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the Back road. Fitzhugh Lee being wounded, his cavalry, under General Wickham, was sent to Milford to prevent Fisher's Hill from being turne two of Merritt's brigades, in the expectation that he would drive Wickham out of the Luray Pass by Early's right, and by crossing the Massanshing at Gooney Run, got as far as Milford, but failed to dislodge Wickham. In fact, he made little or no attempt to force Wickham from his Wickham from his position, and with only a feeble effort withdrew. I heard nothing at all from Torbert during the 22d, and supposing that everything was progunable to account satisfactorily for Torbert's failure. No doubt, Wickham's position near Milford was a strong one, but Torbert ought to havext morning Early was Joined by Lomax's cavalry from Harrisonburg, Wickham's and Payne's brigades of cavalry also uniting with him from the Lailroad bridge when, attacked by Pegram's division of infantry and Wickham's cavalry, he was compelled to fall back to Staunton. From the la
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Chancellorsville-report of Major-General Stuart. (search)
s new line of defence, which his engineers had constructed in his rear, ready for occupation, at the intersection of the Ely's ford and United States ford roads. Gen. Anderson's division, of the right wing, arrived upon the field comparatively fresh. I set about reforming my command, with a view to a renewal of the attack, when the Commanding-General received intelligence that the enemy had crossed at Fredericksburg, and taken Marye's hill. An aide-de-camp of Gen. Sedgwick, captured by Col. Wickham's regiment on the right near Banks' ford, reported two corps under command of Sedgwick. The Commanding-General decided to hold Hooker, beaten as he was, in his works, with Jackson's corps, and detach enough of other forces to turn on Sedgwick. The success of this strategy enabled him again to concentrate to force Hooker's position; and arrangements were made for attack with this corps on the morning of the 6th (Wednesday); but before it was begun our skirmishers found the enemy's works
e loss of the enemy in killed and wounded is believed to be considerably greater than ours. This is usually the case with the army that is defeated. Among our slain are Lieutenant-Colonel Hampton of General Hampton's brigade, and Colonel Saul Williams of the Second North-Carolina regiment. Colonel Butler of South-Carolina had his foot shot off, and has suffered amputation. General W. H. F. Lee received a painful but not dangerous flesh-wound in the thigh. He came down yesterday to Colonel Wickham's in Hanover. Colonel A. W. Harman of the Twelfth Virginia cavalry was wounded, but not seriously, in the neck. The forces engaged on our side were the brigades of Generals Hampton, W. H. F. Lee, and Jones. We understand that the Yankees burned Kelly's Mill. The fight, on the whole, may be said to have begun in a surprise and ended in a victory. The latter is what we are accustomed to hear of confederate soldiers; the former we trust never to hear again. The rebel press
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 1: operations in Virginia.--battle of Chancellorsville.--siege of Suffolk. (search)
was chosen. Preparations for a struggle in the morning were then made. The National line extended from the Rappahannock to the Wilderness Church, two miles west of Chancellorsville. Meade's corps, with a division of Couch's, formed the left; Slocum's and a division of Sickles's the center, and Howard's the right, with Pleasanton's cavalry near. The Confederate line extended from the Mine road on their right to the Catharine Furnace on the left, having the Virginian cavalry of Owen and Wickham on the right, and Stuart's and a part of Fitzhugh Lee's on the left, at the Furnace. McLaws's forces occupied the ridge on the east of the Big Meadow Swamp, and Anderson continued the line to the left of McLaws. Such was, the general disposition of the opposing forces on the morning of the 2d of May. 1863. Lee was satisfied that his situation was a perilous one, and he was unwilling to risk the danger of making a direct attack upon Hooker. His chief counselor was the bold Jackson, who
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 13: invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania-operations before Petersburg and in the Shenandoah Valley. (search)
lt was made on Early's left, which drove that part of his line from the North Mountain. At the same time his whole front was broken by a general attack, when his entire force retreated in much disorder, and fled swiftly up the valley, leaving behind them sixteen guns and over a thousand prisoners. So ended, in a complete victory for Sheridan, the battle of Fisher's Hill. Meanwhile Torbert and his horsemen had been held in check at Milford, in the Luray Valley, by a cavalry force under General Wickham, who had fought Wilson at Front Royal the previous day. Sept. 21, 1864. This check doubtless saved Early's army from total Sheridan's Headquarters near Cedar Creek. destruction by capture or dispersion. Sheridan followed the Confederates sharply, chasing them with horse and foot to Port Republic, See page 899, Volume II. where he destroyed Early's train of seventy-five wagons. Thence he sent his cavalry in pursuit as far as Staunton, where the remnant of Early's army sought an
