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ood $5.50 to $6.50@7; good and fine dry English $7.50 to $10.50; fancy wrappers $10 to $15. Wheat.--We quote Red $1.20 to $1.25; White $1.30 to $1.35; the market quiet. Whiskey.--We quote common 20 per cent. at $1.30; Old Rye $2.50. Wool.--Virginia Washed Wool, 80 to 90 cents per lb.; unwashed 50 to 60 cts.; fine Merino, unwashed, 65 to 75 cts.; washed 90 a $1. Money Market. There is hardly anything done now in uncurrent money; for there is little that is uncurrent. The BWool, 80 to 90 cents per lb.; unwashed 50 to 60 cts.; fine Merino, unwashed, 65 to 75 cts.; washed 90 a $1. Money Market. There is hardly anything done now in uncurrent money; for there is little that is uncurrent. The Banks here take, on deposit, all moderately respectable Southern Bank notes and the shin plaster trash which inundates the land passes by common consent, from hand to hand. The brokers buy silver com at 25 per cent, prem and sell it at 30; they buy gold at 30, and sell it at 35 per cent. prem. Cattle Market. The Cattle market continues firm. Sales this week $3.50 to $5. Supply fair. Sheep.--Good Sheep are much in demand. We quote recent sales at $5 to $6.50 nett. Hogs —