Your search returned 119 results in 43 document sections:

Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
on, 10. White House, 164, 167. White Oak Swamp, 153, 162. White, Professor, 281. White, William, of Lexington, 406. Whiting, General W. H. C., 155. Whittier, Colonel, of Humphreys's staff, 391. Wickham family, the, 305. Wigfall, Senator, of Texas, 332. Wilcox's brigade at Gettysburg, 279-297. Wilderness, battles of the, 329. Wilderness tavern, 247, 329. William and Mary College, 33. William the Conqueror, 2, 141, 278. Williams, General, Seth, 262, 389, 390. Windsor Forest estate, 18. Windsor, General, Charles, 180. Wirtz, Captain, trial of, 407. Wise, General Henry A., 76, xno, 113, 117, 118, 119, 123, 347. Withers, John, 150. Wolsey, Cardinal, mentioned, 65. Wool, General John E., 34, 35. Worth, General William J., 400. Wright, General H. G., succeeds Sedgwick, 334. Yellow Tavern, battle of, 337. Yorktown, 136. Young Napoleon, 114. Ziegler's Grove at Gettysburg, 296. Zook, General, killed at Gettysburg, 302. The End.
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 32 (search)
us than his. It is not known what our losses have been, but the following dispatch from Lee gives an accurate account of the enemy's loss in prisoners. headquarters army of Northern Virginia, October 23d, 1863. Gen. S. Cooper, A. and I. General. Gen. Imboden, on the 18th, attacked the garrison at Charlestown, Shenandoah Valley, captured 434 prisoners, with their arms, transportation, and stores. To these, add prisoners already forwarded, makes 2462. (Signed) R. E. Lee. Official.: John Withers, A. A. General. And Capt. Warner says he is now feeding them. Gen. Lee writes on the 19th inst., that it is doubtful whether Gen. Meade will remain where he is, behind his fortifications along Bull Run, or make another movement on Richmond. A few days will decide this matter. He says Meade has superior numbers. If he remains, Gen. Lee will advance again, provided he can get quartermaster supplies for his army. But at present, thousands of his men are barefooted, without overco
Intelligencer, January 25. The Wisconsin First Battery, Captain J. F. Foster, and the Wisconsin Third Battery, Captain Drury, arrived at Louisville, Ky. The batteries number three hundred men and twelve guns, and are splendidly equipped. The guns are six pounders, and twelve-pounder howitzers. Some of the members were armed with rifled yagers — saber bayonets.--Louisville Journal, Jan. 27. The Petersburgh Express (Va.), of this date, contains the following: An order, signed by John Withers, Assistant Adjutant General, has issued from the Inspector General's office, at Richmond, Va. The two hundred and fifty Confederate States troops, ten officers, and two hundred and forty non-commissioned officers and privates, who were captured by the United States troops at Hatteras, N. C., subsequently released from Fort Warren, Boston harbor, and released on parole by General Wool, United States Army, are hereby released from said parole, and will immediately report for duty with their
Pa.; Major-General Stevenson, Ala.; Major-General Martin Luther Smith, La.; Major-General Forney, Ala.; Major-General Bowen, Mo.; Brigadier-General Lee,----; Brigadier-General Moore, La.; Brigadier-General Hebert, La.; Brigadier-General Abraham Buford, Ky.; Brigadier-General Schoepff; Brigadier-General Baldwin; Brigadier-General Harris, Tenn.; Brigadier-General Vaughan, Mo. ; Brigadier-General Taylor; Brigadier-General Cummings; Brigadier-General Gardner; Brigadier-General Barton; Brigadier-General Withers, La. Pemberton, as is well known, is a Philadelphian by birth, who early in life married a Southern lady, and has since cast his lot with that section. He has been a trusted friend of Jeff Davis, and was by him intrusted with the special defence of Vicksburgh. He denies having made the speech attributed to him about the last dog, etc. It must have been invented probably by Johnston, and published to raise the hopes of his army. General Forney is an Alabamian, but has failed
nt up-stream six miles, and found a place still enough for his horses to swim across, by being washed down-stream thirty yards. He made a raft of an old saw-mill, and floated his mountain howitzer over, towing it by our picket-ropes. Every body was in a good humor, and had lots of fun over our gunboat, as the boys called the raft. He had sent Colonel Munroe (One Hundred and Twenty-third Illinois) with his regiment to destroy the railroad bridge over Elk River in the rear of Tullahoma, but Withers's division of infantry got there three hundred yards ahead of him. He then returned to Hillsboro. Wilder's command moved on to Dechard that night, and after a sharp skirmish with the garrison of about eighty men in a stockade, drove them out — they escaped in the dark. He destroyed the telegraph-wire, capturing the instruments, and burning the depot, which was full of commissary goods; also the water-tanks and railroad bridge on the Winchester road, and tore up and destroyed three hundred
