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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 27 1 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 8 18 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: May 15, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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on was then a little past forty-three years of age. He left Philadelphia for Cambridge a week later, where he arrived on July 2; and at about nine o'clock on the morning of the 3d, standing in the shade of an elm-tree in Cambridge, he formally assumed the command of the army, then numbering about 16,000 men, all New-Englanders. The following were appointed his assistants: Artemas Ward, Charles Lee, Philip Schuyler, and Israel Putnam, major-generals; and Seth Pomeroy, Richard Montgomery, David Wooster, William Heath, Joseph Spencer, John Thomas, John Sullivan, and Nathaniel Greene, brigader-generals. Horatio Gates was appointed as adjutant-general. The pay of a major-general was fixed at $166 a month; of a brigadier-general, $125; of the adjutant-general, $125; commissary-general of stores and provisions, $80; quartermaster-general, $80; deputy quartermaster-general, $40: paymaster-general, $100; deputy paymaster-general, $50; chief-engineer, $60; assistant engineer, $20; aide-de-ca
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Arnold, Benedict, 1741-1801 (search)
ing to Henry (afterwards General) Dearborn made savory food for them. In this expedition were men who afterwards became famous in American history — Aaron Burr, R. J. Meigs, Henry Dearborn, Daniel Morgan, and others. Arnold assisted Montgomery in the siege of Quebec, and was there severely wounded in the leg. Montgomery was killed, and Arnold was promoted to brigadier-general (Jan. 10, 1776), and took command of the remnant of the American troops in the vicinity of Quebec. Succeeded by Wooster, he went up Lake Champlain to Ticonderoga, where he was placed in command of an armed flotilla on the lake. With these vessels he had disastrous battles (Oct. 11 and 13, 1776) with British vessels built at St. Johns. Arnold was deeply offended by the appointment, by Congress, early in 1777, of five of his juniors to the rank of major-general. He received the same appointment soon afterwards (Feb. 7, 1777), but the affront left an irritating thorn in his bosom, and he was continually in t
chuyler had been appointed to the command of the Northern Department, which included the whole province of New York. Gen. Richard Montgomery was his chief lieutenant. The regiments raised by the province of New York were put in motion, and General Wooster, with Connecticut troops, who were stationed at Harlem, was ordered to Albany. The New-Yorkers were joined by Green Mountain boys. Schuyler sent into Canada an address to the inhabitants, in the French language, informing them that the onlmery. The combined forces returned to Quebec, and began a siege. At the close of the year (1775), in an attempt to take the city by storm, the invaders were repulsed, and Montgomery was killed. Arnold took the command, and was relieved by General Wooster, in April (1776). A month later, General Thomas took command, and, hearing of the approach of a large armament, land and naval, to Quebec, he retreated up the river. Driven from one post to another, the Americans were finally expelled from
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Danbury, destruction of. (search)
larm the country and call the militia to the field. The call was nobly responded to. Hearing of this gathering from a Tory scout, Tryon made a hasty retreat by way of Ridgefield, near which place he was confronted by the militia under Generals Wooster, Arnold, and Silliman. A sharp skirmish ensued, in which Wooster was killed, and Arnold had a narrow escape from capture, after his horse had been shot under him. For his gallantry on that occasion the Congress presented him with a horse richlyWooster was killed, and Arnold had a narrow escape from capture, after his horse had been shot under him. For his gallantry on that occasion the Congress presented him with a horse richly caparisoned. Tryon spent the night in the neighborhood for his troops to rest, and early the next morning he hurried to his ships, terribly smitten on the way by the gathering militia, and at the landing by cannon-shot directed by Lieutenant-Colonel Oswald. They escaped capture only through the gallant services of some marines led by General Erskine. About sunset the fleet departed, the British having lost about 300 men, including prisoners, during the invasion. The Americans lost about 10
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Montreal, massacre at (search)
land at Longueil was attacked by Col. Seth Warner and about 300 Green Mountain Boys, and driven back in great confusion. The news of this repulse caused the speedy surrender of St. John, when Montgomery pressed on towards Montreal. Carleton, knowing the weakness of the fort, at once retreated on board a vessel of a small fleet lying in the river, and attempted to flee to Quebec with the garrison. Montgomery entered Montreal without opposition, and sent a force under Colonel Easton to intercept the intending fugitives. He hastened to the mouth of the Sorel with troops, cannon, and armed gondolas. The British fleet could not pass, and Prescott, several other officers, members of the Canadian Council, and 120 private soldiers, with all the vessels, were surrendered. Carleton escaped. Then Montgomery wrote to the Congress, Until Quebec is taken Canada is unconquered. Leaving Wooster in command at Montreal, Montgomery then pushed on towards Quebec. See Montgomery, Richard; Quebec.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Quebec. (search)
