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e quartermaster at this place has not had the means to give a good team for the ambulance for a long time, and I would do no injustice to say that I have at no time had a sufficiently good team. . . . The team furnished at this point now has to work in the trains when not in the service of the pay department, a practice which makes a team totally unfit for ambulance service. He adds: There is no ambulance here; the one mentioned in my requisition became a wreck on a late trip of Major Woods from Phantom Hill. This is a small matter to trouble you with, and I hate grumblers so much that I dislike to make any complaint; but, if service is to be promptly and efficiently performed, the means should not be withheld. In a letter addressed to Colonel B. F. Lamed, paymaster-general, April 8, 1852, General Johnston says: I have the honor to report that the district to which I have been assigned has been paid to the 29th February last. It is constituted as follows: Fort Gr
advance. Thayer's brigade formed, under the direction of General Lew Wallace, as described, at right angles to the intrenchments. The First Nebraska, Lieutenant-Colonel McCord, and the Fifty-eighth Illinois, were on the right; Wood's battery in the centre ; and to the left, a detached company and the Fifty-eighth Ohio, Colonel Steadman, the left of the line being obliquely retired so as to front an approach from the trenches. The line of reserve consisted of the Seventy-sixth Ohio, Colonel Woods; the Forty-sixth Illinois, Colonel Davis; and the Fifty-seventh Illinois, Colonel Baldwin. Cruft reestablished his line on the right of Thayer. It was now one o'clock. The Federal right was doubled back. The Wynn's Ferry road was cleared, and it only remained for the Confederates to do one of two things. The first was, to seize the golden moment, and, adhering to the original purpose and plan of the sortie, move off rapidly by the route laid open by such strenuous efforts and so
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 3: a cavalry officer of the army of the United States. (search)
idst of a fatal epidemic, and wrote Mrs. Lee, from Fort Riley, November 5, 1855: The court progresses slowly. A good deal was told in the evidence of Saturday; Mrs. Woods, wife of Brevet-Major Woods, Sixth Infantry, whose husband had left on the Sioux expedition, was taken ill at 9 P. M. on the 2d of August. Her youngest child,Brevet-Major Woods, Sixth Infantry, whose husband had left on the Sioux expedition, was taken ill at 9 P. M. on the 2d of August. Her youngest child, a boy of three years, was taken that night at twelve, and about six next morning her eldest, a girl of five years. The mother, when told that her end was approaching, asked her only attendant, a niece of the chaplain, to take down the last request to her children and absent husband. The sickness of her children had kindly been ces rest in the same grave. I pray their spirits may be united in heaven. The husband, stripped of all he loved, is still absent; and the same day Major Ogden, Mrs. Woods's nurse, a soldier and his wife, died-making seven corpses in the house in one day. Major Ogden was a valuable soldier and much beloved by his men. They have er
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 21: beginning of the War in Southeastern Virginia. (search)
t (erected, as we have observed, by order of General Butler, at the eastern end of Hampton Bridge), including a view of the desolated town. Near the bridge, on that side of the creek, were the summer residences of several wealthy men, then occupied for public uses. That in which Doctor McClellan resided belonged to Mallory, the so-called Confederate Secretary of the Navy. A little below it was the house of Ex-President Tyler; and near it the spacious and more ancient looking mansion of Doctor Woods, who was then with the enemies of the Government, in which several Quaker women, from Philadelphia, had established an Orphan's Home for colored children. Tyler's residence was the home of several of the teachers of the children of freedmen, and others engaged in benevolent work. John Tyler's summer residence. On our return to Fortress Monroe in the evening, we received orders to go on board the Ben, Deford, a stanch ocean steamer which was to be General Butler's Headquarters in
n of the reasons why they were now going to sign that instrument. The argument used by Mr. Armstrong was in effect the same that those who followed used; that is, that though he voted against the ordinance in Convention, he had voted for it at the polls, and would now sign it, because circumstances had transpired, in the action of the Federal Government, and in the over-whelming voice of the people of the State, which made it the duty of every patriot to stand by the State. Mr. Early and Mr. Woods, of Barbour, followed in the same strain in explanation of their course. Timothy Rives prefaced the act of signing the ordinance, by saying, that he had regarded secession as a revolutionary right, and he desired to put the word revolution against his signature. Many members were absent when the roll was called. Several came in after their names had been called, and signed; others were on military duty, and were absent from necessary causes. After the ordinance was signed, the Conventi
