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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, V. In the dust and ashes of defeat (may 6-June 1, 1865). (search)
eir place and keep us stirred up all the time. Among the arrivals to-day was Mr. Wyman, who brought with him a Dr. Nicholson, surgeon of his regiment [the 1st Alababeing in such bad company. Mother said she was going to hide the silver, and Mr. Wyman told her she had better search the doctor's pockets before he went away, and the doctor gave the same advice about Mr. Wyman. Their regiment was commanded by the Col. Blakey I met in Montgomery winter before last, and Mr. Wyman says he disbaMr. Wyman says he disbanded his men to get rid of them. They tell all sorts of hard jokes on themselves. A favorite topic of conversation at this time is what we are going to do for ahat things are more likely to become worse than better. May 14, Sunday Mr. Wyman and Dr. Nicholson went their way this morning long before anybody was up, so ns. They must have had a lively time on their journey thus far, judging from Mr. Wyman's account of it. On my way to church I had a striking illustration of the
field. It was restored to the General. The casualties are not as great as at first supposed. The number will not reach one thousand killed, wounded, and missing. The Fourth Iowa, in Thayer's brigade, and Thirteenth Illinois, in Blair's brigade, suffered most. In these two regiments the killed and wounded amount to near three hundred. The Fifty-eighth Ohio is said to have suffered considerably. Colonel Dresler, one of the best officers in the service, is numbered among the killed. Colonel Wyman, Thirteenth Illinois, was mortally wounded in the action of the twenty-eighth, and has since died. General Morgan L. Smith was wounded on the same day, but not seriously. He is recovering, and will be able to return to his command in a few days. We are not in Vicksburgh yet. A change has been made in the programme. Instead of storming this formidable citadel of rebeldom, we go North. General McClernand has arrived and supersedes Sherman. Such are the mutations of military operati
pieces, under Lieutenant LeBleur, and a section of the Beaufort volunteer artillery, under Lieutenant N. M. Stuart, were ordered to Coosawhatchie, a town two miles distant from my headquarters in McPhersonville, and five from Old Pocotaligo. Captain Wyman's company, stationed near Coosawhatchie, and five other companies of the Eleventh regiment of infantry, from Hardeeville, were ordered to support this artillery. Colonel Colcocke's command of five companies of cavalry, and two companies of sought, you had fortunately despatched at an early hour that morning, for their protection, the Lafayette artillery, Lieutenant Le Bleux commanding, and a section of Captain Elliott's battery, Lieutenant Stuart commanding. These, supported by Captain Wyman's company of infantry, most gallantly repulsed the enemy in their attack on the bridges, and drove them in confusion towards their other detachments, which, beyond the range of our artillery, had succeeded in cutting the telegraph wire and di
. Grinnell, Oct. 1, 1846, who was b. Mar. 19, 1826.   Louisa H., b. May 11, 1807.   Julia D., b. Feb. 28, 1809.    Sarah P. (Fanny Fern) b. July 9, 1811; m.Charles H. Eldridge, May 4, 1837.    Mary P., b. Nov. 28, 1813; m.Joseph Jenkins, Aug., 1831.   Edward P., b. July 23, 1816; d., unm., Mar. 22, 1853.    Richard Storrs, b. Feb. 10, 1819; m.Jesse Cairnes, Sept. 30, 1852.    Ellen H., b. Sept. 23, 1821; m.C. F. Dennet, June 12, 1843, and d. Feb. 5, 1844.  1WYMAN, James, of Medford, was b. in Woburn, Sept. 28, 1726. His father was Joshua Wyman, by his wife Mary Pollard. Joshua was fifth son of William Wyman, by his wife Prudence Putnam; was b. Jan. 3, 1693, and d. c. 1770. William W. was second son of Francis W., of Woburn, who came here at an early date, and m., 2d, Abigail Read. William was b. 1656. His father, Francis, d. Nov. 28, 1699, aged c. 82. James Wyman, of Medford, m. Susanna Cutter, Mar. 18, 1756, who d., aged 38, May 12, 17
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Missouri Volunteers. (search)
nized June, 1861, by authority of Gen. Lyon. Duty in Pettis and adjacent counties. Mustered out August, 1861. Phelps County Company home Guard Infantry (Maries Co. Independent Company). Organized at Rolla June, 1861, by authority of Col. Wyman, and duty there till September. Mustered out September, 1861. Phelps County Company home Guard Infantry (Bennight's). Organized at Rolla July, 1861, by authority of Col. Wyman. Scouting in Phelps and adjacent counties. Skirmish at Col. Wyman. Scouting in Phelps and adjacent counties. Skirmish at Bennight's Mills September 1. Mustered out September 20, 1861. Pike County Regiment home Guard Infantry. Organized July, 1861, by authority of Gen. Lyon. Duty in Pike, Lincoln and Montgomery Counties. At Bowling Green, Ashley and Louisiana. Mustered out September, 1861. Pilot Knob Company home Guard Infantry. Organized June, 1861, by authority of Gen. Lyon. Guard bridges of the Iron Mountain Railroad till October. Mustered out October, 1861. Polk County Regiment ho
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Dr. W. T. G. Morton (search)
