Named Entity Searches
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Your search returned 663 results in 293 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: June 29, 1861., [Electronic resource], The circulation of the Dispatch . (search)
The Daily Dispatch: August 7, 1861., [Electronic resource], List of wounded men in General Hospital , Charlottesville, Va. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: August 24, 1861., [Electronic resource], Contributions for the sick and wounded. (search)
At a Meeting of the people of the county of Hanover, held at Hanover Court-House, on Tuesday, the 24th September, 1861. being court day, on motion.
Major Thomas Doswell was called to the chair, and Wm. O. Winston chosen Secretary.
Whereupon Col. James Lyons being nominated.
And there being no one else is nomination, and the sense of the people being taken, Col. James Lyons was unanimously nominated as a candidate for a seat in the next Confederate Congress from this district.
On motion, Dr. John R. Garnett, of the county of Hanover, was unanimously nominated as a candidate for a seat in the State Senate for the district of which this county terms a part to fill the by the resignation of Williams C.
On motion John M. Taijverro was unanimously nominated to represent this county in the next to fill the vacancy
On motion, it was
Resolved. That the Secretary forward a copy of these to Col. James Lyons and to Dr. John.
Garnett, with the request accept
The Daily Dispatch: October 3, 1861., [Electronic resource], Candidates for Congress in North Carolina . (search)
--The following arrests were made by the police yesterday: Pat. Callahan, for stealing a pair of shoes from Putney & Watts; Michael Leany, for threatening Anna Riley with personal violence; and Benjamin Ballew, for trespassing on the premises of Tardy & Williams.
Hustings Court.
--The October term of the Hustings Court commences to-day.
Besides a large number of misdemeanors on the docket, the following cases of felony have been sent on for examination: John A. H. Armistead, William P. Armistead, and Charles Pendergrast, (alias Williams,) for stealing a $20 Confederate note from George A. Riouse; George Black, for stealing a watch from James Broderick; James M. Tyler, for obtaining the sum of $71.50 from J. W. Kiser by false pretences; Auguste Zahn, for stabbing Augustus Miller.