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unnecessary delay. I have obtained the stores, which are shoes and blankets, and I want to obey my order and take them to the company. If you are unwilling to give me the necessary passport to do so, give me back my orders, and I will go to General Winder, who is the commanding officer here, I believe, and ask him if there is any objection to my returning with my shoes and blankets to the army. At the name of General Winder a growl ran along the table, and in about a minute I had my passporGeneral Winder a growl ran along the table, and in about a minute I had my passport handed me without further discussion. It was a permit to go to Orange Courthouse, Corporal Shabrach binding himself on honour not to communicate any intelligence (for publication) which, if known to the enemy, would be prejudicial to the Confederate States; also signing an oath on the back of the paper, by which he further solemnly swore that he would yield true faith and allegiance to the aforesaid Confederate States. This was on brown paperand I then knew that I could get out of Richmond
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Stonewall Jackson and his men. (search)
rles, and Frederick the Great. General Jackson was never elated by victory, nor depressed by disaster. It might be said of him, as it was of Massena: He was endowed with that extraordinary firmness and courage which seemed to increase in excess of danger. When conquered, he was as ready to fight again as if he had been conqueror. Always victorious, with one exception, General Jackson was not often called upon to illustrate this virtue. But at Strasburg, when he determined to wait for Winder, as Napoleon did for Ney in Russia, while Fremont and Shields were closing in on both flanks, and escape seemed almost impossible, his face was as pale and firm as marble, his thin lips shut, his brow thoughtful and hard; or at second Manassas, where his little corps struggled for hours and days against the army of Pope, and Longstreet did not come; when the sun seemed to stand still, and night would not fall, Jackson spoke not a word of hope nor fear. If he sought counsel of heaven, he ask
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Stonewall Jackson's Valley campaign. (search)
his retreat by ordering all his troops, except Winder's Brigade and the cavalry, to fall back to Winwhole of the army except the rear guard, under Winder. Jackson reached Strasburg on Saturday aftr hours, holding his two opponents apart until Winder could come-up, and the last of the long train Ferry, had only followed the rear guard under Winder for part of one day, and then went into camp ethe South river, at Port Republic, and ordered Winder to move his brigade at dawn across both rivers move at an early hour to Port Royal to follow Winder. Taliaferro's Brigade was left in charge of tward the enemy, and when he found him, ordered Winder to attack. The Federal General Tyler had postanding position and protected by dense woods. Winder attacked with vigor, but soon found the Federath a stubborn resistance and varying success. Winder was forced back until other troops came up andber. Taylor next attacked, but the repulse of Winder enabled the Federal commander to concentrate h[4 more...]
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 9: battle of Cedar Run. (search)
ion, and that I would be supported by Brigadier General Winder with three brigades of Jackson's divimovement until I received information from General Winder that he was ready to follow me. While waiting for the message from General Winder, General Robertson and myself reconnoitred the position ck in the afternoon, a messenger came from General Winder saying that he was ready to follow me, andtle and lying down, and then sent word for General Winder to come up. The position which I now occupl's guns from the mountain, and the arrival of Winder. General Winder came up as rapidly as possiblGeneral Winder came up as rapidly as possible, and, when he arrived, he took position on my left, and at once had several pieces of artillery brn flank, I sent information of the fact to General Winder; but, in a very short time afterwards, the I sent my aide, Lieutenant Early, to warn General Winder of this fact, and caution him to look out s flank. Lieutenant Early arrived to find General Winder just mortally wounded by a shell, while su[1 more...]
