Found 79 total hits in 58 results.
as.--Messrs. Carter, Coghill, Critcher, Day, J. Dickenson, Douglass, Greever, Hubbard, Johnson, Logan, Lynch, Marshall, Massie, Nash, Neeson, Newlon, Pate, Quesenberry, Rives, Smith, Stuart, Taliaferro, H. W. Thomas, Townes, Urquhart and Wickham--26.
Nays.--Messrs. Brannon, Bruce, Caldwell, Carson, Claiborne, A. D. Dickinson, Early, French, Gatewood, Isbell, Neal, Paxton and Thompson-- 13.
Bills Passed.--Senate bill to provide for the voluntary enslavement of Thomas Garland and Mary Anderson, persons of color, in the county of Hanover; Senate bill to amend the third and fourth sections of an act passed March 15, 1850, to provide for the inspection of guano and plaster of Paris, in the city of Richmond and town of Petersburg; Senate bill for the relief of the securities of Eugenius Tibbs, late Sheriff of the county of Ritchie; Senate bill directing the payment of certain interest to Emmet J. O' Brien; Senate bill for the relief of the securities of Thomas K. Davis, late Sheri
addressed the Senate in an able argument against the postponement, and in favor of the passage of the bill.
He was followed by Mr. H. W. Thomas in opposition.
At the conclusion of Mr. Thomas remarks,
Mr. Carson spoke briefly in support of the measure.
The vote was then taken on the indefinite postponement of the bill, with the following result:
Yeas.--Messrs. Carter, Coghill, Critcher, Day, J. Dickenson, Douglass, Greever, Hubbard, Johnson, Logan, Lynch, Marshall, Massie, Nash, Neeson, Newlon, Pate, Quesenberry, Rives, Smith, Stuart, Taliaferro, H. W. Thomas, Townes, Urquhart and Wickham--26.
Nays.--Messrs. Brannon, Bruce, Caldwell, Carson, Claiborne, A. D. Dickinson, Early, French, Gatewood, Isbell, Neal, Paxton and Thompson-- 13.
Bills Passed.--Senate bill to provide for the voluntary enslavement of Thomas Garland and Mary Anderson, persons of color, in the county of Hanover; Senate bill to amend the third and fourth sections of an act passed March 15,
enate in an able argument against the postponement, and in favor of the passage of the bill.
He was followed by Mr. H. W. Thomas in opposition.
At the conclusion of Mr. Thomas remarks,
Mr. Carson spoke briefly in support of the measure.
The vote was then taken on the indefinite postponement of the bill, with the following result:
Yeas.--Messrs. Carter, Coghill, Critcher, Day, J. Dickenson, Douglass, Greever, Hubbard, Johnson, Logan, Lynch, Marshall, Massie, Nash, Neeson, Newlon, Pate, Quesenberry, Rives, Smith, Stuart, Taliaferro, H. W. Thomas, Townes, Urquhart and Wickham--26.
Nays.--Messrs. Brannon, Bruce, Caldwell, Carson, Claiborne, A. D. Dickinson, Early, French, Gatewood, Isbell, Neal, Paxton and Thompson-- 13.
Bills Passed.--Senate bill to provide for the voluntary enslavement of Thomas Garland and Mary Anderson, persons of color, in the county of Hanover; Senate bill to amend the third and fourth sections of an act passed March 15, 1850, to provid
support of the measure.
The vote was then taken on the indefinite postponement of the bill, with the following result:
Yeas.--Messrs. Carter, Coghill, Critcher, Day, J. Dickenson, Douglass, Greever, Hubbard, Johnson, Logan, Lynch, Marshall, Massie, Nash, Neeson, Newlon, Pate, Quesenberry, Rives, Smith, Stuart, Taliaferro, H. W. Thomas, Townes, Urquhart and Wickham--26.
Nays.--Messrs. Brannon, Bruce, Caldwell, Carson, Claiborne, A. D. Dickinson, Early, French, Gatewood, Isbell, Neal, Paxton and Thompson-- 13.
Bills Passed.--Senate bill to provide for the voluntary enslavement of Thomas Garland and Mary Anderson, persons of color, in the county of Hanover; Senate bill to amend the third and fourth sections of an act passed March 15, 1850, to provide for the inspection of guano and plaster of Paris, in the city of Richmond and town of Petersburg; Senate bill for the relief of the securities of Eugenius Tibbs, late Sheriff of the county of Ritchie; Senate bill directin
ing result:
Yeas.--Messrs. Carter, Coghill, Critcher, Day, J. Dickenson, Douglass, Greever, Hubbard, Johnson, Logan, Lynch, Marshall, Massie, Nash, Neeson, Newlon, Pate, Quesenberry, Rives, Smith, Stuart, Taliaferro, H. W. Thomas, Townes, Urquhart and Wickham--26.
Nays.--Messrs. Brannon, Bruce, Caldwell, Carson, Claiborne, A. D. Dickinson, Early, French, Gatewood, Isbell, Neal, Paxton and Thompson-- 13.
