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Ipswich (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 8
MajR: Iona: Wade's Real Estate Jonathan Wade was the son of Jonathan Wade, of Charlestown and Ipswich. He married, 1st, Deborah, daughter of Gov. Thomas Dudley. He owned all the land bordering on the river from meeting house brook to a creek which flows into the river at the foot of Linden street, Glenwood. He owned land on the north side of High street, where the brick house is still standing, and in the neighborhood of Forest street. His land extended back into Middlesex Fells. divided. Compiled by Miss Helen T. Wild. Midds: sst. || The Subscribers Vizt: William Johnson James Converse John Greenland Stephen ffrances and Peter Tufts all ffreeholders in Said county being chosen and impowred by the Honble. James Russel Esqr Iudge of Probates &ta: for sd. county to make a division of the housing and Lands of Majr: Jonathan Wade Esqr. late of Medford in Said county dyed Seized of (who dyed Jntestate Novr: 24th. 1689 and the abovesaid Committee being Sworn and impowred by
Spot Pond (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
Brook. South and partly upon Prouts Marsh, the Widow's thirds East from the West corner of the orchard comprehending into this twelve Acres One appletree at the West corner and so it butts upon Mrs. Dunster's westerly [ ] Wade north—also seven Acres of Plowland on the East fide of the o [ ] corn field adjoyning to Elizabeth Wade's plowland hereinafter mentioned and bounded by the fence elsewhere All these together at £ 152..12..4 allowing her the said Prudence one half that wood lott at Spot pond into her part—— ffifthly Katherine Wyer Katherine Wade married Eleazar Wyer. There is no record of marriage, but the births of children are recorded. hath that house by marble's brook Meeting House brook. at £40ll and about Eighteen Acres of land adjoyning allowing two acres for Highways || and Nine acres and half of woodland more or less the Woodland lyeth at the North corner of the farm bounded by Charlestown [ ] north Thomas Willis West, Susanna Wade East and so with that Eighte
Glenwood, Mills County, Iowa (Iowa, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
MajR: Iona: Wade's Real Estate Jonathan Wade was the son of Jonathan Wade, of Charlestown and Ipswich. He married, 1st, Deborah, daughter of Gov. Thomas Dudley. He owned all the land bordering on the river from meeting house brook to a creek which flows into the river at the foot of Linden street, Glenwood. He owned land on the north side of High street, where the brick house is still standing, and in the neighborhood of Forest street. His land extended back into Middlesex Fells. divided. Compiled by Miss Helen T. Wild. Midds: sst. || The Subscribers Vizt: William Johnson James Converse John Greenland Stephen ffrances and Peter Tufts all ffreeholders in Said county being chosen and impowred by the Honble. James Russel Esqr Iudge of Probates &ta: for sd. county to make a division of the housing and Lands of Majr: Jonathan Wade Esqr. late of Medford in Said county dyed Seized of (who dyed Jntestate Novr: 24th. 1689 and the abovesaid Committee being Sworn and impowred by t
Roxbury, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
udley's woodland northerly and Easterly it butts upon Dudley, Prudence and Elizabeth Wades pastureland. Eight Acres of Marsh at Wiggins corner bounded by Prudence Swan's Marsh Marsh weft and south and by the river and upland elsewhere @ £38ll. and awoodlott adjoyning to Dudley Wades Nine Acres and ahalf more or less all which make up her One hundred fifty two pounds 1214d.------------------------------------£ 52..12..4 ffourthly Prudence Swann Prudence Wade married Thomas Swan, of Roxbury, Dec. 27, 1692. hath part of the Brick house Vizt: that Room called the parlour at 35ll. and half the Middle Cellar 1/6th: of the wash house 1//4th: of the East Garret on the North fide thereof and the Weft Bay of the Great Barn and the Leento the Same breadth with a privilege in the floor to thresh on and 1/4 of the Barn yards and one quarter of the garden namely the Middle part next Dudley's and so to front the highway with a privilege in the Waste land about the house to lay wood on or
Charles Town (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
ne quarter of an Acre of the sd. burying place with a Gang way to it to be a burying place for the whole family. Also the said Dudley Wade is to have One half of the Barn yard adjoyning to his half of the Barn and one third of the fruit of the orchard And one half of the Waste land about the house, also he is to have the whole of the West Cellar with a way through the middle Cellar to it. also the Said Dudley hath about forty acres of woodland and pasture land altogether abutting upon Charles-town line adjoyning to the widows Thirds comprehending the saw mill Damm and the pond into his Bounds allowing him the whole Sawmill with the Utensils and privileges thereof forever. (Excepting only the Widow's Thirds thereof for her life) and the Reasons why We allow him the whole Saw mill, not only be-cause we have contrived it within his bounds but because the Estate is in his Debt who eat but a single Share of the Provisions when there was a double share due to him of all both Chattels as
Elizabeth City (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
