Your search returned 169 results in 76 document sections:

ille. Bass. Bassell, Bell, Boisseau, Burks, Caperton, Carpenter, Carter, Chapman Childs, Claiborne, Duckwall, Edwards, Evans, Friend Garrett. J. T. Gibson, J. Gilmer, Graham, Gratten, Dunter James, C. H. Jones, Warner T. Jones. Kantman, Kemper, Kincheloe, Lundy, Lina, Mallory, McDowell, McGehee, Meddey, Miles, J. R. Miller, Mong, Montague, Montgomery, Morgan, Nelson, Newton, Orlain, R. K. Robinson, Rutherford, Seddon, Shannon, H Smith Thomas Temlis, Tyler, Ward, Wilson, Wingfield, Witten, Woolfolk and Mr. Speaker--62. After being debated pro and con, it was withdrawn by the mover. Mr. Collier offered and advocated a motion to recommit the whole bill to the committee, but withdrew the same prior to a vote. Mr. Haymond moved to reconsider the vote adopting the amendment offered by Mr. Keen. He did so with a view of again submitting Mr. Collier's amendment, heretofore defeated. Mr. Keen said he heard it asserted in the House that the newspapers, politicians and Deleg
Kemper, Kincheloe, Lundy, Lynn, Mallory, J. G. McDowell, McGehee, Medley, Mong, Montague, Montgomery, Morrison, Nelson, Newton, Orgain, S. K. Robinson, Rutherford, H. Smith, Thomas, Tomlin, Tyler, Wallace, Ward, E. Watson, Wilson, Witten, Wood, Woolfolk--61. Nays--Messrs. Alderson, Arnold, Ball, Bentley, Bisbie, Booker, Boreman, Brown, Cassin, Christian, Coleman, Collier, Cowan, Crane, Crump, Davis, Dickenson, Edgington, Ferguson, Ferrill, Fleming, Frost, D. Gibson, C. H. Gilmer, Goodycoofoord, Saunders, Scott, Seddon, Segar, Shannon, Sherrard, Sibert, James K. Smith, Isaac N. Smith, Henry Smith, Staples, Thomas, Thompson, Tomlin, Tyler, Walker, Wallace, Ward, Arthur, Watson, Watts, West, Wilson, Wilcox, Wingfield, Witten, Wood, Woolfolk, Yerby, and Mr. Speaker.--141. Gen. Kemper was requested to communicate the passage of the bill to the Senate.--[Note.--The document in question will be found in Senate proceedings as amended and passed by that body.] A motion to adjo
the expenses of transporting Gatt's statue of Jefferson from Florence, procuring a pedestal for same, and for properly setting it up; by Mr. Lynn, of granting relief to the sureties of Mr. Fitzhugh, Sheriff of Prince William county; by Mr. Wood, of reporting a bill to amend the 2d section of an act passed January 3d, 1860, to authorize the opening of a turnpike over the Southwest Mountain to the county of Albemarle; by Mr. Harrison, of amending the charter of the Bank of Scottsville; by Mr. Woolfolk, of properly compensating officers conducting elections; by Mr. Maupin, of amending the charter of the town of Guyandotte, in Cabell county. Petitions, &c.--The following petitions and other documents were presented and referred: By Mr. Ballard, the petition of Wm. Stratton, of the county of Logan, praying to be released from certain flues, &c.; by Mr. Smith, the petition of Jacob Coshorn and others, praying an amendment of the charter of the town of Charlestown; by Mr. Boreman, the
he charter of the Raleigh and Grayson Turnpike Company; by Mr. Rives, of authorizing the formation of a rifle company, in Surry county, of not less than 35 rank and file; by Mr. Boreman, of authorizing Senate bill 467, for the extension of the Belleville and Williamsport Turnpike to Ravenswood, in Jackson county; by Mr. D. Gibson, of referring to the Committee on Finance so much of the Governor's Message as relates to the appointment of Commissioners, under the act of 23d January last; by Mr. Woolfolk, of remitting a fine imposed on Richard Chapman; by Mr. Montague, of relieving Floyd Smith, late sheriff of Montgomery; by Mr. Baskerville, of repealing so much of the act of April 20th, 1858, as provides that branch banks shall redeem their notes at the parent banks, and that independent banks shall establish agencies at Richmond and Baltimore; by Mr. Christian, of amending the 15th standing rule of the House so as to provide for the more steady printing of bills; by Mr. Hackley, of amen
m Robertson, Saunders, Segar, Shannon, Sherrard, Sibert, James K. Smith, Isaac N. Smith, Staples, Thompson, Walker, Arthur Watson, Watts, Welch, West, Wingfield, Woolfolk, and Yerby-95 Mr. Seddon, of Stafford, then offered the following as a substitute for the first resolution of the Joint Committee: Resolved, That in tr, Mong. Montague, Montgomery, Nelson, Newton. R. K. Robinson, Rives, Rutherfoord, Seddon, H. Smith, Thomas, Tomlin, Tyler, Ward, E. Watson, Wilton, Witten and Woolfolk--52. Nays.--Messrs. Alderson, Arnold, Ball, Barbour, Bass Bentley, Bisbie, Booker, Boreman, Brown. Burkes, Caperton, Cassin, Christian Coleman, Collier, CocGehee, McKinney, Mong, Montague. Nelson, Newton, R. K. Robinson, Rives, Rutherfoord, Saunders, Seddon, Henry Smith, Thomas Tomlin, Tyler, Ward, Wilson, Witten, Woolfolk, and Yerby--55 Nays.--Messrs. Alderson, Arnold, Ball. Barbour, Bentley, Bisbie, Booker, Boreman, Brown, Burks, Caperton, Cassin, Christian, Collier, Edging
