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and by recalling to mind the events which have quite lately taken place. We Athenians, remember, entered upon our war against the Lacedaemonians and their allies with no fewer than three hundred triremes, some afloat and others in the dockyards, with an abundance of treasure already at hand in our city, and with a yearly revenue, accruing at home or coming in from our foreign possessions, of not less than a thousand talents; we ruled over all the islands, we possessed many cities in Asia, in Europe we possessed among many others this very city of Byzantium also, where we now are,—and we were vanquished, in the way that all of you remember. What fate, then, may you and I expect to suffer now, when the Lacedaemonians still have their old allies, when the Athenians and all who at that time were allied with them have been added to the number, when Tissaphernes and all the rest of the barbarians on the coast are hostile to us, and most hostile of all the King himself, up in the interior, th
nd the whole course of their doings while they were travelling on, by land and water, from the Euxine, until they got beyond its mouth, arriving at Chrysopolis, in Asia.] After this Pharnabazus, in fear that the Greek army might carry on a campaign against his own land, sent to Anaxibius, the admiral, who chanced to be at Byzantium, and asked him to carry the army acrossThe Bosporus. Chrysopolis was directly opposite Byzantium. out of Asia, promising to do everything for him that might be needful. Anaxibius accordingly summoned the generals and captains to Byzantium, and gave them promises that if they crossed over, the soldiers would have regular pay. Theevenue, accruing at home or coming in from our foreign possessions, of not less than a thousand talents; we ruled over all the islands, we possessed many cities in Asia, in Europe we possessed among many others this very city of Byzantium also, where we now are,—and we were vanquished, in the way that all of you remember. What fat
Gallipoli (Turkey) (search for this): book 7, chapter 1
them, proceed to the Chersonese, and there CyniscusA Lacedaemonian general engaged in war with the Thracians. will take you into his pay.” And some of the soldiers, overhearing these words, or perhaps one of the captains, proceeded to spread the report of them through the army. Meanwhile the generals were inquiring about Seuthes, whether he was hostile or friendly, and whether they were to march by way of the Sacred MountainOn the northern coast of the Propontis. Their destination was the Gallipoli peninsula, and the alternative routes are a short but difficult one or a long, easy one. or go round through the middle of Thrace. While they were talking over these matters, the soldiers caught up their arms and rushed at full speed toward the gates, intending to get back inside the city wall. But when Eteonicus and his men saw the hoplites running towards them, they shut the gates and thrust in the bar. The soldiers, however, set to hammering at the gates, and said that they were most un
Byzantium (Turkey) (search for this): book 7, chapter 1
gn against his own land, sent to Anaxibius, the admiral, who chanced to be at Byzantium, and asked him to carry the army acrossThe Bosporus. Chrysopolis was directly opposite Byzantium. out of Asia, promising to do everything for him that might be needful. Anaxibius accordingly summoned the generals and captains to Byzantium, anByzantium, and gave them promises that if they crossed over, the soldiers would have regular pay. The rest of the officers replied that they would consider the matter and report y way that may seem to him safe.” After this all the soldiers crossed over to Byzantium. And Anaxibius would not give them pay, but made proclamation that the troopsny cities in Asia, in Europe we possessed among many others this very city of Byzantium also, where we now are,—and we were vanquished, in the way that all of you rerangements so that he could enter within the wall and thus sail homeward from Byzantium. When Cleander returned, he said that it was only with very great difficulty
Greece (Greece) (search for this): book 7, chapter 1
