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George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 2 0 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: June 6, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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enville in Diary, 16 Nov. II. 224, 225. In the ensuing debate on the question, whether the privilege of parliament preserved a member from being taken up for writing and publishing a libel, Charles Yorke, the great lawyer of the Rockingham whigs, spoke against the claim of privilege, and the house decided by a great majority, that a member of parliament, breaking the laws, is not privileged against arrest. Nor would Grenville or the king brook opposition; Barre, the gallant associate of Wolfe, was dismissed from the army for his votes, and the brave and candid Conway from the army and from his place in the bed-chamber. Shelburne also was not to remain the king's aidde-camp. The House of Commons entering upon the consideration of supplies with entire confidence in the minister, readily voted those necessary for the military establishment in the colonies; and this was followed by a renewed grant of the land-tax, which, at four chap. IX.} 1763. Dec. shillings in the pound, pro
31. R. Jackson to William Johnson, 5 April, 1774, and 30 November, 1784. Thus calmly reasoned Jackson. Grenville urged chap. XI.} 1765. Feb. the house not to suffer themselves to be moved by resentment. One member, however, referred with asperity to the votes of New-York and Massachusetts, and the house generally seemed to hold that America was as virtually represented in parliament as the great majority of the inhabitants of Great Britain. Isaac Barre, the companion and friend of Wolfe, sharer of the dangers and glories of Louisburg and Quebec, seemed to admit the power of parliament to tax America, Jared Ingersoll's Correspondence. yet derided the idea of virtual representation. Who of you, reasoning upon this subject, feels warmly from the heart, he cried, putting his hand to his breast, who of you feels for the Americans as you would for yourselves, or as you would for the people of your own native country? and he taunted the house with its ignorance of American af
d have held themselves absolved from their allegiance. Compare Brutus in Boston Gazette of 11 Feb. 1771; 827, 1, 1, and of Monday, 4 March, 830, 1, 2; and letters of Eliot and Cooper. But the appointment of a native Bostonian as Governor, seemed to many a pledge of relenting; and his plausible professions hushed the people into silence. The glorious spirit of liberty is vanquished and left without hope but in a miracle, said desponding patriots. I confess, said Samuel Adams, we have, as Wolfe expressed it, a choice of difficulties. Too many flatter themselves that their pusillanimity is true prudence; but in perilous times like these, I cannot conceive of prudence without fortitude. Compare Samuel Adams to James Warren of Plymouth, 25 March, 1771. He persever- Chap. XLVII.} 1771. June. ed; but John Adams retired from the service of the people, and devoting himself to his profession, John Adams: Works, II. 260, 301, 302. for a time ceased even to employ his pen in their
at Chap. LIII.} 1775. Nov. Point Levi, were landed undiscovered, yet without their ladders, at Wolfe's cove. The feeble band met no resistance as they climbed the oblique path to the Plains of Abraham. Wolfe had come, commanding the river with a fleet; they, in frail bark canoes, hardly capable of holding a fourth of their number at a time; Wolfe, with a well appointed army of thousands, theWolfe, with a well appointed army of thousands, they with less than six hundred effective men or a total of about seven hundred, and those in rags, barefooted, and worn down with fatigue; Wolfe with artillery, they with muskets only, and those musketWolfe with artillery, they with muskets only, and those muskets so damaged that one hundred were unfit for service; Wolfe with unlimited stores of ammunition, they with spoiled cartridges and a very little damaged powder. If it had required weeks for MontgomWolfe with unlimited stores of ammunition, they with spoiled cartridges and a very little damaged powder. If it had required weeks for Montgomery with an army of two thousand men to reduce St. John's, how could Quebec, a large and opulent town of five thousand inhabitants, strongly fortified and carefully guarded, be taken in a moment by f
. LIV.} 1775. Nov. humane disposition, his caution, his pride, and his firmness were guarantees that Quebec would be pertinaciously defended. Besides, he had been Wolfe's quartermaster general, and had himself witnessed how much of the success of his chief had been due to the rashness of Montcalm in risking a battle outside of theilure. One day the general, accompanied by his aidede-camp, Macpherson, the pure-minded, youthful enthusiast for liberty, went out to meditate on the spot where Wolfe had fallen, fighting for England in friendship with America. He ran a parallel in his mind between the career of Wolfe and his own; he had lost the ambition whichWolfe and his own; he had lost the ambition which once sweetened a military life, and a sense of duty was now his only spring of action; if the Americans should continue to prosper, he wished to return to the retired life in which he alone found delight; but said he, should the scene change, I shall be always ready to contribute to the public safety. And his last message to his