n the county of Marshall; amending the charter of the town of Bath, in the county of Morgan: amending an act passed March 31st, 1860, entitled an act to restrict the catching of oysters in certain months; authorizing the Clerks of Supreme Courts and the District Courts of Appeals to take orders of publication in vacation; amending an act incorporating the Lewisburg Female Institute. Committee on Free Negroes.--The Speaker announced the following committee on the above subject, viz: Messrs. Woolfolk, Oregon, McCamant, Rives, Eddington, Kincheloe, Montague, McGehee, and Martin of Nelson. Telegraphic Operators.--An adverse report was returned to the resolution inquiring into the expediency of exempting employees in telegraphic offices from military duty. Petitions, &c.--Mr. Chapman presented the petition of James K. Scott and 170 others, citizens of the counties of Greenbrier and Monroe, remonstrating against the formation of a new county out of parts of Monroe and Greenbri
D. Billups, of Matthews, his account for services rendered; by Mr. Anderson, of authorizing the Governor to cause a part of the negro convicts to be hired to proprietor of works engaged in making iron for the use of the Confederate States; by Mr. Woolfolk, of allowing compensation to the militia called out by the Governor; by Mr. Riddick, of assuming Virginia's portion of the Confederate war tax, by Mr. Grattan, of suppressing the issue of notes by corporations or individuals; by Mr. Rives, of making some alterations in the Stay law; by Mr. Woolfolk, of amending the president law in relation to the free negro population of the State; by Mr. Buford, of extending the time of organizing the James River Coal Company; by Mr. Baskerville, of amending the ordinance for the re-organization of the militia, recently passed by the Convention; by Mr. Bass, of paying for clothing, &c., recently furnished to the militia of Roanoke; by Mr. Collins, of refunding taxes on licenses issued, but not on a
Shooting. --A difficulty occurred on Tuesday evening, at the camp near the reservoir, between two members of Captain Woolfolk's company, from Hanover, named John Haves and John Mitchell, which resulted very seriously. Hayes, we are informed, discharged a pistol at Mitchell, inflicting two dangerous wounds. He was subsequently arrested, and is now in the county jail.
, Carpenter, Baker. Lunatic Asylum--Messrs. Rives, Curtis, Tate, McGruder, Nelson of Fluvanna, Clockett, Worsham, Hopkins, Anderson of Albemarle, Lockridge, Woolfolk, Bradford, Vaden, Vernmillion, Clarke. Enrolled Bills--Messrs. Hunt, Kyle, Wootten, Gillespie, Booten, Taylor, Prince, Worsham, McDonald of Logan, Woolfolk,Woolfolk, Nelson of Louisa, Cecil, Fletcher, Rowan, Bayse. Banks--Messrs. Robertson, Edmunds, Ward, Davis of Campbell, James, Wilson of Norfolk, Buford, Grattan, Lundy, McDonald of Hampshire, Orgain, Dunn, Rives, Walker, Cazenove, Baker, Carter, Wilson of Isle of Wight. Treasurer's Accounts--Messrs. Matthews, Cazenove, Walker, Baette. Agriculture and Manufactures--Messrs. Orgain, Tyler, Lynn, Riddick, Johnson, Lockridge, Watson, of Fluvanna, Payne, McDonald of Logan, Daniel, Lively, Woolfolk, Prince, Irby, and Boggs. Claims.--Messrs. Bass, Kaufman, Brooks, Grattan, Davis of Amherst, Pitman, Nelson of Louisa, Montague, Wilson of Norfolk, Walker,
de also for the employment of negro convicts in salt works or any other company engaged in the manufacture of iron, &c. The House concurred in these amendments. The Speaker announced the following special committees. Committee to consider the extravagant prices demanded for articles of prime necessity — Messrs Anderson of Rockbridge, Miner Wayne, Priman, Flood, Laidley, Daniel, James. Committee to consider the condition of the free negro papulation of the Common wealth. Messrs. Woolfolk, Rivers, Woodhouse, Thomas, Baskerville, McCamant, Orgain. Wilson of is in of Wight, Kanman, West, Lockridge. Mr. Hunter presented a petition from the President Direction and Stockholders of the Bank of Benkelay. Referred to the Committee on Finance. The following special committee was appointed by the Speaker to procure committee accommodations--Messrs. Hass. Wayne, and Davis of Amherst The Committee appointed in pursuance of a resolution of the House "in inquire who a