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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Statement of General J. D. Imboden. (search)
ition as a cavalry officer on active service in the mountains of Virginia, and therefore I applied to the Confederate War Office for assignment to some light duty farther south till the milder weather of the ensuing spring would enable me to take my place at the head of the brave and hardy mountaineers of the Valley and western counties of Virginia I had the honor to command. General R. E. Lee kindly urged my application in person, and procured an order directing me to report to Brigadier-General J. H. Winder, then Commissary of Prisoners, whose headquarters were at Columbia, South Carolina. I left my camp in the Shenandoah Valley late in December, 1864, and reached Columbia, I think, on the 6th of January, 1865. General Winder immediately ordered me to the command of all the prisons west of the Savannah river, with leave to establish my temporary headquarters at Aiken, South Carolina, on account of the salubrity of its climate. I cannot fix dates after this with absolute precision,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of Colonel D. T. Chandler, (search)
the officer in the command of the post, Brigadier-General J. H. Winder, and the substitution in his place of ster and reputation of your father, the late General John H. Winder, from the unjust aspersions that have been ille that the circumstances rendered possible. General Winder I had known from my first entrance into the Uniorted action of Mr. Seddon indignantly removing General Winder : [Copy.]Alexandria, Va., July 9, 1871ith perfect truth declare as my conviction that General Winder, who had the control of the Northern prisoners,for General Sherman's previous course, and that General Winder's refusal to fill the requisition is a most sigIn pursuance of orders, I addressed a letter to General Winder, requesting him to turn over thirty Federal pria railroad. Shortly afterwards I received from General Winder a reply, stating that he could not comply with uisition on our Commissary of Prisoners of War, General Winder, for a detachment of Federal prisoners, to be e
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Address before the Mecklenburg (N. C.) Historical Society. (search)
imore, and in these, on the American side, none but Southern troops were engaged. This war was unpopular at the North, and the defection of New England amounted almost to overt treason. Hence, the South furnished again more than her proportion of troops. Again, the Southern volunteers flocked North, while no Northern troops came South. If we read of the bloody battles in Canada, we are struck with the number of Southern officers there engaged, mostly general officers — Wilkinson, Izzard, Winder, Drayton, Hampton, Scott, Towson, Brooke, Gaines, &c. Kentucky, I believe, furnished more troops than any State for the invasion of Canada. On the authority of the Southern Review, I state, without investigating the truth of it, that Maryland furnished more of the naval heroes of the war of 1812 than did any other State in the Union. It is very certain that the South contributed more than her quota of land troops. Not only was the war popular at the South, but the laboring class being sla
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Strength of General Lee's army in the Seven days battles around Richmond. (search)
commencement of the battles. It remains now to inquire into the strength of the divisions of Jackson and Ewell, which came from the Valley, and which you put at 16,000. There were three brigades in each division — in Jackson's, the Stonewall (Winder's), Taliaferro's, and J. R. Jones's; and in Ewells, Elzey's, Trimble's, and Taylor's (Louisiana). These brigades had gone through a very active and harassing campaign in the Valley, Jackson's having fought at Kernstown, McDowell, Middletown, Wincth of his six brigades, including a battery of artillery with each, and the Washington Artillery, as furnished by General Alexander, shows an effective force of only 9,051 on the 26th of June, 1862. Let us see how the facts stand on the reports: Winder, in command of the Stonewall brigade, states, in his report of Port Republic, that the total strength of the brigade was one thousand three hundred and thirty-four, rank and file. There were five regiments in that brigade, and only six and a bat
n captain, and as for colonels-their name was legion! I was measured by a youth for a pair of boots,, and bought some dry-goods of another, one morning; in the evening I saw both of them playing at billiards at the Spottswood, dressed out in bran-new uniforms, with insignia belonging to the rank of major! This was sufficient explanation; and it did not at all surprise me afterwards to hear that nearly all the thousand and one gambling hells were kept by captains, majors, and colonels. General Winder, the provost-marshal, subsequently made it a punishable offence for any to assume uniforms except soldiers. The change was sudden. and ludicrous in effect. The floating population of Richmond was made up of the strangest elements. Some came to see friends, others with wonderful inventions or suggestions for Government. Not a few were impressed with an idea that the Cabinet needed their advice and counsel ; but the majority of these strangers came with the modest determination to
