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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces at Fort Fisher, N. C.: January 13-15, 1865. (search)
id. Howquah, Act. V. Lieut. J. W. Balch. Keystone State, Com. H. Rolando. Lilian, Act. V. Lieut. T. A. Harris. Little Ada, Acting Master S. P. Crafts. Moccasin, Act. Ens. James Brown. Nansemond, Act. Master J. H. Porter. Tristram Shandy, Act. Ens. Ben. Wood (1st attack); Act. V. Lieut. F. M. Green (2d attack). Wilderness, Acting Master H. Arey. At the second attack the fleet was composed of the same vessels, with the exception of the Nyack, Keystone State, and Quaker City. The following addits. E. G. Dayton. Rhode Island, 47 men, Lieut. F. R. Smith. Santiago de Cuba, 53 men, Lieut. N. H. Farquhar. Vanderbilt, 70 men (estimated), Act. V. Lieut. J. D. Danels. Gettysburg, 71 men, Lieut. R. H. Lamson (w). Tristram Shandy, 22 men, Act. Ens. B. Wood (w). Montgomery, 37 men, Acting Master W. N. Wells. Total, 2261 men. casualties.--The reports of casualties in the first attack, as collated by the Surgeon-General, give the following result: 19 killed, 1 mortally scalded, 31 severely woun
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 14: the great Uprising of the people. (search)
le. To impress his new political associates with exalted ideas of his power as a Democratic leader in the North, Sanders sent, by telegraph, the following pompous dispatch to his political friends in New York:-- Montgomery, April 14. To Mayor Wood, Dean Richmond, and Auguste Belmont:-- A hundred thousand mercenary soldiers cannot occupy and hold Pensacola. The entire South are under arms, and the negroes strengthen the military. Peace must come quickly, or it must be conquered. Northe city in ashes, and, it is said, to poison the Croton water with which the city is supplied from forty miles in the interior. This exasperation of those who had been greatly deceived was very natural. The disloyal official proposition of Mayor Wood, only three or four months before; the intimate and extensive commercial relations of New York with the Slave-labor States; the known financial complicity of some of its citizens in the African Slave-trade, and the daily utterances of some of i
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 24: the called session of Congress.--foreign relations.--benevolent organizations.--the opposing armies. (search)
0th; The vote was one hundred and fifty ayes and five noes. The latter were Burnett. of Kentucky; Norton and Reid, of Missouri; Vallandigham, of Ohio; and Benjamin Wood, of New York. The first three named joined the rebels soon after the close of the session. While Vallandigham, in the lower House, was abusing the President, proposals looking to an armistice, or obedience to the National Government. The proviso was rejected, and the bill was passed. Two days afterward, July 15. Benjamin Wood, of New York, proposed that Congress should take measures for the assembling of a convention of all the States, at Louisville, Kentucky, in September followinge speedy suppression of the rebellion. This was passed with only five dissenting voices. Burnett and Grider, of Kentucky; Norton and Reid, of Missouri; and Benjamin Wood, of New York. A spirited and able debate arose in the Senate, on the 18th, July. by an addition to the bill providing for the reorganization of the Army,
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 25: the battle of Bull's Run, (search)
t hundred and ninety-seven. His estimate of missing is much below the mark. More than one hundred, captured during the day, were sent to Washington. Among the killed of the National Army were Colonel James Cameron, of the Seventy-ninth New York (Highlanders); Colonel John Slocum and Major Ballou, of the Second Rhode Island; and Lieutenant-Colonel Haggerty, of the New York Sixty-ninth (Corcoran's Irish Regiment). Among the wounded were Colonels Hunter, Heintzelman, Wilcox, Gilman, Martin, Wood, H. W. Slocum, Farnham, and Corcoran, and Major James D. Potter. Wilcox, Corcoran, and Potter, were made prisoners. Such was the immediate and most dreadful result of this first great conflict of the Civil War, known as the battle of Bull's Run. The Confederate commanders, and the writers in their interest, call it the battle of Manassas. It was fought much nearer Bull's Run than Manassas, and the title above given seems the most correct. About four years after the battle, when the
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 8: Civil affairs in 1863.--military operations between the Mountains and the Mississippi River. (search)
ncis W. Kellogg, Augustus C. Baldwin, John F. Driggs. Minnesota.--William Windom, Ignatius Donnelly. Missouri.--Francis P. Blair, Jr., Henry T. Blow, John G. Scott, J. W. McClurg, S. H. Boyd, Austin A. King, Benjamin Loan, William A. Hall, James S. Rollins. New Hampshire.--Daniel Marcy, Edward H. Rollins, James W. Patterson. New Jersey.--John F. Starr, George Middleton, William G. Steele, Andrew J. Rodgers, Nehemiah Perry. New York.--Henry G. Stebbens, Martin Kalbfleisch, Moses F. Odell, Ben. Wood, Fernando Wood, Elijah Ward, J. W. Chanler, James Brooks, Anson Herrick, William Radford, Charles H. Winfield, Homer A. Nelson, John B. Steele, John V. L. Pruyn, John A. Griswold, Orlando Kellogg, Calvin T. Hulburd, James M. Marvin, Samuel F. Miller, Ambrose W. Clark, Francis Kernan, De Witt C. Littlejohn, Thomas T. Davis, Theodore M. Pomeroy, Daniel Morris, Giles W. Hotchkiss, R. B. Van Valkenburg, Freeman Clarke, Augustus Frank, John B. Ganson, Reuben E. Fenton. Ohio.--George H. Pendleto