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 15: operations of the Army of the James around Richmond and Petersburg. (search)
alem plank road parallel with the line of defences of Petersburg, and met no resistance except from some pickets, until he reached a point on that road some four miles distant from the enemy's intrenchments. General Wise was evidently very much misinformed. He further said in his congratulatory order that he had Hood's and Batte's battalions of Virginia militia, about two hundred men each; the Forty-Seventh Regiment of Virginia Volunteers numbering about three hundred men; one company of Woods' Twenty-Third South Carolina with some fifty men; Sturdivant's Battery and Taliaferro's Cavalry, with which he kept our forces at bay and punished them severely until they reached the Jerusalem plank road. General Kautz reports again that he captured all there were of Taliaferro's cavalry outside of the intrenchments. Wise further adds that he had the following additional forces: Major Archer's corps of reserves, second-class militia, and one howitzer under the command of Brigadier-Gen
u to victory and the country to independence. Were you to decline, still your presence alone would be of inestimable advantage. The enemy are now at Nashville, about fifty thousand strong, advancing in this direction by Columbia. He has also forces, according to the report of General Bragg, landing at Pittsburg, from twenty-five to fifty thousand, and moving in the direction of Purdy. This army corps, moving to join Bragg, is about twenty thousand strong. Two brigades, Hindman's and Woods's, are, I suppose, at Corinth. One regiment of Hardee's division (Lieutenant-Colonel Patton commanding) is moving by cars to-day (March 20th), and Statham's brigade (Crittenden's division). The brigade will halt at Iuka, the regiment at Burnsville; Cleburne's brigade, Hardee's division, except the regiment, at Burnsville; and Carroll's brigade, Crittenden's division, and Helm's cavalry, at Tuscumbia; Bowen's brigade at Courtland; Breckinridge's brigade here; the regiments of cavalry of Ada
n, 76-79. Wilmer, Bishop, 634. Wilmington, N. C. Harbor defense, 171. Wilson, General, 131, 544, 592. Gen. J. H., 354, 594, 595, 596. Winchester, Va., Battle of, 449-50. Federal troops routed, 367. Winder, Capt. C. B., 419. Gen. Charles S., 90-91, 93, 94, 95. Death, 266. Act of heroism, 266-67. Gen. John H., 10, 418, 505-06. Winslow, Captain, 214. Winston, Col. 358. Wirz, Major, Henry, 505. Trial and execution, 417-18. Vindication, 418-20. Wise, Lieutenant, 575. Gen. Henry A., 122, 133, 575. Withers, General, 51. Wofford, General, 454. Wolford, Col. Frank., 397. Wood, Col., John Taylor, 188, 222, 576, 589, 590, 595. Woods, General, 36. Wool, General, 69, 74, 82, 497-98. Woolley, Col. R. W., 30. Worth, Jonathan, 624. Protest of validity of election of North Carolina, 625. Worthington, Col., Thomas, 52. Wright, General, 301. Wyndham, Col., Percy, 92. Y Yorktown. Evacuation, 78. Z Zollicoffer, Gen. Felix K., 15, 16, 18, 19, Death, 17.
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Index (search)
8, 113, 152. Weed, Thurlow, 161. Weitzel. General, 357. Weldon and Lynchburg railroads, 330, 343. Welles, Secretary, 354. West Point and Macon railroads. 343. Westport, 132, 252, 343. West Roxbury, 31. Wheeler, Vice-President, 442. Whig party, division of, 127. Whiskey Ring, 425, 426, 435-437, 441, 442, 493. Whitney, Asa, 104. Whitney, William C., 475. Wilderness, 317, 328. Widow Glen's house, 260. Williams, General, Seth, 253. Wilmot Proviso, 98. Wilson, Bluford, 223, 435, 436. Wilson, Henry, 153. Wilson, J. H., 201, 207, 211, 220, 222, 224, 225, 229, 278, 279, 281, 283, 285-287, 294, 304-307, 342, 344, 345, 349, 355, 356, 361, 375, 377, 385, 405. Winchester, battle of, 344. Wood, General, 262, 264, 294. Woods, General, 246. Woodstock, 21, 22. Wordsworth, 56. Wright, Elizur, 59. Wright, General H. G., 319, 320. 322-324, 334. Wright & Company, George, 9. Y. Yates, Governor, 211. Yazoo Pass, 205, 207, 209, 215, 225, 230, 231.
st letter they received from Hartford after leaving there :-- My dear Sister (Mary),--The Hartford letter from all and sundry has just arrived, and after cutting all manner of capers expressive of thankfulness, I have skipped three stairs at a time up to the study to begin an answer. My notions of answering letters are according to the literal sense of the word; not waiting six months and then scrawling a lazy reply, but sitting down the moment you have read a letter, and telling, as Dr. Woods says, How the subject strikes you. I wish I could be clear that the path of duty lay in talking to you this afternoon, but as I find a loud call to consider the heels of George's stockings, I must only write a word or two, and then resume my darningneedle. You don't know how anxiously we all have watched for some intelligence from Hartford. Not a day has passed when I have not been the efficient agent in getting somebody to the post-office, and every day my heart has sunk at the sound o