rs, will be forwarded as soon as the necessary official reports have been received. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, R. E. Lee, General. Official: John Withers, A. A. G. General Stuart's report. Buckland, Va., Oct. 20, 1863. General: After offering some considerable resistance to the advance of the enemy r dark. The cavalry force was commanded by Kilpatrick, and composed of ten regiments. Most respectfully, (Signed) J. E. B. Stuart, Major-General. Official: John Withers, A. A. G. See Fights along the Rapidan. General Imboden's report. Headquarters Valley District, in the fork of the Shenandoah, near Front Royal, Octite full, but I have effected a safe crossing of the north branch. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. D. Imboden, Brigadier-General. Official: John Withers, A. A. G. National accounts. headquarters army of the Potomac, Oct. 15, 1863. After the cavalry engagement on Sunday, it was rumored that the rebe
t to the country to ask its publication: It may be remembered that, in consequence of a flank movement on the right, and the threatened danger to its communications, toward the last of June, the army of Tennessee was put in retreat from Shelbyville and Tullahoma on or toward Chattanooga. The retreat was effected with slight or inconsiderable loss in men or transportation, and Chattanooga was occupied during the days of the first week of July. Polk's corps, except Anderson's brigade, of Withers's division, which was ordered to Bridgeport, where the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad crosses the Tennessee River, for purposes of observation, was retained in and around Chattanooga, and Hardee's corps was distributed along the line of the Knoxville Railroad, with Tyner's Station as the centre, General Bragg establishing the army headquarters at Chattanooga. The work of fortifying was begun and prosecuted for some weeks, during which the army seemed to await the development of the ene
an the steadiness which they exhibited, until nature itself was exhausted, in what they knew to be a desperate fight against a foe very many times their superior in numbers. I cannot particularize instances of heroic daring performed by both officers and men, but must content myself for the present by saying, in my judgment, they all deserve well of the country. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, John B. Floyd, Brigadier-General Commanding. Official: John Withers, A. A. Gen. A. & I. G. O., March 10, 1862. General Pillow's report. Columbia, Tennessee, February 18, 1862. Captain Clarence Derrick, A. A. General: On the eighteenth instant, General A. S. Johnston ordered me to proceed to Fort Donelson and take command at that post. On the nineteenth instant, I arrived at that place. In detailing the operations of the forces under my command at Fort Donelson, it is proper to state the condition of that work and of the forces constituting i
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Correspondence and orders concerning the army of Northern Virginia. (search)
six transports, with barges in tow, passed up James river since sunrise. Reinforcements are on their way to join you. G. W. Randolph, Secretary of War. Adjutant and Inspector General's office, Richmond, Virginia, June 2, 1862. Special Orders, No. 126. * * * * * * * * II. By direction of the President General Robert E. Lee, C. S. Army, will assume the immediate command of the armies in eastern Virginia and North Carolina. * * * * * * * * By command of the Secretary of War. John Withers, Assistant Adjutant General. Headquarters, Dabb's house Virginia, June 3, 1862. Major W. H. Stevens, Chief Engineer Army of Northern Virginia: Major,--I desire you to make an examination of the country in the vicinity of the line which our army now occupies, with a view of ascertaining the best position in which we may fight a battle or resist the advance of the enemy. The commanding points on this line I desire to be prepared for occupation by our field guns, and the whole line st
nt of like character on the part of General Lee. The dates of these papers I do not recollect. Yours, very truly, Thomas Jordan. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, Va., Sept. 17th, 1862. Special Orders, No. 128: * * * XVI. Major-General J. C. Pemberton, on being relieved in command of the Department of South Carolina and Georgia by General Beauregard, will repair to this city and report for further orders. * * * By command of Secretary of War. John Withers, Assist. Adjt.-Genl. Headquarters, Department S. C. And Ga., Charleston, S. C., Sept. 24th, 1862. Special Orders, No. 178: I. Major-General J. C. Pemberton is relieved from duty in this Department, and will proceed to obey paragraph XVI., Special Orders, No. 128, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, Va., September 17th, 1862. * * * By command of Genl. Beauregard. Thomas Jordan, Chief of Staff. Charleston, S. C., Sept. 23d, 1862. Genl. Pembert