s critical, and there was obviously no time to be lost. Weary and footsore as were his men, he at once dispatched Gen. Trimble, with the 21st North Carolina and 21st Georgia infantry, under Stuart — who took part of his cavalry — with orders to strike Manassas Junction, seven miles farther north, carry it at all hazards, and capture the large amount of stores there collected. Stuart moved slowly, because of the darkness of the night, as well as the weariness of his command; but, sending Col. Wickham, with the 4th Virginia cavalry, to the rear of the Junction, he charged and carried it with his infantry before midnight, capturing 8 guns, 300 prisoners, 175 horses, 200 new tents, 10 locomotives, 7 trains loaded with provisions and munitions, and immense quantities of quartermaster and commissary stores. Our forces, consisting of the 11th New York battery and 4 or 5 companies of infantry, seem to have been taken by surprise; which is the more unaccountable since a train, which had bare
d men to hold Imboden there, and pushed on toward Salem. That General could not pursue without uncovering Staunton, the force threatening nearly equalling his own. General Lee was informed of the situation of affairs. Here commences the reign of Major-Generals and military science. Major-General Tubal A. Early came; Major-General Fitz-Hugh Lee came; Brigadier-General Walker came; Brigadier-General Thomas came; their staffs came. They all took a drink. General Early took two. Brigadier-General Wickham came; Colonel Chambliss, commanding a brigade, came. They smiled also. When Averill was opposite Staunton, Fitz Lee was at Fry Depot, on the Virginia Central Railroad, a day's march from that town — a fortunate occurrence, indeed. Every body thought Averill was treed now. Lee was ordered across the Blue Ridge. He passed through Brown's Gap, and struck the valley turnpike at Mount Crawford, eight miles above Harrisonburgh — a miserable mistake; one day's march lost. He then m
Captain Ash's gallantry, and the bravery of his men in accomplishing this feat in the face of a rebel cavalry brigade (Wickham's) drawn up in the woods not over three hundred yards distant, are universally mentioned in terms of the highest commende afterward seen, however, moving on our right and left, and General Custer, having ascertained to his satisfaction that Wickham's brigade of cavalry, together with a considerable force of infantry, were in his immediate front, seeing the hopelessnehell killing three of the enemy. In the first charge, thirty rebel prisoners were taken, who stated that the whole of Wickham's brigade, commanded by Stuart in person, was in our front, the major portion being at Banks's Mills Ford awaiting Custenight in the woods, while he baited his horses and refreshed his men. General Stuart, with two thousand cavalrymen of Wickham's and Fitz-Hugh Lee's brigades, was marching toward his rear. The next morning about nine o'clock General Custer marche
ffect from our guns on this side. I lost not a man killed on the expedition, and only a few slight wounds. The enemy's loss is not known, but Pelham's one gun compelled the enemy's battery to change its position three times. The remainder of the march was destitute of interest. The conduct of the command and their behavior toward the inhabitants is worthy of the highest praise; a few individual cases only were exceptions in this particular. Brig.-Gen. Hampton and Colonels Lee, Jones, Wickham, and Butler, and the officers and men under their command, are entitled to my lasting gratitude for their coolness in danger and cheerful obedience to orders. Unoffending persons were treated with civility, and the inhabitants were generous in proffers of provisions on the march. We seized and brought over a large number of horses, the property of citizens of the United States. The valuable information obtained in this reconnoissance as to the distribution of the enemy's force was comm
depot of the enemy at Manassas Junction, about seven miles distant, on the road to Alexandria. General Trimble volunteered to proceed at once to that place, with the Twenty-first North-Carolina and the Twenty-first Georgia regiments. The offer was accepted, and to render success more certain, General Jackson directed General Stuart to accompany the expedition with part of his cavalry, and, as ranking officer, to assume the command. Upon arriving near the junction, General Stuart sent Colonel Wickham, with his regiment, the Fourth Virginia cavalry, to get in rear of the enemy, who opened with musketry and artillery upon our troops as they approached. The darkness of the night and ignorance of the enemy's numbers and position made it necessary to move cautiously; but about midnight the place was taken with little difficulty, those that defended it being captured or dispersed. Eight pieces of artillery, with their horses, ammunition, and equipments, were taken; more than three hundr