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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 19, 1861., [Electronic resource].

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Subscriptions to the Dispatch. The price of the Daily Dispatch, mailed, is $4 per annum; $2.50 for six months; $1.25 for three months; and 50 cents per month for a less period. Neither the Weekly nor Semi-Weekly will be sent for a less period than twelve months. Price of the former $1, the latter $2 per annum. We make this statement just now, as our terms are not understood by many who order the paper by mail.
Another Hospital for the soldiers. --A hospital has been opened at Beaver Dam station, Hanover county, on the line of the Virginia Central Railroad, forty miles from Richmond, by Mrs. Henry Carter, the Misses Fontaine, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Hatch, and other ladies of the vicinity, for the reception of convalescent soldiers. The hospital is capable of accommodating about twenty persons, who will have the personal attention of many ladies in the neighborhood; a good physician will also be in attendance. Every attention will be paid the soldiers that can be, and their places will be filled by others as fast as they are removed. Eight of the sick, who have been at the St Charles Hospital, in this city, left for Beaver Dam on Saturday morning last. This is another instance of the kindness shown our soldiers by the ladies of Virginia, and we expect to hear of like institutions throughout the State, by our patriotic women, until we will have a sufficient number to accommodate all who
Another Hospital for the soldiers. --A hospital has been opened at Beaver Dam station, Hanover county, on the line of the Virginia Central Railroad, forty miles from Richmond, by Mrs. Henry Carter, the Misses Fontaine, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Hatch, and other ladies of the vicinity, for the reception of convalescent soldiers. The hospital is capable of accommodating about twenty persons, who will have the personal attention of many ladies in the neighborhood; a good physician will also be in attendance. Every attention will be paid the soldiers that can be, and their places will be filled by others as fast as they are removed. Eight of the sick, who have been at the St Charles Hospital, in this city, left for Beaver Dam on Saturday morning last. This is another instance of the kindness shown our soldiers by the ladies of Virginia, and we expect to hear of like institutions throughout the State, by our patriotic women, until we will have a sufficient number to accommodate all who
Henry Carter (search for this): article 1
Another Hospital for the soldiers. --A hospital has been opened at Beaver Dam station, Hanover county, on the line of the Virginia Central Railroad, forty miles from Richmond, by Mrs. Henry Carter, the Misses Fontaine, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Hatch, and other ladies of the vicinity, for the reception of convalescent soldiers. The hospital is capable of accommodating about twenty persons, who will have the personal attention of many ladies in the neighborhood; a good physician will also be in attendance. Every attention will be paid the soldiers that can be, and their places will be filled by others as fast as they are removed. Eight of the sick, who have been at the St Charles Hospital, in this city, left for Beaver Dam on Saturday morning last. This is another instance of the kindness shown our soldiers by the ladies of Virginia, and we expect to hear of like institutions throughout the State, by our patriotic women, until we will have a sufficient number to accommodate all who
Hanover County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
Another Hospital for the soldiers. --A hospital has been opened at Beaver Dam station, Hanover county, on the line of the Virginia Central Railroad, forty miles from Richmond, by Mrs. Henry Carter, the Misses Fontaine, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Hatch, and other ladies of the vicinity, for the reception of convalescent soldiers. The hospital is capable of accommodating about twenty persons, who will have the personal attention of many ladies in the neighborhood; a good physician will also be in attendance. Every attention will be paid the soldiers that can be, and their places will be filled by others as fast as they are removed. Eight of the sick, who have been at the St Charles Hospital, in this city, left for Beaver Dam on Saturday morning last. This is another instance of the kindness shown our soldiers by the ladies of Virginia, and we expect to hear of like institutions throughout the State, by our patriotic women, until we will have a sufficient number to accommodate all who
Beaver Dam (Wisconsin, United States) (search for this): article 1
Anderson, Mrs. Hatch, and other ladies of the vicinity, for the reception of convalescent soldiers. The hospital is capable of accommodating about twenty persons, who will have the personal attention of many ladies in the neighborhood; a good physician will also be in attendance. Every attention will be paid the soldiers that can be, and their places will be filled by others as fast as they are removed. Eight of the sick, who have been at the St Charles Hospital, in this city, left for Beaver Dam on Saturday morning last. This is another instance of the kindness shown our soldiers by the ladies of Virginia, and we expect to hear of like institutions throughout the State, by our patriotic women, until we will have a sufficient number to accommodate all who may be sick; and we can assure those persons living in the far South who have brothers, husbands and fathers with us, as well as our own people, that they will be as well provided for and made as comfortable as if they were at th
Beaver Dam Station (Ohio, United States) (search for this): article 1
Another Hospital for the soldiers. --A hospital has been opened at Beaver Dam station, Hanover county, on the line of the Virginia Central Railroad, forty miles from Richmond, by Mrs. Henry Carter, the Misses Fontaine, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Hatch, and other ladies of the vicinity, for the reception of convalescent soldiers. The hospital is capable of accommodating about twenty persons, who will have the personal attention of many ladies in the neighborhood; a good physician will also be in attendance. Every attention will be paid the soldiers that can be, and their places will be filled by others as fast as they are removed. Eight of the sick, who have been at the St Charles Hospital, in this city, left for Beaver Dam on Saturday morning last. This is another instance of the kindness shown our soldiers by the ladies of Virginia, and we expect to hear of like institutions throughout the State, by our patriotic women, until we will have a sufficient number to accommodate all who
R. Boteler (search for this): article 1
The News. Our columns are filled this morning with interesting intelligence from all quarters.--We are compelled to defer the publication of many extracts and communications. The leading topic of street conversation since Saturday morning has been the prospect for the fact of a recognition of the Confederate Government by England and France. We do not know that any official assurance to this effect has been received by the authorities, but a report of this nature is in general circulation. We refer our readers to the copious extracts from European journals, which, it will be seen, plainly foreshadow a probable demonstration. The skirmish at Mathias' Point, of which we gave an account on Saturday, is confirmed by advices from Washington. There is no truth in the rumor that Hon. A R. Boteler was wounded in the Manassas battle. It was his son.
France (France) (search for this): article 1
The News. Our columns are filled this morning with interesting intelligence from all quarters.--We are compelled to defer the publication of many extracts and communications. The leading topic of street conversation since Saturday morning has been the prospect for the fact of a recognition of the Confederate Government by England and France. We do not know that any official assurance to this effect has been received by the authorities, but a report of this nature is in general circulation. We refer our readers to the copious extracts from European journals, which, it will be seen, plainly foreshadow a probable demonstration. The skirmish at Mathias' Point, of which we gave an account on Saturday, is confirmed by advices from Washington. There is no truth in the rumor that Hon. A R. Boteler was wounded in the Manassas battle. It was his son.
Mathias Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
The News. Our columns are filled this morning with interesting intelligence from all quarters.--We are compelled to defer the publication of many extracts and communications. The leading topic of street conversation since Saturday morning has been the prospect for the fact of a recognition of the Confederate Government by England and France. We do not know that any official assurance to this effect has been received by the authorities, but a report of this nature is in general circulation. We refer our readers to the copious extracts from European journals, which, it will be seen, plainly foreshadow a probable demonstration. The skirmish at Mathias' Point, of which we gave an account on Saturday, is confirmed by advices from Washington. There is no truth in the rumor that Hon. A R. Boteler was wounded in the Manassas battle. It was his son.
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