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d, March 7, 1748, Mr. Andrew Hall was chosen Moderator. Dea. Benj. Willis,Selectmen. Capt. Samuel Brooks, Lieut. Stephen Hall, Thomas Sall1733. Stephen Hall1734. John Willis1736. John Hall1737. Benjamin Willis1738. John Hall1739. Benjamin Willis1740. Simon Tufts1742. Benjamin Willis1740. Simon Tufts1742. John Hall1743. Benjamin Willis1744. Samuel Brooks1745. Benjamin Willis1746. Jonathan Watson1749. Samuel Brooks1750. Isaac Royal1755. ZBenjamin Willis1744. Samuel Brooks1745. Benjamin Willis1746. Jonathan Watson1749. Samuel Brooks1750. Isaac Royal1755. Zachariah Poole1762. Isaac Royal1763. Stephen Hall1764. Isaac Royal1765. Benjamin Hall1773. Willis Hall1785. Thomas Brooks1788. Willis Benjamin Willis1746. Jonathan Watson1749. Samuel Brooks1750. Isaac Royal1755. Zachariah Poole1762. Isaac Royal1763. Stephen Hall1764. Isaac Royal1765. Benjamin Hall1773. Willis Hall1785. Thomas Brooks1788. Willis Hall1789. Ebenezer Hall1790. Richard Hall1794. John Brooks1796. Ebenezer Hall1798. John Brooks1803. Caleb Brooks1804. Jonathan Porter1 Stephen Willis1708. Thomas Tufts1718. William Willis1719. Benjamin Willis1721. William Willis1726. Ebenezer Brooks, jun1728. BenjaminBenjamin Willis1730. Thomas Seccomb1745. Willis Hall1767. Richard Hall1770. Benjamin Hall, jun1783. Andrew Hall1792. Nathaniel Hall1794. Samue
ks, Councillor1818. Timothy Bigelow, Councillor1820. James M. Usher, Senator,1851. Sanford B. Perry, Senator,1852. E. C. Baker, Senator,1855. Representatives of Medford in the General Court. Peter Tuftschosen1689. Peter Tufts1690. Nathaniel Wade1692. Peter Tufts1694. Thomas Willis1703. Ebenezer Brooks1704. Thomas Willis1705. Stephen Willis1708. Thomas Tufts1714. Peter Tufts1715. Thomas Tufts1718. John Bradshaw1722. Samuel Brooks1723. John Allfordchosen1726. Benjamin Willis1730. William Willis1735. John Hall1741. William Willis1742. Andrew Hall1744. Stephen Hall1751. Samuel Brooks1762. Stephen Hall1763. Benjamin Hall1770. Simon Tufts1772. Benjamin Hall1775. Thomas Brooks1776. T. Brooks, (under the Constitution)1780. Thomas Brooks1781. Aaron Hall1782. John Brooks1785. James Wyman1787. Thomas Brooks1788. Ebenezer Hall1789. Nathaniel Hall1800. Timothy Bigelow1808. Dudley Hall1813. Abner Bartlett1815. Turell Tufts1824. Thatcher Magoun18
baptism to them or their children. This order, called the half-way covenant, was established in the Medford church in Mr. Porter's ministry, and was re-affirmed Dec. 2, 1724. Mr. Thomas Hall was chosen deacon, 1726. June 18, 1731: Mr. Benjamin Willis was chosen deacon in the room of Brother Thomas Willis, deceased. It appears from the church records, that some members wished a more definite rule and searching scrutiny respecting the admission of communicants, and therefore revived t cannot be alleged to be any part of our reformation from Popish superstition. 1759: Chose Brother Ebenezer Brooks a deacon, unanimously. March 24, 1767: Brothers Isaac Warren and Samuel Kidder were chosen deacons. March 7, 1763: Deacon Benjamin Willis, Deacon Jonathan Bradshaw, Deacon Ebenezer Brooks, Dr. Simon Tufts, Captain Caleb Brooks, Stephen Hall, Esq., Samuel Brooks, Esq., Mr. Samuel Angier, and Mr. Hugh Floyd, were chosen a Committee to treat with Rev. Mr. Turell, relating to t