Bills Passed.--Senate bill to provide for the voluntary enslavement of Thomas Garland and Mary Anderson, persons of color, in the county of Hanover; Senate bill to amend the third and fourth sections of an act passed March 15, 1850, to provide for the inspection of guano and plaster of Paris, in the city of Richmond and town of Petersburg; Senate bill for the relief of the securities of Eugenius Tibbs, late Sheriff of the county of Ritchie; Senate bill directing the payment of certain interest to Emmet J. O' Brien; Senate bill for the relief of the securities of Thomas K.
tponement, and in favor of the passage of the bill.
He was followed by Mr. H. W. Thomas in opposition.
At the conclusion of Mr. Thomas remarks,
Mr. Carson spoke briefly in support of the measure.
The vote was then taken on the indefinite postponement of the bill, with the following result:
Yeas.--Messrs. Carter, Coghill, Critcher, Day, J. Dickenson, Douglass, Greever, Hubbard, Johnson, Logan, Lynch, Marshall, Massie, Nash, Neeson, Newlon, Pate, Quesenberry, Rives, Smith, Stuart, Taliaferro, H. W. Thomas, Townes, Urquhart and Wickham--26.
Nays.--Messrs. Brannon, Bruce, Caldwell, Carson, Claiborne, A. D. Dickinson, Early, French, Gatewood, Isbell, Neal, Paxton and Thompson-- 13.
Bills Passed.--Senate bill to provide for the voluntary enslavement of Thomas Garland and Mary Anderson, persons of color, in the county of Hanover; Senate bill to amend the third and fourth sections of an act passed March 15, 1850, to provide for the inspection of guano and plaster
n an able argument against the postponement, and in favor of the passage of the bill.
He was followed by Mr. H. W. Thomas in opposition.
At the conclusion of Mr. Thomas remarks,
Mr. Carson spoke briefly in support of the measure.
The vote was then taken on the indefinite postponement of the bill, with the following result:
Yeas.--Messrs. Carter, Coghill, Critcher, Day, J. Dickenson, Douglass, Greever, Hubbard, Johnson, Logan, Lynch, Marshall, Massie, Nash, Neeson, Newlon, Pate, Quesenberry, Rives, Smith, Stuart, Taliaferro, H. W. Thomas, Townes, Urquhart and Wickham--26.
Nays.--Messrs. Brannon, Bruce, Caldwell, Carson, Claiborne, A. D. Dickinson, Early, French, Gatewood, Isbell, Neal, Paxton and Thompson-- 13.
Bills Passed.--Senate bill to provide for the voluntary enslavement of Thomas Garland and Mary Anderson, persons of color, in the county of Hanover; Senate bill to amend the third and fourth sections of an act passed March 15, 1850, to provide for t
General Assembly of Virginia.[extra session.]Senate.
Tuesday,March 12, 1861.
The Senate was called to order at 10 o'clock, Mr. Johnson in the chair.
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Moore.
A communication from the House was rend, announcing the passage of the Senate bill providing for the correction of erroneous assessments, with an amendment, which was concurred in; also, House bill imposing taxes for the support of Government.
On motion, the tax bill was laid on the table and orMr. Carson spoke briefly in support of the measure.
The vote was then taken on the indefinite postponement of the bill, with the following result:
Yeas.--Messrs. Carter, Coghill, Critcher, Day, J. Dickenson, Douglass, Greever, Hubbard, Johnson, Logan, Lynch, Marshall, Massie, Nash, Neeson, Newlon, Pate, Quesenberry, Rives, Smith, Stuart, Taliaferro, H. W. Thomas, Townes, Urquhart and Wickham--26.
Nays.--Messrs. Brannon, Bruce, Caldwell, Carson, Claiborne, A. D. Dickinson, Early,
and in favor of the passage of the bill.
He was followed by Mr. H. W. Thomas in opposition.
At the conclusion of Mr. Thomas remarks,
Mr. Carson spoke briefly in support of the measure.
The vote was then taken on the indefinite postponement of the bill, with the following result:
Yeas.--Messrs. Carter, Coghill, Critcher, Day, J. Dickenson, Douglass, Greever, Hubbard, Johnson, Logan, Lynch, Marshall, Massie, Nash, Neeson, Newlon, Pate, Quesenberry, Rives, Smith, Stuart, Taliaferro, H. W. Thomas, Townes, Urquhart and Wickham--26.
Nays.--Messrs. Brannon, Bruce, Caldwell, Carson, Claiborne, A. D. Dickinson, Early, French, Gatewood, Isbell, Neal, Paxton and Thompson-- 13.
Bills Passed.--Senate bill to provide for the voluntary enslavement of Thomas Garland and Mary Anderson, persons of color, in the county of Hanover; Senate bill to amend the third and fourth sections of an act passed March 15, 1850, to provide for the inspection of guano and plaster of Paris,