the Sawmill The site of the old mill can be seen on land of G. M. Stevens, west of Governor's avenue. and forasmuch as she hath not yet set her out full one third of the Wood she is to have twenty one Cord of wood proportionably out of all the other shares Namely Six Cord of Dudley wades share and three apiece out of all and every of the Rest Vizt. three out of Deborah Duns-ters three out of Prudence Swann's three out of Katherine Wyers three out of Susanna Wades and three Cords out of Elizabeth wades The said Widow Widow to cut it and cart it away when she pleaseth. All these Particulars make her full Thirds of the Said housing and Lands quantity for Quality: with one Third of the Wharffe at the bridge with a way through the middle Cellar to her East Cellar— Secondly Dudley Wade Dudley Wade was the son of Jonathan and Deborah (Dudley) Wade. Born Oct. 18, 1683. the only Surviving Son of the said deceased his double portion of the Said housing and lands: Vizt: one lar
John H. Hooper (search for this): chapter 8
on the line between Medford and Winchester. This is the boundary referred to as Charlestown line in this document. comprehending within these bounds about twenty acres of woodland with a good Sprinkling of Wood in the aforementioned pastureland and the land of the orchard but only one third of the fruit thereof. Also the said Widow hath her 1/3d of the Marsh Twenty eight Acres more orless Set out to her below Wiggins's corner and ye: place called Labour in Vain Labor in Vain. See Mr. J. H. Hooper's article in Register, Vol. 3, No. 2. where the river comes up to the upland and bounded by the River and from thence aline staked out to Majr. Nathaniel Wade's one marked tree at the West corner of the Island besides the Stakes.— Also the said Widow is to have one third of the Rent of the Sawmill The site of the old mill can be seen on land of G. M. Stevens, west of Governor's avenue. and forasmuch as she hath not yet set her out full one third of the Wood she is to have twenty o
Jonathan Wade (search for this): chapter 8
MajR: Iona: Wade's Real Estate Jonathan Wade was the son of Jonathan Wade, of Charlestown and Ipswich. He married, 1st, Deborah, daughter of Gov. Thomas Dudley. He owned all the land bordering on the river from meeting house brook to a creek Jonathan Wade was the son of Jonathan Wade, of Charlestown and Ipswich. He married, 1st, Deborah, daughter of Gov. Thomas Dudley. He owned all the land bordering on the river from meeting house brook to a creek which flows into the river at the foot of Linden street, Glenwood. He owned land on the north side of High street, where the brick house is still standing, and in the neighborhood of Forest street. His land extended back into Middlesex Fells. dividJonathan Wade, of Charlestown and Ipswich. He married, 1st, Deborah, daughter of Gov. Thomas Dudley. He owned all the land bordering on the river from meeting house brook to a creek which flows into the river at the foot of Linden street, Glenwood. He owned land on the north side of High street, where the brick house is still standing, and in the neighborhood of Forest street. His land extended back into Middlesex Fells. divided. Compiled by Miss Helen T. Wild. Midds: sst. || The Subscribers Vizt: William Johnson James Converse John Greenland Stephen ffrances and Peter Tufts all ffreeholders in Said county being chosen and impowred by the Honble. James Russel Esqrnd lands unto and among his Widow & children according to Law We proceeded to a Division and it is as followeth Eliza: Wade Elizabeth Wade was the second wife of Jonathan. The town records give no date in regard to her marriage or maiden name
William Johnson James John (search for this): chapter 8
nd Ipswich. He married, 1st, Deborah, daughter of Gov. Thomas Dudley. He owned all the land bordering on the river from meeting house brook to a creek which flows into the river at the foot of Linden street, Glenwood. He owned land on the north side of High street, where the brick house is still standing, and in the neighborhood of Forest street. His land extended back into Middlesex Fells. divided. Compiled by Miss Helen T. Wild. Midds: sst. || The Subscribers Vizt: William Johnson James Converse John Greenland Stephen ffrances and Peter Tufts all ffreeholders in Said county being chosen and impowred by the Honble. James Russel Esqr Iudge of Probates &ta: for sd. county to make a division of the housing and Lands of Majr: Jonathan Wade Esqr. late of Medford in Said county dyed Seized of (who dyed Jntestate Novr: 24th. 1689 and the abovesaid Committee being Sworn and impowred by the aforesaid Judge to make a Division of the said deceased's housing and lands unto and among hi
Thomas Swan (search for this): chapter 8
or less at £74ll: that comes down to Prouts marsh Swamp. Southerly butting upon Dudley's woodland northerly and Easterly it butts upon Dudley, Prudence and Elizabeth Wades pastureland. Eight Acres of Marsh at Wiggins corner bounded by Prudence Swan's Marsh Marsh weft and south and by the river and upland elsewhere @ £38ll. and awoodlott adjoyning to Dudley Wades Nine Acres and ahalf more or less all which make up her One hundred fifty two pounds 1214d.------------------------------------£ 52..12..4 ffourthly Prudence Swann Prudence Wade married Thomas Swan, of Roxbury, Dec. 27, 1692. hath part of the Brick house Vizt: that Room called the parlour at 35ll. and half the Middle Cellar 1/6th: of the wash house 1//4th: of the East Garret on the North fide thereof and the Weft Bay of the Great Barn and the Leento the Same breadth with a privilege in the floor to thresh on and 1/4 of the Barn yards and one quarter of the garden namely the Middle part next Dudley's and so to fro
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