Your search returned 31 results in 8 document sections:

ieut-Colonel, E. K. Warren; Major,------Davies; Adjutant, Joseph Hamlin; Surgeon, Dr. R. II. Gilbert; Assistant Surgeon, Dr. B. E. Martin; Chaplain, the Rev. G. Winslow. Company A, Capt., H. D. Hull; Lieut., W. T. Partridge; Ensign, J. W. Patten. Company B, Capt., R. S. Dumont; Lieut., Gouv. Carr; Ensign, T. S. Demart. Company C, Capt., Hy. E. Davis; Lieut., G. D. Florence; Ensign, Chas. H. Seymour. Company D, Capt., J. L. Wall; Lieut.,----Lewis; Ensign,-----Corcoran. Company E, Capt., H. Duryea; Lieut., G. Duryea; Ensign, H. H. Burnett. Company F, Capt., H. A. Swartout; Lieut., A. Wetmore; Ensign, Carlisle Boyd. Company G, Capt., A. Teneyek; Lieut., Jacob Duryea; Ensign, Jos. H. Bradley. Company H, Capt., G. Gilpatrick; Lieut., S. S. Cambreling; Ensign, Jas. Miller. Company J, Capt., Chas. C. Bartlett; Lieut., Jas. S. York; Ensign, S. Hayward Whitmore. Company K, Capt., Cleaveland Winslow; Lieut., W. H. White; Ensign,-----Ferguson.--N. Y. Tribune, May 24.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
tch, Private John Altman, Edmund Burnside, J. R. Beaseley, H. Coon, Private W. C. Cobb, L. B. Deaser, W. Greeke, Reubin Prevatt, O. M. D. Weeks, W. H. White. Co. I. 2d Sergeant John McKeowne, 4th Corporal Allen Smith, Private Andrew Giddings, Private Geo. W. Rosa, Jno. Vaughn, Jno. Carter. Co. K. . A. 1st Sergeant J. R. Campbell, Private P. F. M. Cumerford, W. T. Lancaster, Private J. M. Lindsey, H. D. Skelton. Co. B. Corporal D. Kirkland, Private W. H. White, D. Osborne, Private T. Ray, T. W. Duckworth, J. F. Shelton. Co. C. Corporal F. P. Adams, Private D. A. Bell, N. L. Furguson, Private J. D. Stapp. Robinson, D. G. Starkie, L. J. Starkie, D. Bars, H. E. Turner, H. D. Bolen, L. W. Sutcliffe, D. J. Aule. Co. I. Private H. H. Hawkins, T. McHall, W. H. White, T. P. Garrett, W. R. Garrett. T. Hall, J. W. Powell, Private L. C. Clanton, J. M. Carwile, R. B. Dean, Private Z. Ruff, W. S. Stewart. Co. K. Cap
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
, 113 Page, Richard L., 113 Paxton, E. F., 113 Payne W H., 114,285 Pegram John 114 Pemberton John C., 114 Pickett, Geo. E., 115 Pendleton Wm. N. 114 Pryor Roger A., 115 Randolph, Geo. W, 115 Reynolds, Alex W., 115 Robertson, Heverley H., 115 Rosser, Thos. L., 116 Ruggles, Daniel, 116 Slaughter, J. E., 116 Smith, Wm., 117 Stevens, Walter H., 117 Stevenson, Carter L., 117 Stuart J E. B, 117 Taliaferro Wm. B., 118 Terrell James B., 118 Terry, Wm., 118 Terry. W. R., 119 Walker, Henry E., 119 Walker James A., 119 Walker, R. Lindsey, 119 Weisiger, D A., 119 Wharton Gabriel C.. 120 Wickham, Williams C., 120 Wise, Henry A., 120 Wilcox's Old Brigade at the Crater, 164 Washburn, Gen. C. C., 180 Washington Artillery. 23 Weitzel, Gen., Godfrey, 92 Whiskey, Insurrection of, 1792, 64 White, W. H., 359 Wyatt, Henry W., The first to die in the War, 1861-5, A monument proposed to, 354 Yellow Tavern, Action at, 121 Yancey, W. L, 209
The Sermon of the Rev. De. Moory, delivered before the congregations of the First and Second Presbyterian Churches in this city, on the National Fast Day, November 15, has been published by request, and is for sale at the bookstore of W. H. White. We have read this admirable production, as we read everything from the gifted pen of its eminent and excellent author, with the most sincere satisfaction. The leading points of the discourse are that "War is a part of the agency by which God disciplines nations." 2. "The proper resort of a people in time of war is to God." 3. "We should then gird ourselves for this conflict, in the hope that God will maintain our cause." These positions are sustained and illustrated with the power, brilliancy, eloquence, and pathos, characteristic of Dr. Moore's remarkable pulpit ability. No patriot can read it without being nerved to do, to dare, and to die for his country; no Christian, without feeling to his heart's inmost cere that "the Lord of
