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Boonville (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ith four pieces of artillery and some cavalry, occupying a strong position near the town. Our forces advanced at once to the assault, and after a sharp skirmish carried the position in fine style. The enemy left thirty dead on the field, with their tents and baggage, our cavalry pursuing them. The whole affair was very handsome, our regiments charging the battery and their line of infantry at the double-quick. The enemy fled in wild confusion. Some regiments of cavalry sent through to Boonville took possession of the town, tore up the railroad track and destroyed two bridges. We have a good many prisoners, but can't tell how many yet. Our loss is two killed and twelve wounded. John Pope, Major-General. Secretary Scott's despatch, Pittsburgh Landing, May 8, 9 P. M. To Hon E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: General Paine's division made a reconnoissance to Farmington to-day, found about four thousand five hundred of the enemy, drove them in hand — some style, killing th
Glendale (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
o Hon E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: General Paine's division made a reconnoissance to Farmington to-day, found about four thousand five hundred of the enemy, drove them in hand — some style, killing thirty, wounding many, and capturing some prisoners, their camp equipage, etc. At dark our cavalry was in pursuit of their artillery and baggage-train beyond Farmington, in the direction of Corinth. I witnessed the fight. Our men behaved splendidly. An artillery reconnoissance went to Glendale this morning and destroyed two trestle-bridges, and some track of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. It has been a splendid day's work for the left wing. The weather is clear and the roads are becoming good. Thomas A. Scott, Assistant Secretary of War. A National account. headquarters General Pope's command, before Corinth, May 4, 1862. Yesterday was a busy and bloody day with this command, or a part of it at least. Our forces had scarcely got fairly into their new camp, m
Pittsburg Landing (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
Doc. 4.-fight near Farmington, Miss. General Pope's despatch. Pittsburgh Landing, May 3, 1862. A reconnoissance sent towards Farmington found the enemy four thousand five hundred strong, with four pieces of artillery and some cavalry, occupying a strong position near the town. Our forces advanced at once to the assault, and after a sharp skirmish carried the position in fine style. The enemy left thirty dead on the field, with their tents and baggage, our cavalry pursuing them. ssion of the town, tore up the railroad track and destroyed two bridges. We have a good many prisoners, but can't tell how many yet. Our loss is two killed and twelve wounded. John Pope, Major-General. Secretary Scott's despatch, Pittsburgh Landing, May 8, 9 P. M. To Hon E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: General Paine's division made a reconnoissance to Farmington to-day, found about four thousand five hundred of the enemy, drove them in hand — some style, killing thirty, wounding m
Hamburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
and destroyed two trestle-bridges, and some track of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. It has been a splendid day's work for the left wing. The weather is clear and the roads are becoming good. Thomas A. Scott, Assistant Secretary of War. A National account. headquarters General Pope's command, before Corinth, May 4, 1862. Yesterday was a busy and bloody day with this command, or a part of it at least. Our forces had scarcely got fairly into their new camp, midway between Hamburgh and Corinth, before an order came to reconnoitre in force the route via Farmington, to the vicinity of the rebel works. Gens. Paine and Palmer were detailed for the work, and at ten o'clock on the third instant were on the march to accomplish it. The regiments selected were the Tenth, Sixteenth, Twenty-second, Twenty-seventh, Forty-second, and Fifty-first Illinois volunteers, Tenth and Sixteenth Michigan volunteers, Yates sharp-shooters, Illinois; Houghtailing's (Illinois) and Hezcock's (O
Madrid (Spain) (search for this): chapter 4
lost no men by it, and it taught us that the rebels were prepared and determined to dispute our progress inch by inch from this point onward. As fast as they would show us their whereabouts, however, our infantry would dislodge them, and so it continued for half a mile or more, over tangled bushes and obstructed swamp roads, to the open fields to the east of Farmington. But as fast as the sharpshooters advanced the engineers of Col. Bissell--those who took the steamboats over-land to New — Madrid — would clear away the debris and repair the bridges, so that at three o'clock the vanguard emerged from the swamp. Now commenced the fight in earnest. The enemy had posted four pieces of artillery upon an elevation of perhaps twenty feet in height, completely commanding the road, and making it utterly impossible for our troops to gain the open field, except by a detour to the right or left. Then Col. Morgan's (Tenth) regiment were sent to the right, with the Yates sharpshooters to the
Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ded to an open field in front of Farmington and to the enemy's right, from which two points our fire soon became too terrible for humanity to endnre, and the rebels fled in confusion in the direction of Corinth. Then our infantry were drawn up at the town and along the roads, while the cavalry were sent on after the flying foe. Our loss was only two killed and eleven wounded, while that of the enemy was ten killed, twelve wounded, (now in our hands,) and about thirty prisoners. The rebel forces were commanded by Brig. Gen. Marmaduke, and consisted of the following regiments: Third confederate (regular) infantry, Maj. Keep. Twenty-ninth Tennessee infantry, Col. Sam. Powell. Twenty-fifth Tennessee infantry, Col. White. Third Louisiana infantry, Col. Pettigrew. One battalion of regular cavalry, and Swett's battery of light artillery (four pieces) of Vicksburg. The affair was a most brilliant one through-out, and reflected great credit upon all concerned. --N. Y. Herald.
