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Hartford (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): article 7
nton, N. J., on the 4th. In the evening, 34 guns were fired to celebrate the termination of the present Congress. Executive usurpation and the Conscription bill we a denounced, and the people called on to show firmness and courage in this emergency. In the Wisconsin Legislature, resolutions for an armistice and a Convention were defeated by 68 to 25. The Chronicle says if Seymour should be elected in Connecticut, "we may as well prepare for other rebellion in the State House at Hartford."--It also says: "We should not be at all surprised if in the course of a year, the opposition in Kentucky to the emancipation policy of the Government, should cease altogether. The Louisville Journal is gradually wheeling into line. The Journal protests against persons in that community who steal free negroes and sell them into slavery." In Congress, on Tuesday, Nebraska was admitted as a State. Yeas 25, nays 11. On Wednesday the bill to provide for elections in Tennessee
Oswego (New York, United States) (search for this): article 7
o follow his example, and the public will be benefited. With public confidence restored, specie will only be needed to pay foreign balances." Colorado and Nevada have been admitted into the Union. The following dispatch is published: Hilton Head, S C., Feb. 17.--The troops are under arms to embark, and the next steamer will probably bring intelligence of the attack on Charleston General Stevenson has been released and restored to his command. Municipal elections in Oswego, Troy, Rochester, Lockport, and Utica have gone for the Democrats. A ton of cotton seed has arrived at Fortress Monroe to be planted at Hampton, Va. The New York Custom House's monthly receipts average over three millions, and duties for the year at that port will probably be fifty millions. Duties are, to a considerable extent, paid in gold — During the first week the total receipts were about $490,000, of which $09,000 was in gold. One million in gold is said to be on the way t
Eastport (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): article 7
p. Trumbull called its opponents conspirators. Bayard said the bill itself was a conspiracy against the Constitution. Doolittle said before they would allow an independent empire at the mouth of the Mississippi they would reduce Louisiana to what it was before we bought a territory of swamps and crocodiles. At 12 o'clock the Senate was pronounced adjourned, and immediately called to order in extra session. The House refused to admit Nevada and Colorado as States. Adjourned sine dis. Gen. Sigel has resigned because of insuperable difficulties in his intercourse with the Commander in Chief. The Mississippi fleet under Commander Porter, has Monitor gunboats Tuscumbia, 5 guns; Chillicothe, 2; Iron-clads Benton, 16; Carondolet, 13; Mound City, 13; Louisville, 13; ram Lafayette, 6; Eastport, 10; De Kelb, 13; Cincinnati, 13; Pittsburg 13; wooden gunboats Conestoga 9; Tyler, 9; Little Rebel, 2; Lexington, 9; Fragg, 5; Price 4; and 12 light draft "tin clad" boats, 6 guns each.
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 7
Hartford."--It also says: "We should not be at all surprised if in the course of a year, the opposition in Kentucky to the emancipation policy of the Government, should cease altogether. The Louisville Journal is gradually wheeling into line. The Journal protests against persons in that community who steal free negroes and sell them into slavery." In Congress, on Tuesday, Nebraska was admitted as a State. Yeas 25, nays 11. On Wednesday the bill to provide for elections in Tennessee and Louisiana was taken up. Trumbull called its opponents conspirators. Bayard said the bill itself was a conspiracy against the Constitution. Doolittle said before they would allow an independent empire at the mouth of the Mississippi they would reduce Louisiana to what it was before we bought a territory of swamps and crocodiles. At 12 o'clock the Senate was pronounced adjourned, and immediately called to order in extra session. The House refused to admit Nevada and Colorado as Stat
Nevada (Nevada, United States) (search for this): article 7
Government wants Soldiers' pay will be doubly valuable. Let Chase compel the banks to follow his example, and the public will be benefited. With public confidence restored, specie will only be needed to pay foreign balances." Colorado and Nevada have been admitted into the Union. The following dispatch is published: Hilton Head, S C., Feb. 17.--The troops are under arms to embark, and the next steamer will probably bring intelligence of the attack on Charleston General Stef the Mississippi they would reduce Louisiana to what it was before we bought a territory of swamps and crocodiles. At 12 o'clock the Senate was pronounced adjourned, and immediately called to order in extra session. The House refused to admit Nevada and Colorado as States. Adjourned sine dis. Gen. Sigel has resigned because of insuperable difficulties in his intercourse with the Commander in Chief. The Mississippi fleet under Commander Porter, has Monitor gunboats Tuscumbia, 5 gun
