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Sharpsburg (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
e broke out. Say—give us that for a pillow. See here, I want to set a hen. Well, set her and be d—. Why don't you set on it? Why don't you keep a pig? Say—Your tail's on fire. Well, yours ain't. Why don't you go ahead? What are you afraid of? Where are you goina with that kite bobbina? Come on and see. This is but a sample of the good natured jollying that was carried on. When the column finally halted, the regiment rested on the side of the hill along the Sharpsburg road, as well as it could during the rest of the day, watched the artillery duel and the constant arrival of troops, and drew rations of food and ammunition. The enemy seemed to know that the men were there and sent leaden messengers over the hill every few minutes to find them, but although these made a great deal of noise, they did no harm to the Nineteenth. There was a sharp skirmish between Hooker's left and the enemy during the afternoon, but without result except that Hooker esta<
Keedysville (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
e filled with them, and they were being tenderly cared for by the ladies of the place. Boonesboro seemed to be Union in sentiment. Everyone was at the door or window to see the troops pass and all the pails and other articles that would hold water were placed at their service. The inhabitants had not been pleased by even their very brief acquaintances with the Johnnies. This was the only town in which the inhabitants evinced any desire to receive the Union troops cordially. On to Keedysville was the order, and in the afternoon of Sept. 16, this little place on Antietam Creek was reached. During this march the column was pressed over to the side of the road to give a cavalry force the right of way in pursuit of the retreating rebel column. Each trooper had, in addition to his carbine and sabre, his haversack with his own ration, also his canteen, and a ration of forage, in the shape of a bundle of hay, for his horse. As they went clattering and banging along, the ration
Boonsboro (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
merchants of Frederick City and other towns through which the Confederate Army had passed. Soon the regiment was on the march after the retreating Rebs, toward Boonesboro. All along the road were found evidences of their hasty departure. Most of their wounded had been removed and when Boonesboro was reached the little church thBoonesboro was reached the little church there was found to be filled with them, and they were being tenderly cared for by the ladies of the place. Boonesboro seemed to be Union in sentiment. Everyone was at the door or window to see the troops pass and all the pails and other articles that would hold water were placed at their service. The inhabitants had not been pleaBoonesboro seemed to be Union in sentiment. Everyone was at the door or window to see the troops pass and all the pails and other articles that would hold water were placed at their service. The inhabitants had not been pleased by even their very brief acquaintances with the Johnnies. This was the only town in which the inhabitants evinced any desire to receive the Union troops cordially. On to Keedysville was the order, and in the afternoon of Sept. 16, this little place on Antietam Creek was reached. During this march the column was presse
Millbury (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
the march which brought it finally to South Mountain and Antietam. The weather was warm, the regiment had no tents and the rations were not good, still they were on Maryland soil. When the regiment reached Rockville, Sept. 8, they spent one night there and many of the officers visited the Massachusetts regiments of Pope's Army. It was a revelation to hear their brothers of Pope's Army talk politics at such a time. The march was resumed in the morning and continued slowly forward. Millbury was reached on Sept. 9, Clarksburg on the 10th and Urbana on the 12th. Fences suffered somewhat during the march, being used for cooking purposes only, the weather being so warm that no other fires were needed. Sometimes on picket, sometimes on the march, the column gradually neared Frederick City. Here and there traces of the rebels were found and, on the whole, they did not seem to have left a very good impression on the soil or in the hearts of the Marylanders. Once in a while a fe
Lynn (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
night, on this eve of the battle of Antietam, Bachelder asked his junior officer, as he sat reading his Bible, to read a chapter aloud. Surprised at the captain's request, he happily complied and was asked to continue until several chapters had been read. Then, under the same blanket, they lay down to rest, but not to sleep, for Capt. Bachelder, as if forewarned of the fate which was to be his within a few hours, talked as he never had before to Newcomb in regard to the affairs of the company; telling him, among other things, of certain money, The Company Fund, which he had from time to time sent home to his father in Lynn for safe keeping, advising him in regard to matters pertaining to the company and making in general such arrangements as one would make if taking leave of them forever. Then they slept,—Capt. Bachelder his last on earth, for he was killed in the battle of the following day; Newcomb being spared, but to answer the final summons in the next battle,—Fredericksbu