e reasons following; to wit: first, it is wholly contrary to the warrant granted for said meeting; and also, it being contrary to a former vote of the town. John Bradshaw, Selectmen. Thomas Tufts, Selectmen. John Willis. John Richardson. Benjamin Willis. Benjamin Parker. John Bradshaw, jun. Nathaniel Hall. John Grattan. Jonathan Bradshaw. Peter Seccombe. John Hall. Thomas Willis. Peter Tufts. This difference of opinion, running longitudinally east and west, destroyed not the hael Brooks, Lieutenant Stephen Hall, Mr. Peter Seccombe, Thomas Tufts, Esq., Captain Samuel Wade, Francis Whitmore, John Willis, Mr. John Whitmore, Mr. John Richardson, William Willis, Mr. Jonathan Hall, Mr. Peter Tufts, Deacon Thomas Hall, Mr. Benjamin Willis, Mr. Benjamin Porter, Mr. Thomas Oaks, Dr. Simon Tufts, Mr. John Albree, Mr. Joseph Tufts, Mr. William Patten, Mr. John Bradshaw, jun., and Mr. John Hall. We know not the exact position of any pew occupied by either of the twenty-five
Deacon John Whitmore030070013 John Richerson, Esq.0300820110 Captain Samuel Brooks0300188084 Captain Samuel Wade0600176030 Thomas Tufts, Esq.0000184047 Mr. Peter Seccombe0900140094 Mr. John Willis0300168067 Lieutenant Stephen Hall0300140034 Deacon Thomas Hall0300122028 Deacon Thomas Willis0600115019 Mr. Francis Whitmore0300144033 Mr. John Whitmore0600168040 Mr. William Patten0300510010 Mr. Jonathan Hall0300940211 Dr. Simon Tufts0300123035 Mr. William Willis0300114017 Mr. Benjamin Willis0300143059 Mr. John Albree03009110110 Mr. John Hall030078043 Mr. Andrew Hall0300820311 Mr. Thomas Oakes0600188020 Joseph Tufts0300156077 John Bradshaw, jun.060094021 Jonathan Bradshaw0300106020 Nathaniel Hall0300940011 Nathaniel Francis030096013 Stephen Francis030040004 Samuel Polly030041004 Benjamin Tufts0600510012 Aaron Blanchard030041014 Benjamin Weber030041004 Jonathan Weber030041004 William Benford030000012 John Atwood030000004 John Tufts060041000 Joseph Francis
ithful unto death. List of slaves, and their owners' names. Worcester,owned byRev. E. Turell. PompeyDr. Simon Tufts. RoseCaptain Thomas Brooks. PompCaptain Thomas Brooks. PeterCaptain Francis Whitmore. LondonSimon Bradshaw. SelbyDeacon Benjamin Willis. PrinceBenjamin Hall. PunchWidow Brooks. FloraStephen Hall. RichardHugh Floyd. DinahCaptain Kent. CaesarMr. Brown. ScipioMr. Pool. PeterSquire Hall. NiceSquire Hall. CuffeeStephen Greenleaf. IsaacJoseph Tufts. AaronHenry Gardnr coming to rest in it. Paupers coming upon the town were thought to be like angels' visits only in one respect,--they were few and far between. Another is introduced to our notice in the following record: April 25, 1728: Voted to support the widow Willis as we have done, she being more than ordinarily troublesome. Ten pounds were voted. Dec. 3, 1737: Voted that the town will not choose overseers of the poor. For many succeeding years, Medford took the same care of its poor as did other to
arliest recorded tax-payers. He m. Mary----; and d. Mar. 19, 1745, aged 89. His wife died April 18, 1758, aged 90, leaving--  1-2Mary, b. May 8, 1687; d. aged 25.  3Sarah, b. Sept. 8, 1690; d. Nov. 27, 1690.  4Ruth, b. Nov. 29, 1692; m. Benjamin Willis, Feb. 10, 1714.  5John, b. Feb. 11, 1694.  6Jonathan, b. Dec. 18, 1696.  7Sarah, b. Mar. 19, 1699.  8Samuel, b. Aug. 29, 1700.  9Susanna, b. Dec. 23, 1702; m. B. Scolly, of Bost., Feb. 17, 1731.  10Abigail, b. Apr. 29, 1704; m. Jona. d. Feb. 3, 1719, aged 5.   Mary, wife of John Willis, d. Feb. 12, 1716, aged 27 years 10 months.   The foregoing are all that can be found on our Medford records; but there are two branches probably connected, which I desire to record.   Benjamin Willis m. Ann Gammell, of Medford, and was probably connected with the Medford branch; very likely as son of Benjamin (13). He was killed at Louisburg, leaving a son,--   Benjamin, b. Jan. 10, 1743, who m. Mary Ball, of Charlestown, Oct.
