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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 30, 1863., [Electronic resource].

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anticipated within the next few days, as it is believed that the movement is a general one. In the fight yesterday morning, it is reported that there were two killed and some half drown wounded. The mouth of Deep Run, at which this morning was effected, is about one and a half miles below Fredericksburg, and is the same point at which that portion of the enemy's forces crossed that engaged the right wing of our army in the battle of the 13th of December. The land on this side in the immediate vicinity of the river is a level plain of nearly two miles in width, across which the enemy must advance to attack our position on the hills in the neighborhood of Hamilton's Crossing. It was as they advanced over this plain in December that they suffered such terrible loss. On the opposites or Stafford side of the river the country is hilly, and affords admirable positions for the batteries of the enemy, under cover of which they have successfully thrown their forces over the river.
December 13th (search for this): article 1
e Rappahannock. A general fight is anticipated within the next few days, as it is believed that the movement is a general one. In the fight yesterday morning, it is reported that there were two killed and some half drown wounded. The mouth of Deep Run, at which this morning was effected, is about one and a half miles below Fredericksburg, and is the same point at which that portion of the enemy's forces crossed that engaged the right wing of our army in the battle of the 13th of December. The land on this side in the immediate vicinity of the river is a level plain of nearly two miles in width, across which the enemy must advance to attack our position on the hills in the neighborhood of Hamilton's Crossing. It was as they advanced over this plain in December that they suffered such terrible loss. On the opposites or Stafford side of the river the country is hilly, and affords admirable positions for the batteries of the enemy, under cover of which they have successfu
anticipated within the next few days, as it is believed that the movement is a general one. In the fight yesterday morning, it is reported that there were two killed and some half drown wounded. The mouth of Deep Run, at which this morning was effected, is about one and a half miles below Fredericksburg, and is the same point at which that portion of the enemy's forces crossed that engaged the right wing of our army in the battle of the 13th of December. The land on this side in the immediate vicinity of the river is a level plain of nearly two miles in width, across which the enemy must advance to attack our position on the hills in the neighborhood of Hamilton's Crossing. It was as they advanced over this plain in December that they suffered such terrible loss. On the opposites or Stafford side of the river the country is hilly, and affords admirable positions for the batteries of the enemy, under cover of which they have successfully thrown their forces over the river.
Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
rossing in force!fight at Deep Run. The advices from the Rappahannock, received yesterday, leave no doubt as to the fact that the Yankee army has at last commenced a movement in the neighborhood of Fredericksburg. A gentlemen who left Hamilton's Crossing yesterday morning. Informs us that the enemy, on Tuesday night, under cover of a dance fog, succeeded in laying down two of their penteon bridges, over which they crossed a force, variously estimated at from 5,000 to 10.000. At the time the battle of the 13th of December. The land on this side in the immediate vicinity of the river is a level plain of nearly two miles in width, across which the enemy must advance to attack our position on the hills in the neighborhood of Hamilton's Crossing. It was as they advanced over this plain in December that they suffered such terrible loss. On the opposites or Stafford side of the river the country is hilly, and affords admirable positions for the batteries of the enemy, under cover
Deep Run (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
Important from the Rappahannock.the enemy Crossing in force!fight at Deep Run. The advices from the Rappahannock, received yesterday, leave no doubt as to the fact that the Yankee army has at last commenced a movement in the neighborhood of Fredericksburg. A gentlemen who left Hamilton's Crossing yesterday morning. Informser which they crossed a force, variously estimated at from 5,000 to 10.000. At the time of the crossing the 18th Georgia regiment were on picket at the mouth of Deep Run, and a brisk fight ensued, which lasted from daylight until 10 o'clock, at which time the Georgians were relieved by the 6th Louisiana regiment. Our picket forcthat the movement is a general one. In the fight yesterday morning, it is reported that there were two killed and some half drown wounded. The mouth of Deep Run, at which this morning was effected, is about one and a half miles below Fredericksburg, and is the same point at which that portion of the enemy's forces crosse
April 27th (search for this): article 1
From Vicksburg. Vicksburg, April 27 --A tugboat, with two barges, ran past the batteries this morning at 2 o'clock. The batteries opened on her, but with what effect it is not known. All tranquil here today. [another Dispatch] Jackson, April 2d. --A very large, covered flag either towed by tug or propelled by machinery inside, passed Vicksburg last night. Gen. Steineen reports that he struck her several times, but she was not stopped.
April 2nd (search for this): article 1
From Vicksburg. Vicksburg, April 27 --A tugboat, with two barges, ran past the batteries this morning at 2 o'clock. The batteries opened on her, but with what effect it is not known. All tranquil here today. [another Dispatch] Jackson, April 2d. --A very large, covered flag either towed by tug or propelled by machinery inside, passed Vicksburg last night. Gen. Steineen reports that he struck her several times, but she was not stopped.
From Vicksburg. Vicksburg, April 27 --A tugboat, with two barges, ran past the batteries this morning at 2 o'clock. The batteries opened on her, but with what effect it is not known. All tranquil here today. [another Dispatch] Jackson, April 2d. --A very large, covered flag either towed by tug or propelled by machinery inside, passed Vicksburg last night. Gen. Steineen reports that he struck her several times, but she was not stopped.
Jefferson Davis (search for this): article 1
ion by the police, and that he had no visible occupation. The Recorder in default of surely for Shields's good behavior, send him to jail, and adjudged that he should labor in the chain gang for 60 days. Surely was required of Elizabeth Butler Esq. assaulting Catherine Ocle. The following oages were continued till the 3rd, visit Wovison, slave of Geo. Buggan and Charles Harris for breaking into Fred. Weldmeyer's smoth house and stealing 30s lbs of bacon; and John Earnney and Jno Legan; for stealing a hog from Sara Miller. A motion was submitted to lesson the amount of bail required of John Elley and Wm. O'Brian, heretofore committed in default of $500 security to keep the peace. Officer Davis having informed the Court that Riley had balled himself by running off from the chain gang, in which he was put, the Recorder declined to hear the motion. The attorney expressed himself satisfied with the aspect of the case, as Riley was the one who had employed him to appear.
se of James Tierney, for stealing part of a barrel of meat from Mary Broderick, was called and continued till the 4th of May. John Bohter, white, charged with resisting the Catherine Palmer, colored, was ordered thirty-nine stripes for stealing a $15 breastpin from Ed. A. Hill. The examination of Albert, slave of Mauries Hobson for stabbing Alex Burley, was continued until the 5th of May, the witness not being able to appear. Jerry Jones, fires negro, who had struck officer Griffin when the latter arrested him, was awarded thirty-nine stripes. The case of Frances Huegtan, charged with receiving a gold bracelet and fruit knife, stolen from Virginia E. Tyler was called and continued to the 30th. The accused is a young white girl resident on Dyrd street. Charles Shields, who represented himself as a Canadian by birth, was called for examination, on the charge of assaulting and beating William Kaufman. The latter did not appear. Shields, in reply to the R
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