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
A.), 148 Williamsburg, 65-68, 70, 71, 73 Williamsport, 135, 162, 281-83, 369, 383, 400, 402-03, 409 Willis' Church, 79 Willis, Colonel, Ed., 362 Willis, Lieutenant, Murat, 28 Wilson's Division (U. S. A.), 408-09, 417 Wilson, Major J. P., 144, 150, 187 Winchester, 163~ 240-41, 243-44, 249- 253, 284, 333-34, 367-70, 382, 385, 391, 397-400, 406, 408, 410, 412- 414, 417, 419-20, 425-26, 435, 439, 450-453, 455, 457, 475 Winchester & Potomac R. R., 163, 368, 414 Winder, General, 94, 95, 96, 97 Winston, Captain, 148 Winston, Colonel, 60 Wirz, Captain, 296, 297, 298 Wise, General, 76, 132 Woffard's Brigade, 444, 446, 449 Wolf Run Shoals, 10, 47, 48, 50 Woodson's Company 460, 461 Woodstock, 368, 430, 454 Wounding of Jackson, 212 Wright, General, 83, 231, 233, 255, 257 Wright, General (U. S. A.), 392, 393 Wrightsville 235, 255, 259, 260-61- 262-63-64 Wynn, Captain, 215 Wynn's Mill, 60, 61, 62, 63 Wytheville, 466, 467
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 12: Halleck and Pope in Federal command. (search)
alike to both sides. This was followed up, on the 8th, by the advance of Jackson's entire force, his own division under Winder leading, Ewell's and A. P. Hill's following. General Pope's outpost at Cedar Run, held by cavalry and Crawford's brign at Cedar Run. His division under Ewell was posted on the northeast slope of Slaughter Mountain, his own division under Winder formed to the left. The engagement was pitched and soon became severe. While yet posting his troops, Winder was mortalWinder was mortally struck by a fragment of shell. Banks, gaining confidence in his battle, moved forward to closer and severe fight and held it an hour, at points putting Jackson's troops in disorder. Jackson, reinforced by A. P. Hill's brigades, recovered his losthdraw during the night. The loss was severe on both sides,--Jackson's, 1276, including his most promising brigadier, Winder; Pope's, 2381, including three brigadiers, two wounded and one taken prisoner. After drawing King's division to his f
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 17: preliminaries of the great battle. (search)
s of field artillery. The sharp skirmish that ensued was one of the marked preliminaries of the great battle; but the Federals gained nothing by it except an advanced position, which was of little benefit and disclosed their purpose. General Jackson was up from Harper's Ferry with Ewell's division and his own, under Generals Lawton and Jones. They were ordered out to General Lee's left, and took post west of the Hagerstown turnpike, the right of his line resting on my left, under Hood, Winder's and Jones's brigades on the front, Starke's and Taliaferro's on the second line, Early's brigade of Ewell's division on the left of Jackson's division, with Hays's brigade for a second; Lawton's and Trimble's brigades were left at rest near the chapel; Poague's battery on Jackson's front; five other batteries prepared for action. Following Jackson's march to the left, General J. G. Walker came up with his two brigades, and was posted on my extreme right in the position left vacant by the
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 19: battle of Sharpsburg, or Antietam (continued). (search)
ng. Artillery, Braxton's, Crenshaw's, McIntosh's, and Pegram's batteries engaged at Sharpsburg. Maj. R. L. Walker; Branch (N. C.) Art. (A. C. Latham's battery), Crenshaw's (Va.) battery, Fredericksburg (Va.) Art. (Braxton's battery), Letcher (Va.) Art. (Davidson's battery), Middlesex (Va.) Art. (Fleet's battery), Pee Dee (S. C.) Art. (McIntosh's battery), Purcell (Va.) Art. (Pegram's battery). Jackson's Division, Brig.-Gen. John R. Jones, Brig.-Gen. W. E. Starke, Col. A. J. Grigsby:--Winder's Brigade, Col. A. J. Grigsby, Lieut.-Col. R. D. Gardner (4th Va.), Maj. H. J. Williams; 2d Va., Capt. R. T. Colston ; 4th Va., Lieut.-Col. R. D. Gardner; 5th Va., Maj. H. J. Williams; 27th Va., Capt. F. C. Wilson; 33d Va., Capt. Golladay and Lieut. Walton. Taliaferro's Brigade, Col. E. T. H. Warren, Col. J. W. Jackson, Col. J. L. Sheffield; 47th and 48th Ala., 10th, 23d, and 37th Va. Jones's Brigade, Col. B. T. Johnson, Brig.-Gen. J. R. Jones, Capt. J. E. Penn, Capt. A. C. Page, Capt. R. W.
ordinary that, as he knew two days before that the battle must take place, he did not have a larger force at hand; and rather strange that he should have been within six miles of the battle-field, and did not reach it until the fight was nearly over They say, as usual, that they were greatly outnumbered! Strange, that with their myriads, they should be so frequently outnumbered on the battle-field! It is certain that our loss there was comparatively very small; though we have to mourn General Winder of the glorious Stonewall Brigade, and about two hundred others, all valuable lives. August 30th, 1862. A package arrived last night from our sisters, with my sister M's diary, for my amusement. It was kept while our dear ones of W. and S. H. were surrounded by McClellan's army. I shall use my leisure here in copying it, that our children's children may know all that our family suffered during this cruel war. During the six weeks that they were surrounded by the foe, we only hear
on could be obtained for private houses. I sent for one, who was not an army surgeon, to come at once. He sent me word that he had been up all night, and had just retired. Again I sent to implore him to come; in five minutes he was there. He told me at once that his situation was critical in the extreme; the Minie ball had not been extracted; he must die, if not soon relieved. He wanted assistance-another surgeon. To send in pursuit of Dr. Gibson for my brother, then stationed at Camp Winder, and to telegraph for his father, occupied but a few moments; but the surgeons could not come. Hour after hour I sat by him. To cut off his bloody clothes, and replace them by fresh ones, and to administer the immense doses of morphine, was all that Mrs. P. and myself could do. At dark, Surgeons G. and B., accompanied by my brother, arrived. They did what they could, but considered the case hopeless. His uncle, General C., arrived, to our great relief. He joined us in nursing him during