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2, Chapter 1: the Boston mob (second stage).—1835. (search)
bag of feathers, a corrosive liquor, and a quantity of an indelible ink was procured and in readiness. The plan was, to take you and Mr. Thompson to the Common, strip, tar-and-feather you, and then dye your face and hands black in a manner that would never change from a night negro color. One of the young men told me that nothing but the energy and decision of the Mayor and his assistants saved you from your destined fate. According to E. N. Moore, it was a room-mate of his and Rand's, Ben. Willis, a very stout boy for his years, and full of the old Nick, who directed the mob to Wilson's Lane, discovered Mr. Garrison in his concealment, and put the rope around his body, holding on to it till knocked away by the rescuers (Boston Sunday Budget, Mar. 18, 1883). A cord was put around his body, under the arms. Several in the crowd sang out, Don't throw him out! Don't hurt him! A plank or ladder was then placed in the door at an angle of about forty-five degrees; in a sitting postur
rt George [1792-1861], 1.379. Graham Journal, 2.223. Grant, Moses [1785-862], paper dealer (Grant & Daniell), 1.223; attends G.'s lecture, 212. Grattan, Henry and James, 1.379. Greele, Samuel [1783-1861], type-founder, 1.73, (Greele & Willis), 220. Greeley, Horace [1811-1872], praises Journal of the Times, 1.113.—Portrait in Life. Green, Beriah, Rev. [b. Preston, Conn., Mar. 24, 1795; d. Whitesboro, N. Y., May 4, 1874], professor in Western Reserve College, 1.300; drops Coloniz463; V. P. of Am. Union, 1.470; praises Channing's Essay, 2.54; presides at Peace Convention, 227. Williams, Henry, part in Boston mob, 2.1, 17. Williams, John S., 1.279. Williams, Peter, Rev., 1.313. Williams, Ransom G., 2.75, 85. Willis, Benjamin, 2.21. Winslow, Edward, 2.198. Winslow, Emily Annette [b. Havre, France, July 5, 1822], delegate to World's Convention, 2.353, 383. Winslow, Hubbard, Rev. [1800-1864], puts human law above divine, 1.478, pro-slavery sermons, 2.63, conde
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., The Royall House loan exhibition. (search)
rant for Isaac Royall, Senior, issued in 1734, a pair of spectacles inscribed The gift of I. Royall to Simon Tufts, Esq., and a silver communion plate bequeathed to the Church of Christ in Medford were all the exhibits which referred personally to the ancient owners of the house. A special act of the General Court was necessary before the plate could be accepted by the church in Medford. There were interesting letters from Revolutionary soldiers in camp and in prison, the diary of Deacon Benjamin Willis, a prominent Medford citizen before the Revolution, and a few old love letters, among them one written by Parson Turell. Autograph letters of Samuel Sewall, Thomas Jefferson, Governor Brooks, Dr. Osgood, and other papers of especial interest to students of Medford history, over one hundred in all, made a valuable collection. From far and near visitors came to see the historic edifice, and one and all were charmed with the artistic arrangement of the house and marvelled that such