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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.9 (search)
s to form its members into a military company, to serve in case of emergency, of which John Dooley was chosen captain; Philip J. Wright, first lieutenant, and John J. Wilson, second lieutenant. The services of the committee extended through the battles of Gettysburg, Sharpsburg, Chancellorsville, the Wilderness, the seven days fi Smith, George W. Smith, Samuel B. Scott, James A. Tucker, John R. Tyndall, Mark A. Valentine, Mann S. Wright, Philip J. Wells, Alex. B. Wilson, Edward Wilson, John J. Worthan, C. T. Wortham, C. E. Weisiger Powhatan Whitlock, Chas. E. Whitlock, John E. Wynne, Chas. H. Walker, IsaWilson, John J. Worthan, C. T. Wortham, C. E. Weisiger Powhatan Whitlock, Chas. E. Whitlock, John E. Wynne, Chas. H. Walker, Isaac H. Honorary members. Dr. W. A Carrington, Dr. J. E. Claggett, Dr. James Cammack, Thomas Clemmitt, Harvie A. Dudley, James H. Grant, George W. Lowndes, Colonel Robert Ould, and J. A. Cowardin, of the Dispatch. Committee officers. The officers of the committee were: John Enders, President; William G. Paine, Vice-Pre
Congressional. Washington, Jan, 29. --Senate.--Mr. Ring introduced a resolution authorizing the President to accept volunteers for the protection of the public property. Mr. Wilson introduced a bill for the reorganization of the militia of the District of Columbia. Mr. Bingham presented a memorial for the repeal of the Fugitive Slave law. The Pacific Railroad bill was taken up, and a number of amendments proposed; one providing for the northern route was adopted. Mr. Mason moved to strike out of the bill all portions which appropriated money, with a view of showing that Virginia dissented from making a large debt, when probably all the public debts would shortly be apportioned among the States, and that Virginia would not be held chargeable with any of the sum now appropriated. The motion was lost Pending the subject, the Senate Adjourned House--The House resumed the consideration of the report of the Committee of Thirty-Three. Mr.
Duel. Washington, Jan. 29. --A dispatch from Philadelphia says that Dr. J. J. Jones, late of the New Orleans True Delta and secretary of the Douglas National Committee, fought a duel with Lt. Wilson, U. S. N., this morning, near Wilmington, Del. The difficulty grew out of political affairs.
e Capitol, in this city, on Friday last. The principal parties to the affair were Dr. J. J. Jones, of New Orleans, and Mr. Wilson, of Tennessee, an officer, we learn, in the United States revenue service. The difficulty grew out of offensive remarks from Wilson to Jones concerning the Douglas party. Jones was Secretary of the Central Douglas Committee during the late campaign and a warm friend of the Judge, and resented the remark by a slap in the face. Wilson immediately sent a challenge, win the face. Wilson immediately sent a challenge, which was accepted, and the parties left Washington on Monday morning. They fought with pistols at ten paces, Wilson receiving a severe wound in the hip, and Dr. Jones being uninjured.-- Wash. Star. in the face. Wilson immediately sent a challenge, which was accepted, and the parties left Washington on Monday morning. They fought with pistols at ten paces, Wilson receiving a severe wound in the hip, and Dr. Jones being uninjured.-- Wash. Star.