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 16: career of the Anglo-Confederate pirates.--closing of the Port of Mobile — political affairs. (search)
ing, Knox, Loan, McClurg, Rollins; Michigan--Baldwin, Beaman, Driggs, Kellogg, Longyear, Upson; Iowa--Allison, Grinnell, Hubbard, Kasson, Price, Wilson; Wisconsin--Cobb, McIndoe, Sloan, Wheeler; Minnesota--Donnelly, Windom; Kansas--Wilder; Oregon--McBride; Nevada--Worthington; California--Cole, Higby, Shannon.--119. Fifteen of the above were Democrats. The nays were all Democrats, as follows: Maine--Sweat; New York--Brooks, Chanler, Kalbfleisch, Keirnan, Pruyn, Townsend, Ward, Winfield, B. Wood, F. Wood; New Jersey--Perry, Steele; Pennsylvania--Ancona, Dawson, Denison, Johnson, Miller, Randall, Styles, Strause; Maryland--Harris; Kentucky--Clay, Grider, Harding, Malloy, Wadsworth; Ohio--Bliss, Cox, Finck, Johnson, Long, Morris, Noble, O'Neill. Pendleton, C. A. White, J. W. White; Indiana--Cravens, Edgerton, Harrington, Holman, Law; Illinois--J. C. Allen, W. T. Allen; Edw. Harris; Wisconsin--Brown, Eldridge; Missouri--Hall, Scott.--56. Eight Democrats did not vote, namely, Lazear,
duced to a skeleton, The Leg kept on the same as before. Slavery is the leg of the Southern Rebellion; and we are not surprised to hear, therefore, through General Butler, of a Southern Independence Association, which, when the Confederacy has gone to its diabolical father, is to labor for the reconstruction of the Democratic party, or any other political organization by which the South can regain its political ascendency, nor should we be electrified to learn that the virtuous Mr. Benjamin Wood has become an Honorary Brother of this shrewd league. If we must go back, no doubt argue these precautious patriarchs, let us see to it that we go back with Slavery strengthened, and with our chattels still more strongly confirmed to us! The dear Democrats are doubtless still our friends and will help us to make this detestable Union tolerable. We must admit that this shows not only good pluck but reasonable common sense. Slaveholders have found out that, Slavery preserved, they
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), Mr. B. Wood's Utopia. (search)
call for two cocktails of reconciliation and two cigars of peace. Pleasing picture! Fine figment of the brain of Benjamin Wood! Shall we mortals ever see you realized, exquisitely embraced and enchantingly reduced to a dead certainty? There m us, being, we suppose, of a finer philosophical spirit. When we are fortunate enough to pick up a victory, the fraternal Wood mourns. By a parity of reason, when we are so unfortunate as to encounter defeat and disaster, we suppose that he rejoicefirst propose a return? Would the happy and contented house — hold then and there be with due ceremony organized? Member Wood may believe, but we do n't. By the destruction of the resisting powers of the South, this astute and benevolent gentlemon of Rebels--and if they were every one of them destroyed, by the sword, the axe, the gallows or ratsbane, the chances of Wood's Happy Family would be considerably multiplied. The object of the Government, if we understand it, is to enforce the leg
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 30: (search)
e found under arms, and the presence of the enemy was indicated by the burning mansions, cotton-gins and negro quarters in the vicinity--one of those acts of wanton destruction for which the class of Confederate soldiers along the river banks were famous. If they could not find an enemy to harass they would often destroy the property of their own people. The entire Marine Brigade, artillery, infantry and cavalry, was immediately landed and started in pursuit of the Confederate forces; Colonel Wood, who commanded the colored troops at this point, accompanying the brigade. The cavalry overtook the enemy at Bayou Tensas, and detained him until the main body of the Union forces arrived. The enemy had a strong force of cavalry and several pieces of artillery, and endeavored to recross the Bayou and turn the right flank of the brigade. In this movement he met with a severe repulse. The brigade then advanced on the enemy, who rapidly retreated, throwing away all the plunder taken from
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 35: operations of the North Atlantic Squadron, 1863. (search)
ing-Second-Assistant, C. D. Kiersted: Acting Third-Assistants, C. O. Morgan and J. M. Battin. Steamer Seymour. Acting-Master, Francis S Wells; Acting-Ensign, Chas. Ringot; Acting-Master's Mate, Edwin Smith; Engineers: Acting-Second-Assistant, Newton Eggleston; Acting-Third-Assistants, J. A. Whittaker and Philip Hublitz. Steamer Wyandotte. Acting-Master, Thomas Wright; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, James Pennoyer; Assistant-Paymaster, Alex. McC. Bishop; Acting-Ensigns, S. A. Hodge, Benj. Wood and Wm. Henry; Acting-Master's Mates, M. E. Wandell and Wm. Chandler; Engineers: Acting-Second-Assistant, Cornelius Carr; Acting-Third-Assistants, G. R. Dunkley, Wm. Veitch and John Heaney. Steamer Commodore Hull. Acting-Masters, Wm. G. Saltonstall and Francis Josselyn; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, C. F. P. Hildreth; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, Jonathan Chapman; Acting-Ensigns, J. O. Johnson and J. B. da Camera; Acting-Master's Mates, E. F. Bowen, J. H. Wilkinson and A. F. Haradon; Engi