Clarksburg (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
y to South Mountain and Antietam. The weather was warm, the regiment had no tents and the rations were not good, still they were on Maryland soil. When the regiment reached Rockville, Sept. 8, they spent one night there and many of the officers visited the Massachusetts regiments of Pope's Army. It was a revelation to hear their brothers of Pope's Army talk politics at such a time. The march was resumed in the morning and continued slowly forward. Millbury was reached on Sept. 9, Clarksburg on the 10th and Urbana on the 12th. Fences suffered somewhat during the march, being used for cooking purposes only, the weather being so warm that no other fires were needed. Sometimes on picket, sometimes on the march, the column gradually neared Frederick City. Here and there traces of the rebels were found and, on the whole, they did not seem to have left a very good impression on the soil or in the hearts of the Marylanders. Once in a while a fellow in a grey coat was discovered
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
outh Mountain and Antietam. The troops were not in good health or spirits, but a few days in Maryland would do much for them. Rumors were soon afloat that Lee was in Pennsylvania and Maryland. Maryland. Lee had received the thanks of the Confederate Congress for his brilliant achievements and with his trusted Lieutenant Generals, Jackson and Longstreet, crossed the Potomac near the scene of the battl Baltimore. He marched into Frederick City, Md. and issued his proclamation to the citizens of Maryland on Sept. 7. Meanwhile the command of the Union Army, including both the Army of the Potomac e weather was warm, the regiment had no tents and the rations were not good, still they were on Maryland soil. When the regiment reached Rockville, Sept. 8, they spent one night there and many of theion of a few days before had been couched in terms which he thought would cause the citizens of Maryland to rally about the Confederate flag and it was probably thought wise to restrain any undue tres
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
Chapter 17: to South Mountain and Antietam. The troops were not in good health or spirits, but a few days in Maryland would do much for them. Rumors were soon afloat that Lee was in Pennsylvania and Maryland. Lee had received the thanks of the Confederate Congress for his brilliant achievements and with his trusted Lieutenant Generals, Jackson and Longstreet, crossed the Potomac near the scene of the battle of Ball's Bluff, threatening both Washington and Baltimore. He marched into Frederick City, Md. and issued his proclamation to the citizens of Maryland on Sept. 7. Meanwhile the command of the Union Army, including both the Army of the Potomac and the Army of Virginia, from which Pope had just been relieved, passed quietly again into the hands of McClellan. He at once took the field again to re-organize the forces, and started in pursuit of Lee. The restoration of McClellan contributed a healthy enthusiasm and on Sept. 7 the Army moved in three columns, the right win
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
en coming toward the regiment, showing his ivory and toting an earthen pot of butter under each arm, fresh from a neighboring dairy or spring house. The effort to beckon him out of the way was comical but strategic. The officers managed to make good use of the butter. It was too much of a luxury to part with, orders or no orders. On the morning of the 14th camp was broken and the march resumed, but only the commanders knew what the objective point was. There were rumors that it was Harper's Ferry, the Potomac river, and other places. At first the road lay along the level Pleasant Valley and was very smooth and delightful in the fresh autumn air. After a march of a couple of miles, orders were issued to retrace the steps as the regiment was on the wrong road. This order did not please the men, but soon the command began to ascend a steep and high hill. For a good part of the way up the road was well shaded by large trees, making it cool and refreshing when the sun became high.
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
Chapter 17: to South Mountain and Antietam. The troops were not in good health or spirits, but a few days in Maryland would do much for them. Rumors were soon afloat that Lee was in Pennsylvania and Maryland. Lee had received the thanks of the Confederate Congress for his brilliant achievements and with his trusted Lieutenant Generals, Jackson and Longstreet, crossed the Potomac near the scene of the battle of Ball's Bluff, threatening both Washington and Baltimore. He marched into Frederick City, Md. and issued his proclamation to the citizens of Maryland on Sept. 7. Meanwhile the command of the Union Army, including both the Army of the Potomac and the Army of Virginia, from which Pope had just been relieved, passed quietly again into the hands of McClellan. He at once took the field again to re-organize the forces, and started in pursuit of Lee. The restoration of McClellan contributed a healthy enthusiasm and on Sept. 7 the Army moved in three columns, the right wing
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