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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 21, 1863., [Electronic resource].

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From the army. --The passengers by the Central train last evening, who left the army yesterday morning, report matters as entirely quiet, and little prospect of a change in the present monotonous condition of affairs. Of the movements of the enemy very little appears to be known, but it is generally conceded that Gen. Meade is retiring in the direction of Centreville.--Some of our cavalry have recently been scouting on the north side of the Rappahannock, but without meeting with any enemy.
London Morning Post, in an editorial on Canadian defences, says we have confident belief that the bluster of the Federal Government will produce very salutary effects in Canada. In spite of the urgent appeals of the Colonial Office, the Legislature of Canada has refused to place the milia on an efficient footing. As the Canadians have no sympathy with the North, the present prospect of affairs on their continent may induce them to show a little of the spirit which animated their fathers in 1812. Prudence as well as self- interest, should lead them to adopt this course. We may add that it is the bounden duty of the Home Government to look to the naval defences of the province on the inland seas; from Superior to the St. Lawrence there is not so much as a gunboat or armed steamer, whilst the Americans profess to have in their ports a flotilla which, at at any time, would give them command of the lakes, and render access to Canada a melter of comparative case. The Polish question
July 31st (search for this): article 1
in no way affects the existing understanding between the three powers it merely keeps the negotiations separate. It is stated that Austria declines going beyond diplomatic action. The insurgents defeated the Russians at Sielan Palatinate of Plock. The Emperor has returned to Paris. The Bourse is firmer, and closed on the 5th at 68th for Rentes, an advance of over three quarters per cent. It is officially announced that the Emperor of Austria, in an autograph letter, dated July 31st, has invited all the Sovereigns of the Germanic Confederation and Sineros of free cities to personally meet in assembly and discuss the question of reorganization of the German Confederation suitable to the requirements of the age. The Emperor proposed Frankfort as the place and 16th August as the date. The German question was discussed at the late meeting of the Emperor of Austria and the King of Prussia. The London Globe contradicts the idea that the conscription in the Northern Stat
August 16th (search for this): article 1
ines going beyond diplomatic action. The insurgents defeated the Russians at Sielan Palatinate of Plock. The Emperor has returned to Paris. The Bourse is firmer, and closed on the 5th at 68th for Rentes, an advance of over three quarters per cent. It is officially announced that the Emperor of Austria, in an autograph letter, dated July 31st, has invited all the Sovereigns of the Germanic Confederation and Sineros of free cities to personally meet in assembly and discuss the question of reorganization of the German Confederation suitable to the requirements of the age. The Emperor proposed Frankfort as the place and 16th August as the date. The German question was discussed at the late meeting of the Emperor of Austria and the King of Prussia. The London Globe contradicts the idea that the conscription in the Northern States of America is a menace to England, and says the relations existing between England and the United States are of the most friendly nature.
as great as the fall now witnessed since. There was every symptom that the result would have led to the establishment of Confederate power in Washington, and a prompt inflicsion from New York and Pennsylvania. The Times contains a letter from Mr. McRae, the agent for the loan, who says the purchases of cotton by the Confederate Government will probably amount to 500,000 bales. He states that the cotton is principally in Georgia and Alabama, and some also in Eastern Mississippi, Northwestern Louisiana and Texas, and is stored on the plantations of planters from whom it was purchased, in sheds or warehouses, 300 feet from other buildings. Mr. McRae says the capture of all the Confederate seaports would not endanger the loss of a single pound of cotton, as there are no stocks of cotton at any of them nor are there any considerable stocks of cotton at any one place in the interior, care having been taken by the Confederate as well as by the State Governments that no cotton should
We have some further news by the Hibernian, dated Liverpool, the 6th: Capt. Luee, of the ship Sunrise, had published the particulars of the capture of his vessel by the Florida. The latter was flying the American flag when she overhauled the Sunrise, but after some inquiry ran up the Confederate colors and sent a prize crew on board. Capt Luce ultimately signed a ransom bond of $50,000 in the presence of an armed force. The Confederate loan on the 5th opened at a further violent decline the last transactions being 35 to 80 discount. It afterward rallied, closing at 26 to 24 discount. The Times' city article in its remarks on the subject, says: Those who now suffer are not to be reproached for a want of sagacity however much they may have exhibited a want of caution. The example furnished is simply a confirmation of the fearful uncertainly that must base all investments that depend on military success or reverses. If the battle at Gettysburg had been won by
We have some further news by the Hibernian, dated Liverpool, the 6th: Capt. Luee, of the ship Sunrise, had published the particulars of the capture of his vessel by the Florida. The latter was flying the American flag when she overhauled the Sunrise, but after some inquiry ran up the Confederate colors and sent a prize crew on board. Capt Luce ultimately signed a ransom bond of $50,000 in the presence of an armed force. The Confederate loan on the 5th opened at a further violent decline the last transactions being 35 to 80 discount. It afterward rallied, closing at 26 to 24 discount. The Times' city article in its remarks on the subject, says: Those who now suffer are not to be reproached for a want of sagacity however much they may have exhibited a want of caution. The example furnished is simply a confirmation of the fearful uncertainly that must base all investments that depend on military success or reverses. If the battle at Gettysburg had been won by
Russia (Russia) (search for this): article 1
s course. We may add that it is the bounden duty of the Home Government to look to the naval defences of the province on the inland seas; from Superior to the St. Lawrence there is not so much as a gunboat or armed steamer, whilst the Americans profess to have in their ports a flotilla which, at at any time, would give them command of the lakes, and render access to Canada a melter of comparative case. The Polish question. It is generally agreed that, instead of a collective note to Russia, each of the three powers will forward a separate note, identical in idea, to St. Petersburg. England opposed a collective note, but it is asserted her opposition in no way affects the existing understanding between the three powers it merely keeps the negotiations separate. It is stated that Austria declines going beyond diplomatic action. The insurgents defeated the Russians at Sielan Palatinate of Plock. The Emperor has returned to Paris. The Bourse is firmer, and closed on
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): article 1
emium, would probably have experienced a rise nearly as great as the fall now witnessed since. There was every symptom that the result would have led to the establishment of Confederate power in Washington, and a prompt inflicsion from New York and Pennsylvania. The Times contains a letter from Mr. McRae, the agent for the loan, who says the purchases of cotton by the Confederate Government will probably amount to 500,000 bales. He states that the cotton is principally in Georgia and Alabama, and some also in Eastern Mississippi, Northwestern Louisiana and Texas, and is stored on the plantations of planters from whom it was purchased, in sheds or warehouses, 300 feet from other buildings. Mr. McRae says the capture of all the Confederate seaports would not endanger the loss of a single pound of cotton, as there are no stocks of cotton at any of them nor are there any considerable stocks of cotton at any one place in the interior, care having been taken by the Confederate as we
Canada (Canada) (search for this): article 1
Morning Post, in an editorial on Canadian defences, says we have confident belief that the bluster of the Federal Government will produce very salutary effects in Canada. In spite of the urgent appeals of the Colonial Office, the Legislature of Canada has refused to place the milia on an efficient footing. As the Canadians have Canada has refused to place the milia on an efficient footing. As the Canadians have no sympathy with the North, the present prospect of affairs on their continent may induce them to show a little of the spirit which animated their fathers in 1812. Prudence as well as self- interest, should lead them to adopt this course. We may add that it is the bounden duty of the Home Government to look to the naval defencesor armed steamer, whilst the Americans profess to have in their ports a flotilla which, at at any time, would give them command of the lakes, and render access to Canada a melter of comparative case. The Polish question. It is generally agreed that, instead of a collective note to Russia, each of the three powers will forw
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