w days by issuing proclamations and demanding the surrender of the city, he was startled by news of the descent of the St. Lawrence by Carleton, and that the garrison were about to sally out and attack him with field-pieces. He had been joined by the 200 troops he had left at Point Levi, but his numbers were still so few and without cannon, that he prudently fled up the river to Point Aux Trembles, and there awaited instructions from Montgomery. The latter had left troops in charge of General Wooster, at Montreal, and with a few soldiers who had agreed to follow him he went towards Quebec. He met Arnold's shivering soldiers on Dec. 3, and took command of the combined troops. With woollen clothing which he took with him he clothed Arnold's men, and with the combined force, less than 1,000 strong, and 200 Canadian volunteers under Col. James Livingston, he pressed forward, and stood before Quebec on the evening of the 5th. On the following morning he demanded the surrender of t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Schuyler, Philip (John) 1733-1857 (search)
a in a circular letter, written in French, informing them that the only views of Congress were to restore to them their rights, which every subject of the British Empire, of whatever religious sentiments he may be, is entitled to; and that, in the execution of these trusts, he had received the most positive orders to cherish every Canadian and every friend to the cause of liberty, and sacredly to guard their property. The wise purposes of this circular were frustrated by the bigotry of General Wooster, who saw no good in Roman Catholics, and the dishonesty of Colonel Arnold, who cheated them. On his recovery from his attack of gout he entered with zeal upon his various duties as commander-in-chief of his department and principal Indian commissioner. Annoyed by the insubordination and loose discipline of some of his troops —with interference with his authority and wicked slanders of men intriguing to put General Gates in his place—he offered his resignation; but the Congress, kno
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Connecticut, (search)
ghteen hours.] Col. Samuel H. Parsons and Benedict Arnold, at Hartford, plan the capture of Ticonderoga......April 27, 1775 Benedict Arnold marches from New Haven with his company and reaches Boston......April 29, 1775 Surrender of Ticonderoga to Col. Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold......May 10, 1775 General Assembly authorize bills of credit to $500,000 to equip eight regiments......May 11, 1775 Ex-Governor Tryon, with 2,000 men, destroys Danbury......April 26, 1777 [Gen. David Wooster, of Connecticut, is mortally wounded.] General Tryon lands at New Haven with about 3,000 men and plunders it......July 5, 1778 Fairfield, Green's Farm, and Norwalk burned......1778 General Tryon, from Kingsbridge, N. Y., with 1,500 troops, destroys the salt-works at Horseneck, Conn. Here General Putnam is said to have ridden down a declivity in escaping......March 26, 1779 Benedict Arnold plunders and burns New London......Sept. 6, 1781 [Fort Griswold across the river i
, he escapes......November, 1863 Soldiers' monument erected at Cincinnati......1864 Number of men, reduced to a threeyears' standard, furnished by Ohio for the Civil War, 240,514, from April 15, 1861, to......April 9, 1865 University of Wooster established at Wooster......1866 Cincinnati suspension bridge opened to the public......1867 Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College, State control, opened at Columbus......1870 Cincinnati University opened at Cincinnati......1870 Wooster......1866 Cincinnati suspension bridge opened to the public......1867 Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College, State control, opened at Columbus......1870 Cincinnati University opened at Cincinnati......1870 Population, 2,665,260; 65.3 to square mile......1870 Vallandigham accidentally kills himself with a revolver while illustrating in court a case of homicide......June 18, 1871 Completion of the canal around Louisville......1872 Revised constitution rejected by the people......1873 Population, 3,198,062; 78.5 to square mile......1880 Train bearing the remains of President Garfield arrives at Cleveland......Sept. 24, 1881 Western Reserve College removed to Cleveland and renamed
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wooster, David 1710- (search)
Wooster, David 1710- Military officer; born in Stratford, Conn., March 2, 1710; graduated at Yale College in 1738, and was made captain of an armed vessel to protect the Connecticut coast in 1739. He commanded the sloop-of-war Connecticut, which convoyed troops on the expedition against Louisburg in 1745, and was sent in command of a cartel-ship, but was not permitted to land in France. Made captain in Pepperell's regiment, he afterwards received half-pay until 1774, and, as colonel and brigadier-general, served David Wooster. through the French and Indian War. He served in the campaign in Canada in 1775, having been made a brigadier-general in June that year. After the death of Montgomery, he was in chief command for some months, after which he resigned and was made major-general of Connecticut militia. While opposing the invasion of Tryon, sent to destroy stores at Danbury, he was mortally wounded (April 27, 1777), at Ridgefield, and died, May 2 following. The State of