ulphuric ether; that his clothes smelt of it; and that he tried to persuade laboring-men to allow him to experiment upon them with it. As Dr. J. Collins Warren says: Anesthesia had been the dream of many surgeons and scientists, but it had been classed with aerial navigation and other improbable inventions. Anaesthesia in surgery, 15. As long ago as 1818 Faraday had discovered the chief properties of ether, with the exception of its effect in deadening sensibility. In 1836 Dr. Morrill Wyman and Dr. Samuel Parkman had experimented with it on themselves at the Massachusetts Hospital, but without taking a sufficient quantity to produce unconsciousness. It was actually employed in 1842 by Dr. Crawford W. Long, at the University of Pennsylsylvania, in some minor cases of surgery, but he would seem to have lost confidence in his method and afterwards abandoned it. In December, 1844, Horace Wells, a dentist of Hartford, had a tooth extracted by his own request while under the infl
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 8: eagerness of the soldiers to hear the Gospel. (search)
on on the men who, on that bleak December morning, held the town with such tenacity against Burnside's mighty hosts until Marse Robert had formed on the hills beyond his lines of Gray, against which the waves of Blue surged in vain. Soon we hear the familiar command, Break ranks, and immediately the streets are filled with soldiers eagerly running in a given direction. What does this mean? a stranger would inquire. Is Old John Robinson about to have a performance of his circus? Has Wyman, the great magician, come to town? Are the Negro Minstrels about to exhibit? What means this eager running? Ask one of the men, and he will scarcely pause as he replies: We are trying to get into the church before all of the seats are taken.. Yes! the house of God is the goal they seek, and long before the appointed hour the spacious Episcopal church, kindly tendered for the purpose by its rector, is filled—nay, packed—to its utmost capacity—lower floor, galleries, aisles, chancel, pul<
Theophilus Parsons, of the Cambridge Law School, and granddaughter of the late Chief Justice Parsons, of Massachusetts. Miss Parsons was born in Taunton, Massachusetts, was educated in Boston, and resided at Cambridge at the beginning of the war. She at once foresaw that there would be need of the same heroic work on the part of the women of the country as that performed by Florence Nightingale and her army of women nurses in the Crimea, and with her father's approval she consulted with Dr. Wyman, of Cambridge, how she could acquire the necessary instruction and training to perform the duties of a skilful nurse in the hospitals. Through his influence with Dr. Shaw, the superintendent of the Massachusetts General Hospital, she was received into that institution as a pupil in the work of caring for the sick, in the dressing of wounds, in the preparation of diet for invalids, and in all that pertains to a well regulated hospital. She was thoroughly and carefully instructed by the su
ter that held some town office nearly every year till 1776. In 1740, he was granted 10 acres of upland in Keene, for hazarding his life and estate by living in the place to promote the settlement of the township. Still later he was granted 104 acres in that part of Keene, which is now in the town of Roxbury. This estate is at present occupied by David Brigham Nims, his great great-grandson. He had ten children one of whom Asahel fell at the battle of Bunker Hill. On the morning when Captain Wyman and his men left Keene for Massachusetts, Asahel came into town from his home on the Sullivan Hills where he was clearing land and getting ready to settle with one whom he hoped soon to marry. He saw the military movement and was fired with that spirit of military and patriotic fervor which has been such a characteristic of the Nims family. One fellow who had enlisted did not have the courage to start. Asahel consented to take that fellow's place and lost his life in his first battle.
James Russell Soley, Professor U. S. Navy, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, The blockade and the cruisers (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 4: (search)
m to the boat. After Ward's death, Commander Craven succeeded to the command of the flotilla. Occasional brushes with the enemy took place, schooners were cut out or burned, and the river was kept open until the end of October, when the heavy batteries thrown up on the Virginia shore made it impassable. Early in 1862 the Confederates withdrew from their positions along the river. The work of the flotilla in the Potomac during the remainder of the war, under its successive commanders, Wyman, Harwood, and Parker, was chiefly confined to the suppression of the small attempts at illicit traffic which are always found along a frontier of belligerent operations. In the other Virginian rivers the flotilla at the same time took part in active operations, in connection with the movements of the army and the protection of transports and supplies. Outside the Chesapeake the real blockade service began. A little to the south of the Capes is found the double coast which extends as far