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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing forces at Shiloh. (search)
de loss: K, 70; w, 384; m, 4 = 458. Cavalry: 1st and 2d Battalions, 5th Ohio, Col. W. H. H. Taylor. Loss: k, 1; w, 6= 7. Artillery: 2d Mich. Battery, Lieut. C. W. Laing; Mann's Mo. Battery, Lieut. Edward Brotzmann; 13th Ohio Battery, Capt. John B. Myers. Artillery loss: k, 4; w, 27; m, 56 = 87. Fifth division, Brig.-Gen. William T. Sherman (w). Staff loss: w, 1. First Brigade, Col. John A. McDowell: 40th Ill., Col. Stephen G. Hicks (w), Lieut.-Col. James W. Boothe; 6th Iowa, Capt. John Williams (w), Capt. Madison M. Walden; .46th Ohio, Col. Thomas Worthington; 6th Ind. Battery, Capt. Frederick Behr (k). Brigade loss: k, 137; w, 444; m, 70=651. Second Brigade, Col. David Stuiart (w), Lieut.-Col. Oscar Malmborg (temporarily), Col. T. Kilby Smith: 55th Ill., Lieut.-Col. Oscar Malmborg; 54th Ohio, Col. T. Kilby Smith, Lieut.-Col. James A. Farden; 71st Ohio, Col. Rodney Mason. Brigade loss: k, 80; w, 380; m, 90 = 550. Third Brigade, Col. Jesse Hildebrand: 53d Ohio, Col. J. J. Ap
Oh, they're only niggers! So, in regard to General Prentiss, they might say: Oh, he's only a Yankee abolitionist! And shame mantles my brow as I say that there is a class of men in the North, whom this answer would not only satisfy, but actually delight. Thank God that this class is a harmless minority! What a sorry figure they will cut after the war is over, and the rebels thrashed back into the Union! They remind me of an anecdote I once heard, of a man named John Williams. John was a poor, lazy coward himself, while his wife was just the reverse. Moving to a mountainous region in Virginia, they got a little cabin and lot of ground. One day Lucy, his wife, was working in the garden, while John was nursing the baby. Suddenly an old, hungry bear was seen coming down the mountain side, directly toward them. John instantly dropped the child, ran to the cabin, climbed up the ladder into the loft, and pulled the ladder up after him, thus leaving the mother
eir position. Captain Ward behaved with great coolness, standing by the guns and directing the fire. When his gunner received a wound in the thigh, which disabled him, he immediately took his place, and was sighting the gun when he received a Minie musket ball, which killed him almost instantly. The men left on the shore by the boats in their retreat swam out to the Freeborn--one of the men carrying on his back a wounded comrade named Bess, who had four musket balls shot into him. John Williams, coxswain of the third cutter, received a flesh wound in the leg while waving the Stars and Stripes, which he carried in his hand the whole time, behaving most gallantly under the hottest fire. The American ensign, which he never ceased to wave, was pierced with nineteen musket balls. Only three men of the boats were wounded, and the only life lost was that of the Owens to gallant Ward, who, the moment the enemy was discovered, blew the signal for the crews to come aboard, and instantl
ced the pickets, and followed in the trail of the rebels for some distance, finding four rifles and three revolvers, which the latter threw away in their hasty flight. One of the revolvers, very valuable, was marked with the name of John Johnson, a former living in that vicinity, who is a noted rebel. The Pennsylvanians behaved with great spirit and with the coolness of veterans, boldly holding their position, though wounded, in the hope of being reinforced.--N. Y. Herald, July 1. John Williams, who behaved so bravely in the skirmish at Matthias Point, carrying the American flag out of the fight in safety, though it was completely riddled with bullets as he went, was promoted to the post of Master's Mate for his gallant conduct.--N. Y. Times, July 1. Yesterday the armed steamer Sumter, of the Confederate States Navy, ran the blockade of New Orleans, and got safely to sea. The New Orleans Picayune, in noting the fact, said:--The first vessel of our little navy, the C. S. st
cupied in getting their guns, horses, and carriages on the cars. The battery consists of six rifled 6-pounders, and besides the regular caissons it has baggage wagons, forges, magazines, etc. Six hundred Schenckl's shell and James's projectile were sent from the State Arsenal for the use of the battery. The United States Marshal, at Boston, Mass., arrested a person who registered himself at the Parker House as C. Jordan, Pittsburg, Pa., but who subsequently has confessed himself as John Williams, of Norfolk, Va., and was supposed to hold a commission in the rebel army. He was arrested as a spy, and by orders received from the Secretary of War, was sent to Fort Lafayette, New York harbor.--N. Y. Tribune, August 11. The Third Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, who were in the battle at Bull Run, returned to Hartford, and were received amid the firing of guns, the cheers of the firemen and military, and an immense throng of citizens, who had assembled to welcome them home.--