uary 14th, 1861, an election will be held on Monday, February 4th, 1861, for the election of three delegates to a State Convention, to be holden at the Capitol, in the city of Richmond, on Wednesday, the 12th February, 1861. Said act provides that the Commissioners and Officers conducting the State Election in May last shall conduct this election. The following is a list of the Commissioners and Conductors then appointed: Jefferson Ward.--Joseph Brummel, Abel F. Picot, E. A. Smith, John J. Wilson, and N. B. Hill, Commissioners; and Reuben T. Seal, Conductor. Madison Ward.--James H. Grant, George Whitfield, R. R. Howison, George W. Randolph, and Thomas R. Price, Commissioners; and Thomas U. Dudley, Conductor. Monroe Ward.--Thomas Barham, Thomas M. Jones, Thomas Boudar, Charles H. Powell, and Felix Matthews, Commissioners; and James L. Bray, Conductor. The Commissioners and Conductors are requested to meet at my office, at the City Hall, on Saturday evening, the 2d i
ves, Buildings, Merchandize, of every description; Household Furniture and Family Wearing Apparel, vessels, Cargoes and Freight, at the lowest current rates. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible dispatch. David Currie, C. T. Wortham, John H. Claiborne, John J. Wilson, Alex. Garrett, Robert M. Burton, Francis J. Barnes, John T. Sublett, Thos. A. Rust, Geo. N. Gwathmey. David Currie, President. John J. Wilson, Treasurer. R. T. Brooke, Secretary. de 27--ly es, Buildings, Merchandize, of every description; Household Furniture and Family Wearing Apparel, vessels, Cargoes and Freight, at the lowest current rates. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible dispatch. David Currie, C. T. Wortham, John H. Claiborne, John J. Wilson, Alex. Garrett, Robert M. Burton, Francis J. Barnes, John T. Sublett, Thos. A. Rust, Geo. N. Gwathmey. David Currie, President. John J. Wilson, Treasurer. R. T. Brooke, Secretary. de 27--ly
uary 14th, 1861, an election will be held on Monday, February 4th, 1861, for the election of three Delegates to a State Convention, to be holden at the Capitol, in the City of Richmond, on Wednesday, the 13th February, 1861. Said act provides that the Commissioners and Officers conducting the State Election in May last shall conduct this election. The following is a list of the Commissioners and Conductors then appointed: Jefferson Ward.--Joseph Brummel, Abel F. Picot, E. A. Smith, John J. Wilson, and N. B. Hill, Commissioners; and Reuben T. Seal, Conductor. Madison Ward.--James H. Grant, George Whitfield, R. R. Howison, George W. Randolph, and Thomas R. Price, Commissioners; and Thomas U. Dudley, Conductor. Monroe Ward.--Thomas Barham, Thomas M. Jones, Thomas Boudar, Charles H. Powell, and Felix Matthews, Commissioners; and James L. Bray, Conductor. The Commissioners and Conductors are requested to meet at my office, at the City Hall, on Saturday evening, the 2d i
Vaughn G N Vanwert F Venable R M Van Buren P Vanderhoek P Vandabakl N Vaden J R Vermillion C Veleiski T Walsh Jas Walis Wm T Withy Wm H 2 Williams Wm P Williamson Wm Wade Wm E Willetts S Winston P P Walker R J Wills P C Warren P T Woodward R B 2 Woodward R G Wilder R T & Co. Woods R V Weems S Williams Dr T F J Walker L B Whiteford T Whitlock T Weems T Williamson T West A H Wilson Chas White C J Weed C R Wilson C Isaac Warrick D Wood D J 2 White E Wheat F Williamson G Watson G P Winston G W Walter H Wernsing H Watt Henry L Wood J C Wingfield J T Whitrock J West T Wright Joe Jr Welch J H Wadkins Z P Waddill Wm L Wright W Worsham J H Wesley J Ford 2 Werton J Williams J Watson J W Walker J Younger H Yarha R Yerby Geo W Young J E Initials: Ble — Teb — Rpe. fe 9--1t T B. Bigger. P.
gs, Merchandize, of every description; Household Furniture and Family Wearing Apparel, Vessels, Cargoes and Freight, at the lowest current rates. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible dispatch. Directors: David Currie, C. T. Wortham, John H. Claiborne, John J. Wilson, Alex. Garrett, Robert M. Burton, Francis J. Barnes, John T. Sublett, Thos. A. Rust, Geo. N. Gwathmey. David Currie, President. John J. Wilson, Treasurer. R. t. Brooke, Secretary. de 27--ly s, Merchandize, of every description; Household Furniture and Family Wearing Apparel, Vessels, Cargoes and Freight, at the lowest current rates. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible dispatch. Directors: David Currie, C. T. Wortham, John H. Claiborne, John J. Wilson, Alex. Garrett, Robert M. Burton, Francis J. Barnes, John T. Sublett, Thos. A. Rust, Geo. N. Gwathmey. David Currie, President. John J. Wilson, Treasurer. R. t. Brooke, Secretary. de 27--ly
Life, fire and Marine Insurance.Richmond fire Association.Office, no. 158 Main (N. E. Corner of 11th) st.,Richmond, Va.Chartered 29th March, 1837. This old and reliable Institution, with ample capital, and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to insure Slaves, Buildings, Merchandize, of every description; Household Furniture and Family Wearing Apparel, Vessels, Cargoes and Freight, at the lowest current rates. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible dispatch. Directors: David Currie, C. T. Wortham, John H. Claiborne, John J. wilson, Alex. Garrett, Robert M. Burton, Francis J. Barnes, John T. Sublett, Thos. A. Rust, Geo. N. Gwathmey. David Currie, President. John J. Wilson, Treasurer. R.T. Brooke, Secretary. de 27--ly