they destroyed; also, picked up a lieutenant-colonel, a major, forty-two Yankees and fifty head of fine beef cattle. The enemy, have contracted their occupation to the inner lines of the fortifications in Atlanta.--They occupy the hill on which the City Hall stands, having strongly posted entrenchments about it. The
n. A man with his insatiate thirst for military glory is not apt to leave his command on the eve of battle. Not that Butler ever exposes himself to the dangers of war, but when nominally with his army, that is, within ten miles of it, during a fight, he gets whatever credit is gained, and has a thousand handsome things said of his generalship by the newspaper correspondents. Last Thursday week, when his troops were beaten on the Darbytown, the Williamsburg and Nine Mileroads, he was at Dr. Johnson's house, on the Darbytown road, three miles away from any of the fights, yet the newspaper men all agreed that "General Butler's operations on the north side were an entire success." But we must admit there is an other view which may be taken of Butler's absence, His "success" on the 27th ultimo may have been discovered by Lincoln to be of such a questionable kind that he wants no more of them. Burnside made the fight of the mine of Petersburg last summer. The result of that famous affa
, who say they are determined that Kentucky shall again win for herself the title of "the dark and bloody ground," rather than she shall be free to choose for herself. From Missouri. General Price did good work in Missouri wherever he went. He completely destroyed the Iron Mountain and Pacific railroads. He burned three thousand three hundred and seventy-seven feet of railroad bridges, besides cars, engines, water tanks, stationary engines, engineer-houses, depots and machine shops. From General Forrest. An official dispatch was received Saturday morning at the War Department, stating that General Forrest had captured on the 29th and 30th ultimo two gunboats and four transports on the Tennessee river, one-half of which are still serviceable. East Tennessee. The Yankees are at Greenville, in East Tennessee, and were pushing out scouting parties from there last Friday. Our forces hold the country as low down as Carter's station, twenty miles from Bristol.
e newspaper men all agreed that "General Butler's operations on the north side were an entire success." But we must admit there is an other view which may be taken of Butler's absence, His "success" on the 27th ultimo may have been discovered by Lincoln to be of such a questionable kind that he wants no more of them. Burnside made the fight of the mine of Petersburg last summer. The result of that famous affair was not satisfactory to Mr. Lincoln, and Burnside was quietly withdrawn from the AMr. Lincoln, and Burnside was quietly withdrawn from the Army of the Potomac. There is a possibility that Butler has met with similar treatment. Certainly he failed worse in his undertaking than Burnside in his. The latter blew up some of our men and took some prisoners. Butler lost from fifteen hundred to two thousand of his troops, white and black, and inflicted no injury upon us worth mentioning. To return to Grant. Whatever be the cause, we have to report him all quiet on yesterday. From Petersburg. Rumors were afloat yesterday mo
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