December 13. Major Williams of the Third Kansas regiment, made a dash into Missouri from Mound City, and burned the villages of Papinsville and Butler, (the latter is the county seat of Bates County,) and returned with a large number of refugees, quantities of stock, &c. They had two men killed at Butler. These towns had for a long time been the resort of a guerilla band of rebels. This day one of the hardest battles of the war was fought at Alleghany Camp, Pocohontas County, Virginia, between Gen. R. H. Milroy, commanding the Union troops, and Gen. Johnson, of Georgia, commanding the rebels. The fight lasted from daylight till three P. M. The Union loss is about thirty, and the rebel loss over two hundred, including a major and many other officers, and thirty prisoners. Gen. Johnson was shot in the mouth, but not fatally. The Twelfth Georgia regiment suffered the most. Gen. Milroy's force numbered seven hundred and fifty men from the Ninth and Thirteenth Indiana, and t
ndon, England, a deputation from the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society waited upon Mr. Adams, the American Minister, and presented an address, in which the hope was expressed that the restoration of the Union would be founded upon the abolition of the true cause of the strife.--London Times, April 18. Sixty-one of Ashby's cavalry, including three officers, were captured this morning, and carried into Woodstock, Va. They were at their break-fast, just at daybreak, in a church, and were surrounded by a body of Ringgold's cavalry, and four companies of infantry, of the Forty-sixth Pennsylvania volunteers, of Gen. Williams's division, and surrendered without resistance. The affair occurred several miles beyond Columbia Furnace, and within seven miles of Mount Jackson.--N. Y. World, April 17. A fight occurred at Lee's Mills, Va., between four companies of the Third regiment of Vermont volunteers and a party of rebel troops under the command of Gen. Howell Cobb.--(Doc. 142.)
Union advance in order to gain time for the destruction of bridges, railway cars, engines, and other material which had accumulated at the terminus of the road, but the movement of the National troops was so sudden that they made a precipitate retreat, and much of the property already prepared for conflagration was captured. In this movement Col. Carroll's brigade of Gen. Shields's division led the advance on the back road to the rear of Mount Jackson, and Gen. McCall on the turnpike. Gen. Williams, with his main division, brought up the reserved column. In the confederate House of Representatives, at Richmond, Va., a committee appointed to investigate the Roanoke Island disaster, presented a voluminous report which concludes by saying that: Whatever blame or responsibility is justly attributable to any one for the defeat of our troops at Roanoke Island on the eighth of February last, should attach to Major-General Huger and Mr. Benjamin, the late Secretary of War. --Charlesto
, La., surrendered to the naval forces of the United States, under the command of Flag-Officer D. G. Farragut.--(Doc. 149.) Major-Gen. C. F. Smith died at Savannah, Tenn., at four o'clock this afternoon, of dysentery. He was taken sick shortly after the occupation of Savannah by the forces under him. Major Von Steinhaus, Capt. Botticher, and Capt. Camp, of the Sixty-eighth regiment of New York volunteers; Lieut. Lombard, Battalion Adjutant Eighth Illinois cavalry, and Assist. Surg. Williams, First New York artillery, were, by the order of President Lincoln, struck from the roll of the army, for being captured while straggling, without authority, beyond the National lines. Com. Paulding published a letter giving an account of the destruction of the Norfolk Navy-Yard, in April, 1861.--(Doc. 148.) Henry Kuhl, Hamilton W. Windon, and Conrad Kuhl, having been tried by court-martial, in Western Virginia, and found guilty of murdering a Union soldier, the two first named w
linois cavalry. There was no general engagement, and the Federal loss was but two killed and three wounded. The rebels captured a number of guns and overcoats, together with a quantity of ammunition, camp equipage, and about fifty horses. They did not hold the town, but retreated to their camp, eighteen miles from Neosho. The schooner Cora was captured this day off the bar of Charleston, S. C., by the United States steamer Keystone State.--A force of Union troops, under command of Gen. Williams, arrived at Baton Rouge, La., in the gunboat Kennebec. A sharp fight took place on the Greenville road, eight miles above Washington, N. C., between a Union scouting party of fifteen men, of Mix's Third New York cavalry, under Lieutenant Allis, and a superior force of rebel cavalry, resulting in the defeat of the rebels, with a loss of three men killed, six wounded, and two taken prisoners unhurt. None of the Union party were killed, and but one was wounded. Major-Gen. Butler,