Prince William, April 7th; John, Peter and Landy Dowell, in Prince William county, April 7th; James Proctor, in Fredericksburg, April 8th, and A. McMillen, (claims to be a British subject,) in King George, March 28th. Yankees; Richard Edgarly, D. 7th May, captured at Lee's Mills. April 22; John R. Morse, musician, 9th N. Y., at Camden C. H., N. C., April 20th; James E. Strachen, at Camden C. H. N.C.,; Martin Conway, at Camden C. H. N.C.,; A. Creekston, F, 9th N. Y.,at Camden C. H. N.C.,; W. H. White, G, 9th N. Y., at Camden C. H. N.C.,; Harry Clifford, signal corps, at Camden C. H. N.C.; John Plunkard, C, 51st Pa., at Camden C. H. N.C.; S. G. Gwynn, O. S., D. 89th N. Y. at South Mills, April 20th; M. Brickley, 3d serg't D, 39th N. Y., at Camden C. H. N. C. Lieut. Alexander, of Co. "B," 19th Virginia regiment, brought down last night, in the Central cars. from Gordonsville, two Yankees, named Wm. Dunbar and Jas. Howick, members of the 14th New York regiment, (Brooklyn Zouaves.)
horror, from the lips of the widow of the murdered man, W. H. White, a resident of De Soto county, Miss., who was slain on tnd about twenty of them returned on Friday, reaching the widow White's about 1 o'clock P. M. They stopped for water, when the, while the rest of the Federals fled in all directions. Mr. White was not at home at the time, and had never belonged to anois regiment, under command of Capt. Bycourt, arrived at Mrs. White's from Memphis and inquired for Mr. White, alleging thatMr. White, alleging that he was among those who shot the Federals in the morning, and that if he could be found he should die. This was stated tnd to two other young ladies of the vicinity who were at Mrs. White's. About this time Mr. White who had seen this large forMr. White who had seen this large force stop at his house, and feared some rudeness to the ladies there, came up in order to pacify the Federals if it could be do the South killed. When the order was given to shoot Mr. White, some dozen caps went off, but the pistols hung fire. He
Execution at Chattanooga. --The Chattanooga (Tenn.) correspondent of the Augusta Chronicle, writing on the 25th ult., says: Saturday afternoon I witnessed another execution. First-Lieut. W. H. White, 4th Georgia cavalry, was hung for being guilty my, advising desertion, and deserting himself. He was a young man, about twenty three years of age. He stood the trial like a man. The rope failed to break his neck, and he died very hard — struggling for three or four minutes. It was a horrid sight.
s fire from Cummings's Point. In about half an hour one of the monitors left, it is believed badly damaged. The engagement was continued by the others until four o'clock, when they also hauled off, batteries Gregg and Wagner giving them a parting salute. Our batteries struck the monitors twenty-eight times, some of the shots striking plump on the knuckle or base of the turret, evidently inflicting considerable damage. The heavy booming of the cannon heard in the city brought crowds to White Point battery and other points of observation, to witness the conflict. The monitors during the action fired very slowly. The casualties on our side are reported to be very slight. With the exception of this engagement there has been no further demonstration by the fleet. The number of vessels inside the bar yesterday was forty-one, including the Ironsides and five monitors. The bombardment between the land-batteries continued last night up to the hour of closing our report, twelve o