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red a resolution instructing the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire whether, under the Constitution, the Confederate Government has any power to purchase or impress slaves, to be used as soldiers upon condition of future emancipation. Laid on the table — yeas, 35; nays, 32. Patriotic resolutions, adopted by McGowan's and Bratton's South Carolina brigades; by Humphrey's Mississippi brigade, and by a portion of the Thirteenth regiment Virginia infantry, were presented by various members and ordered to be printed. Under a suspension of the rules, Mr. Wickham, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported back the Senate amendments to the bill to increase the efficiency of the cavalry, and recommended that the House should not concur therein. The House, refusing to concur, tendered a conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses. On motion of Mr. Lyon, of Alabama, the House went into secret session. When the doors were opened the House adjourned.
. Blandford, the House resolved into secret session. The doors being opened, Mr. Baldwin, of Virginia, from the Special Committee on Impressments, reported a bill "to provide for the establishment and payment of claims for certain descriptions of property informally impressed for the use of the army." Approved June 4, 1864. Mr. Hanly, of Arkansas, moved to amend by inserting in the second section, after the word "actually," the words, "and necessarily"; which was agreed to. Mr. Wickham, of Virginia, offered the following amendment as an independent section: "The said commissioners shall also receive and take proof in relation to timber, fuel and materials taken or informally impressed in like manner as is provided in the case of forage, etc., in the act of which this is an amendment." The amendment was agreed to and the bill passed. Mr. Baldwin also reported a bill "relative to the impressment of slaves," with a recommendation that it do pass. The bill was passed
, Conrad, Darden, De Janette, Dickinson, Dupre, Elliott, Ewing, Funsten, Garther, Goode, Gray, Hanly, Johnston, Keeble, Lyon, Marchen, Marshall, McMullin, Menees, Miller, Moore, Murray, Perkins, Read, Simpson, Snead, Staples, Triplett, Villere. Nays--Messrs. Atkins, Baldwin, Branch, Chambers, Colyar, Cruikshank, Fuller, Gholson, Gilmer, Hartridge, Hatcher, Herbert, Holliday, J. M. Leach, J. T. Leach, Logan, McCallum, Ramsay, Rogers, Sexton, J. M. Smith, Smith of North Carolina, Turner, Wickham, Wilkes, Witherspoon, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Lyon, from the Committee on Ways and Means, reported a bill for the relief of the Exchange Bank at Norfolk, which was considered and passed. Mr. Chrisman, of Kentucky, offered a bill "to authorize prisoners of war to fund treasury notes," which was amended and passed. [The bill provides that one hundred dollar notes in the hands of prisoners of war on the 1st day of July, 1864, may be funded within ninety days after exchange in four per cent
g, Funsten, Gholson, Goode, Gray Hartridge, Hatcher, Heiskell, Holliday, Johnston, Keeble, Lyon, Machen, Miller, Moore, Perkins, Read, Russell, Sexton, Swan, Triplett, Villere, Wilks, Mr. Speaker. --Yeas, 36. Nays.--Anderson, Baldwin, Barksdale, Baylor, Blandford, Branch, Burnett, Clopton, Colyar, Darden, Farrow, Fuller Gaither, Gilmer, Hanley, Herbert, J. M. Leach, Marshall, McCallum, McMullen, Miles, Ramsay, Rogers, Simpson, J. M. Smith, Smith of N. C., Snead, Staples, Turner, Welsh, Wickham, Witherspoon.--Nays, 32. The following is a copy of the bill as passed: Whereas, The Confederate States are invaded, and the public safety requires the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, the Congress of Confederate States do enact, That the privilege of habeas corpus is hereby suspended until otherwise provided by law, in all cases of arrest or detention by order of the President, the Secretary of War, or the General Officer commanding the Trans-Mississippi
e, the bill was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. On motion, by Mr. Burnett, of Kentucky, the Senate resolved into executive session. House of Representatives. Thursday,March 16, 1865. The doors being re-opened, Mr. Wickham, of Virginia, asked leave of absence for Mr. Lyon, of Alabama, from and after to-morrow afternoon, which was agreed to. The vote by which the bill "to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to receive specie from the several States of thton, Cluskey, Darden, Dupre, Elliott, Farrow, Gaither, Gholson, Goode, Gray, Hanly, Hartridge, Herbert, Johnson, Keeble, Machen, Marshall, McCallum, McMullin, Perkins, Pugh, Read, Rogers, Russell, Simpson, J. M. Smith, Triplett, Turner, Villere, Wickham and Witherspoon--39. Those who voted in the negative were-- Messrs. Barksdale, Batson, Bradley, E. M. Bruce, Carroll, Colyar, Conrad, Conrow, De Jarnette, Dickinson, Ewing, Hatcher, Holliday, Lyon, Menees, Mills, Sexton and Wilkes--18.
President Wickham, Superintendent Whitcomb, and the Directors of the Virginia Central railroad, passed up, to inspect the western end of the road, Monday night. We learn the hog cholera has been prevailing in the neighborhood of Greenville, in this county. --Staunton Virginian. The New York canals have closed for the season, although navigation is unobstructed. Northern capitalists are establishing loan associations in Virginia. Charles Dickens contemplates a visit to this country during the next spring or summer.