o would never fall without an accompanying yell of Bring on your ambulance! Had these men had free access to liquor, its effect would have been disastrous; but this was successfully prohibited, thanks to the vigilance of the Provost-Marshal, General Winder. Brigadier-General John H. Winder is a native of Maryland, and about sixty years of age. He entered the service as Brevet Second Lieutenant of Artillery, July first, 1820; resigned August, 1823; appointed Second Lieutenant First Artillery,Brigadier-General John H. Winder is a native of Maryland, and about sixty years of age. He entered the service as Brevet Second Lieutenant of Artillery, July first, 1820; resigned August, 1823; appointed Second Lieutenant First Artillery, April second, 1827; Captain First Artillery, October seventh, 1842; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel First Artillery, September fourteenth, 1847, and commanded at Barrancas Barracks, (opposite Fort Pickens,) Florida, when the war began. He has been acting as Provost-Marshal-General at Richmond during the war, and renders essential service in that department; in truth, no half-dozen men could fulfil the labors of this eagle-eyed and indefatigable old man. The greatest amount of affection seemed to be
e must have been great, yet, whatever it might have been, their,generals never openly confessed to it. All that we could subsequently gather amounted to this — that large masses of men were so panic-stricken, that, with or without officers, they rushed to the rear, and did not stop running until they reached Culpeper. While all had reason enough to rejoice in the signal discomfiture of a foe who had been laying waste the land with fire and sword, many mourned the untimely end of Brigadier-General Winder, who had fallen during the day while gallantly leading his command into action upon the enemy's flank. The event was particularly memorable; and the more to be lamented from. the fact that it occurred while extricating the original Stonewall brigade from an awkward position to which it had been forced by the superior numbers of the enemy. Our men, however, had amply revenged his fall. General Prince, together with thirty commissioned officers, and upwards of three hundred other
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Organization of the two governments. (search)
1863). Commissary-General's Department Colonel Lucius B. Northrop (March 16, 1861) Brig.-Gen. I. M. St. John (February 16, 1865) Ordnance Department Brig.-Gen. Josiah Gorgas. Engineer Bureau Maj.-Gen. Jeremy F. Gilmer. Medical Department Brig.-Gen. Samuel P. Moore. Nitre and Mining Bureau Brig.-Gen. I. M. St. John Colonel Richard Morton (Feb. 16, 1865). Conscription Bureau Brig.-Gen. John S. Preston, Chief Col. T. P. August, Supt. Prison camps Brig.-Gen. John H. Winder. Exchange of prisoners Col. Robert Ould, Chief. Commission of Patents Commissioner of Patents Rufus R. Rhodes. The Confederate States Navy Department. Secretary of the Navy: Stephen R. Mallory. Orders and detail Captain French Forrest Commander John K. Mitchell. Ordnance and Hydrography Commander George Minor Commander John M. Brooke. Provisions and clothing Assis't Surgeon John de Bree. Medicine and Surgery Surgeon W. A. W. Spotswood. Governors
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., With Slemmer in Pensacola Harbor. (search)
flag at the Pensacola Navy Yard. From a sketch from life by William Waud. adjoining the Navy Yard, and seven miles farther up the bay is the town of Pensacola. Near Fort Barrancas, and between it and the Navy Yard, is the post of Barrancas Barracks, and there, in January, 1861, was stationed Company G, 1st United States Artillery, the sole force of the United States army in the harbor to guard and hold, as best it might, the property of the United States. The captain of this company, John H. Winder (afterward brigadier-general in the Confederate army, and widely known in connection with the military prisons in the South), and the senior first lieutenant, A. R. Eddy, were absent on leave, and the only officers with it were First Lieutenant Adam J. Slemmer and the writer of this sketch,--then the second lieutenant of the company, who, by virtue of that high rank, was also the post treasurer, post quartermaster, post commissary, and post adjutant. With the new year, 1861, came to
Col. Oglesby's camp by two hundred rebels. There are no less than fifteen thousand rebels in camp at Columbus, and they were largely reinforced yesterday.--N. Y. World, September 12. At Philadelphia, Pa., William H. Winder, a brother of John H. Winder of the rebel army, was arrested, and all his correspondence and effects seized. Some of the correspondence reveals the way of thinking in the South, prior to Mr. Lincoln's election, showing conclusively a foregone intention to disrupt the Union. Others detail fragments of conversation to which James Buchanan was a party, and exhibit a general looseness of sentiment in the presence of that functionary which might, at this time, be construed into treason. Winder was the Philadelphia correspondent of the New York Daily News, as copies of his letters were found pasted carefully in blanks, with notes and interpolations.--Philadelphia Press, September 12. One hundred and fifty-six of the Union prisoners, selected chiefly from amon