Yazoo City (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): article 7
nkee Congress.--Sumner's resolutions passed.--foreigners in New York Protesting against intervention. &c. &c &c. [from our own Reporter.] Fredericksburg, March 7. --I have received the New York Herald, of the 4th, and Washington Chronicle, of the 5th insts., and send you the news they contain: The Memphis Bulletin. of Saturday the 28th, says it was confidently believed in leading circles in that city that the rebels were then evacuating Vicksburg. The expedition to open the Yazoo Pass has been entirely successful therefore, the evacuation rumor wears a strong color of probability. Rosecrans advanced on the 2d as far as Middlesbrough, half way to Shelbyville. One thousand cavalry and 1600 infantry left Murfreesboro' on the 3d, and encountered the enemy at Bradysville. After severe fighting the enemy were driven from the town, with 8 killed, 20 wounded, and 80 privates and 9 officers captured; also, 300 now saddles and private baggage. They belonged to Morg
Indiana (Indiana, United States) (search for this): article 7
ith a prodigality that betokens nothing like financial distress, and everybody seemed jolly. Sumner's anti-mediation resolves were passed by a strong majority in the House. The changes in the Senate are: King, of New York, supplanted by Morgan, (Rep;) Wilmot, of Pennsylvania, by Buckalen, (D;) Arnold, of R. I, by Sprague, (Rep.;) Henderson, of Missouri, vacancy; Kennedy, of Md., by Johnson, (Union;) Lathem of California, by Conners, (U.;) Rice of Minnesota, by Ramsay, (R.;) Turpil, of Indiana, by Hendricks. (D;) Walls, of New Jersey, by Wright, (D;) Willey, of Va., by Bowden, (U.) The Senate was in session until 5 o'clock in the morning of the 3d. The Indemnity bill, indemnifying the President for suspending the habeas corpus act, was passed. Col. Earnest eumaine was officially received at the Department of State on the 3d, and presented his credentials as Charge d'affaires from Hayti. Generals McClellan, Hooken, Burnside, Fremont, and other Major Generals, are
Chillicothe (Ohio, United States) (search for this): article 7
. Trumbull called its opponents conspirators. Bayard said the bill itself was a conspiracy against the Constitution. Doolittle said before they would allow an independent empire at the mouth of the Mississippi they would reduce Louisiana to what it was before we bought a territory of swamps and crocodiles. At 12 o'clock the Senate was pronounced adjourned, and immediately called to order in extra session. The House refused to admit Nevada and Colorado as States. Adjourned sine dis. Gen. Sigel has resigned because of insuperable difficulties in his intercourse with the Commander in Chief. The Mississippi fleet under Commander Porter, has Monitor gunboats Tuscumbia, 5 guns; Chillicothe, 2; Iron-clads Benton, 16; Carondolet, 13; Mound City, 13; Louisville, 13; ram Lafayette, 6; Eastport, 10; De Kelb, 13; Cincinnati, 13; Pittsburg 13; wooden gunboats Conestoga 9; Tyler, 9; Little Rebel, 2; Lexington, 9; Fragg, 5; Price 4; and 12 light draft "tin clad" boats, 6 guns each.
Beaufort, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 7
ions, and duties for the year at that port will probably be fifty millions. Duties are, to a considerable extent, paid in gold — During the first week the total receipts were about $490,000, of which $09,000 was in gold. One million in gold is said to be on the way to the New York Sub-Treasury from San Francisco. The following are extracts from the Washington Chronicle, of the 5th, under the head of "Capture of Fort McAllister Confirmed." The Chronicle says: A dispatch from Beaufort, S. C., Feb. 27, says Fort McAllister was captured yesterday, with a mile and a half of rifle pits by the 47th New York, with the aid of boats, and a loss of 150!! In New York Match 4 gold from 163 fell to 167 A grand mass meeting of foreigners was held in New York to protest against the threatened intervention of foreign powers. Speeches were made in English, German and French. Another flatboat has run past the batteries at Vicksburg, and was struck three times. A fire a
Hampton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 7
lorado and Nevada have been admitted into the Union. The following dispatch is published: Hilton Head, S C., Feb. 17.--The troops are under arms to embark, and the next steamer will probably bring intelligence of the attack on Charleston General Stevenson has been released and restored to his command. Municipal elections in Oswego, Troy, Rochester, Lockport, and Utica have gone for the Democrats. A ton of cotton seed has arrived at Fortress Monroe to be planted at Hampton, Va. The New York Custom House's monthly receipts average over three millions, and duties for the year at that port will probably be fifty millions. Duties are, to a considerable extent, paid in gold — During the first week the total receipts were about $490,000, of which $09,000 was in gold. One million in gold is said to be on the way to the New York Sub-Treasury from San Francisco. The following are extracts from the Washington Chronicle, of the 5th, under the head of "Capture o
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