nklin wrote: I am glad you are come to New York; but I also wish you could be in Canada; and on the nineteenth the congress destined him to that most arduous service. John Adams, who had counselled his expedition to New York, wrote to him complacently, that a luckier or a happier one had never been projected; and added: We want you at New York; we want you at Cambridge; we want you in Virginia; but Canada seems of more importance, and therefore you are sent there. I wish you the laurels of Wolfe and Montgomery, with a happier fate. Elated by such homage, Lee indulged his natural propensities, and made bold to ask money of the New York congress; two thousand dollars at the least, said he; if you could make it twenty five hundred it would be more convenient to me; and they allowed him the gratuity. When I leave this place, so he wrote to Washington on the last day of February, the provincial congress and inhabitants will relapse into their hysterics; the men-of-war will return to th
hmond, a young married man, a blacksmith by trade, was arraigned before Recorder Caskie, charged with forging H. M. Smith's name to two orders, one for clothing on Wolfe & Brother, the other for groceries on John M. Higgins. The first order, purporting to be written by Smith, reads as follows: Richmond, Nov. 19, 1861. Mr. Wolfe: Let Mr. James Wilson have clothing to the amount of $15, and present your bill to me. H. M. Smith. Respectfully, It was written in ink. The second, in pencil, reads as follows: Richmond, Jan. 25, 1861. Mr. Higgins: Please let Mr. Davis have $2.50 worth of groceries, and charge me. H. M. Smiilson or Davis, or of the transaction. The handwriting in both orders was the same, and circumstances pointing to the prisoner, he was arrested, and identified by Wolfe and Higgins as the party who had obtained the goods. The prisoner, who offered no defence, was remanded for examination before a called Court, on the 26thinst., a
escorts pass through the city. He run up a flag on the Continental early Friday morning, and soon after took his departure. The working men's parade here, on the 22d, was one of the largest and longest, I was informed by a citizen of this place, that ever paraded here. After marching through the principal streets, they proceeded to National Hall, organized a meeting, and passed resolutions, without a dissenting voice, endorsing the Crittenden compromise. They were then addressed by Mr. Wolfe, of Kentucky, a delegate to the Working Men's National Convention; a delegate from Portsmouth, Va., whose name I have not yet learned, and several working men of Philadelphia — the latter in favor of giving the South everything she wanted, believing she would ask for nothing more than her rights. One of the gentlemen of Philadelphia, who was appointed one of a committee by the working men of Philadelphia to go to Washington and to Harrisburg, for the purpose of urging upon their Senators
The Daily Dispatch: June 6, 1861., [Electronic resource], Reinforcements for the British American squadron, &c. (search)
ance to the Golden Circle and its laws, and "to the laws of the United States and of this State, provided the same are consistent with the spirit and letter of the Constitution as interpreted by the Supreme Court." They also swear, upon their individual honors "as a man and a gentleman, so help me God," to constantly oppose the admission of any negro, Abolitionist, confirmed drunkard, convict, felon, or low and vicious character to membership." For the special "further information" of Mr. Wolfe, who moved the resolution in the House, Knight Bickley adds: That the K. G. C. have been the subject of higher legislation than the Legislature of Kentucky, and that they have been defended by abler men than himself. The object of the organization is "with all deference," thus confidently summed up by President Bickley: "There are now nearly eight thousand in the State distributed through every county, and the organization is growing daily in favor and importance; and the work w
The war News. The most important news we give this morning is from Missouri. The reported battle near Carthage, between the State troops and Gen. Zeigler's forces, is confirmed. The latter were routed with a heavy loss. Among those killed on the Federal side the name of Geatz Brown is reported. He was a Kentuckian, and formerly editor of the Louisville Democrat. If the report be true, he has got the reward of his treachery. Col. Wolfe was killed and a good many more taken prisoners. Passengers by the Central train yesterday report some interesting proceedings in Patterson's camp at Martinsburg. Some four thousand Pennsylvanians, who enlisted for three months, made up their minds to leave and go home. One account says objection was made, and a fight took place, in which a considerable number of useless lives were lost. We cannot vouch for the accuracy of the last mentioned report, but have no doubt that the three months men determined to leave the service. From W