Farmington (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ay 3, 1862. A reconnoissance sent towards Farmington found the enemy four thousand five hundred sal Paine's division made a reconnoissance to Farmington to-day, found about four thousand five hundr of their artillery and baggage-train beyond Farmington, in the direction of Corinth. I witnessed tr came to reconnoitre in force the route via Farmington, to the vicinity of the rebel works. Gens. an cavalry. The column proceeded out on the Farmington road about five miles, when it encountered tme forty, skedaddled off in the direction of Farmington. Five of the Yates Phalanx were severely wopon the crest of a hill, to the right of the Farmington road, just in advance of a piece of dense wos just to the right of the road leading from Farmington to Corinth, upon the brow of a hill, and aboee eighths of a mile north of the village of Farmington. Houghtailing's battery immediately moved uttery proceeded to an open field in front of Farmington and to the enemy's right, from which two poi[2 more...]
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
third instant were on the march to accomplish it. The regiments selected were the Tenth, Sixteenth, Twenty-second, Twenty-seventh, Forty-second, and Fifty-first Illinois volunteers, Tenth and Sixteenth Michigan volunteers, Yates sharp-shooters, Illinois; Houghtailing's (Illinois) and Hezcock's (Ohio) batteries; and the Second Michigan cavalry. The column proceeded out on the Farmington road about five miles, when it encountered the enemy's pickets. The sharp-shooters immediately formed in linIllinois) and Hezcock's (Ohio) batteries; and the Second Michigan cavalry. The column proceeded out on the Farmington road about five miles, when it encountered the enemy's pickets. The sharp-shooters immediately formed in line-of-battle order in the road, throwing flanking parties out to the right and left, and opening a most terrific fire from the bushes, which was promptly returned by the rebels. Six rebel saddles were emptied in half as many minutes by the terrible hand of death; eight others of the butternuts were severely wounded; eight others were taken prisoners, and the rest, some forty, skedaddled off in the direction of Farmington. Five of the Yates Phalanx were severely wounded, but none were killed. O
Ohio (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
rgh and Corinth, before an order came to reconnoitre in force the route via Farmington, to the vicinity of the rebel works. Gens. Paine and Palmer were detailed for the work, and at ten o'clock on the third instant were on the march to accomplish it. The regiments selected were the Tenth, Sixteenth, Twenty-second, Twenty-seventh, Forty-second, and Fifty-first Illinois volunteers, Tenth and Sixteenth Michigan volunteers, Yates sharp-shooters, Illinois; Houghtailing's (Illinois) and Hezcock's (Ohio) batteries; and the Second Michigan cavalry. The column proceeded out on the Farmington road about five miles, when it encountered the enemy's pickets. The sharp-shooters immediately formed in line-of-battle order in the road, throwing flanking parties out to the right and left, and opening a most terrific fire from the bushes, which was promptly returned by the rebels. Six rebel saddles were emptied in half as many minutes by the terrible hand of death; eight others of the butternuts were
William G. Paine (search for this): chapter 4
have a good many prisoners, but can't tell how many yet. Our loss is two killed and twelve wounded. John Pope, Major-General. Secretary Scott's despatch, Pittsburgh Landing, May 8, 9 P. M. To Hon E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: General Paine's division made a reconnoissance to Farmington to-day, found about four thousand five hundred of the enemy, drove them in hand — some style, killing thirty, wounding many, and capturing some prisoners, their camp equipage, etc. At dark our cah this command, or a part of it at least. Our forces had scarcely got fairly into their new camp, midway between Hamburgh and Corinth, before an order came to reconnoitre in force the route via Farmington, to the vicinity of the rebel works. Gens. Paine and Palmer were detailed for the work, and at ten o'clock on the third instant were on the march to accomplish it. The regiments selected were the Tenth, Sixteenth, Twenty-second, Twenty-seventh, Forty-second, and Fifty-first Illinois voluntee
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