Browsing named entities in Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders.. You can also browse the collection for Yulee or search for Yulee in all documents.

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States. hesitation of Georgia. project of Alexander H. Stephens. Secession of all the cotton States. seizure of Federal forts and arsenals. Fort Pickens. Senator Yulee's letter. the scenes of Secession transferred to Washington. resignation of Southern Senators. Jefferson Davis' farewell speech to the Federal Senate. Sena a mile inside the bay, beyond Fort Barancas, and was thus in an admirably safe position. The seizure of these places was earnestly and instantly advised by Senator Yulee, of Florida, in private letters written from his seat in the United States Senate. Fort Barancas and McRae, with the navy yard, were at once surrendered by thef the authority at Washington. The Senators who withdrew on this day were Mr. Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, Messrs. Fitzpatrick and Clay, of Alabama, and Messrs Yulee and Mallory, of Florida. Most of them made temperate and courteous speeches in announcing the fact and occasion of their resignation. Mr. Davis, although at