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to move, and in a brief time the men commenced moving with their usual alacrity. They had proceeded as far as a place which was known as The Chapel, when they encountered, or rather surprised, a rebel picket-guard, consisting of one company of Whitford's men, under Captain White. Upon the approach of our men, the rebels stood gaping with wonder, apparently not knowing whether we were friends or enemies; but a peremptory demand to surrender brought them to their senses, and off they attempted lery, having six pieces of the latter, followed our retreating column closely. Their force is under-stood to have been composed of Martin's brigade, consisting of the Seventeenth, forty-second, Fiftieth, and Sixty-third North-Carolina infantry; Whitford's battalion of rangers, and a part of Nethercutt's battalion of rangers. The name of their artillery was not known; but it is certain it was handsomely handled, giving our four little pieces all the work they could conveniently do. Their object