round. And to you my advice is, that being Greeks you endeavour to obtain your just rights by obedience to the leaders of the Greeks. If you are unable to accomplish this, we must not at any rate, even though wronged, be deprived of our return to Greece. And now it is my opinion that we should send messengers to Anaxibius and say to him: `We have not made our way into the city to do any violence, but to obtain some good thing from you if we can, or if that is not possible, at least to show that he Arcadian, and Philesius the Achaean to bear this message. So they departed to perform their mission. While the soldiers were still in session Coeratadascp. Xen. Anab. 7.1.13 and note thereon. the Theban came in, a man who was going up and down Greece, not in exile, but because he was afflicted with a desire to be a general, and he was offering his services to any city or people that might be wanting a general; so at this time he came to the troops and said that he was ready to lead them to th
Thrace (Greece) (search for this): book 7, chapter 1
they were to march by way of the Sacred MountainOn the northern coast of the Propontis. Their destination was the Gallipoli peninsula, and the alternative routes are a short but difficult one or a long, easy one. or go round through the middle of Thrace. While they were talking over these matters, the soldiers caught up their arms and rushed at full speed toward the gates, intending to get back inside the city wall. But when Eteonicus and his men saw the hoplites running towards them, they shut fering his services to any city or people that might be wanting a general; so at this time he came to the troops and said that he was ready to lead them to the Delta,i.e. since he was the only Lacedaemonian among the generals. as it is called, of Thrace, where they could get plenty of good things; and until they should reach there, he said he would supply them with food and drink in abundance. When the soldiers heard this proposal and the word that came back at the same time from Anaxibius—his r
Bosporus (Turkey) (search for this): book 7, chapter 1
Cyrus until the time of the battle, all that took place after the death of Cyrus on their journey to the Euxine Sea, and the whole course of their doings while they were travelling on, by land and water, from the Euxine, until they got beyond its mouth, arriving at Chrysopolis, in Asia.] After this Pharnabazus, in fear that the Greek army might carry on a campaign against his own land, sent to Anaxibius, the admiral, who chanced to be at Byzantium, and asked him to carry the army acrossThe Bosporus. Chrysopolis was directly opposite Byzantium. out of Asia, promising to do everything for him that might be needful. Anaxibius accordingly summoned the generals and captains to Byzantium, and gave them promises that if they crossed over, the soldiers would have regular pay. The rest of the officers replied that they would consider the matter and report back to him, but Xenophon told him that he intended to part company with the army at once, and wanted to sail home. Anaxibius, however, bade
The MSS. here prefix the following summary of the preceding narrative.[The preceding narrative has described all that the Greeks did on their upward march with Cyrus until the time of the battle, all that took place after the death of Cyrus on their journey to the Euxine Sea, and the whole course of their doings while they were travelling on, by land and water, from the Euxine, until they got beyond its mouth, arriving at Chrysopolis, in Asia.] After this Pharnabazus, in fear that the Greek army might carry on a campaign against his own land, sent to Anaxibius, the admiral, who chanced to be at Byzantium, and asked him to carry the army acrossThe Bosporus. Chrysopolis was directly opposite Byzantium. out of Asia, promising to do everything for him that might be needful. Anaxibius accordingly summoned the generals and captains to Byzantium, and gave them promises that if they crossed over, the soldiers would have regular pay. The rest of the officers replied that they would consider the
Chersonese (Turkey) (search for this): book 7, chapter 1
er who figures rather prominently in the story of the Peloponnesian War (Xen. Hell. 1.1.32, Xen. Hell. 1.6.26, etc.); now apparently an aide to Anaxibius. was standing by the gates ready, as soon as the last man got out, to close the gates and thrust in the crossbar. Then Anaxibius called together the generals and captains and said: “Get your provisions from the Thracian villages; there is an abundance there of barley and wheat and other supplies; when you have got them, proceed to the Chersonese, and there CyniscusA Lacedaemonian general engaged in war with the Thracians. will take you into his pay.” And some of the soldiers, overhearing these words, or perhaps one of the captains, proceeded to spread the report of them through the army. Meanwhile the generals were inquiring about Seuthes, whether he was hostile or friendly, and whether they were to march by way of the Sacred MountainOn the northern coast of the Propontis. Their destination was the Gallipoli peninsula, and the alt